The Energy of Holy Places

937Question: People from all over the world come to our Kabbalistic center. As a rule, they arrange tours to Kabbalistic places and after passing through all these important, energetic spiritual points, then leave for their cities and countries.

Can this be compared to how waters descend from Mount Hermon into Lake Kinneret?

Answer: Naturally. Of course, they will take all the energy of the holy places with them, and then it will work in the regions where they live. Therefore, it is very good that they visit special places.

While there they read texts prepared in advance for each place in their languages, in order to merge into the energy that exists there, to come into contact with those forces that affect them, it only depends on the person—to reveal them for himself or not.

And when they arrive home, even when they forget about it, they will still subconsciously radiate this divine force received here in the holy land.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalistic Geography” 10/10/10

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