Everything Will Change in a Blink of an Eye

292Question: Igor asks: “I am an empath; I am physically shaken by the troubles that are happening around. How can I learn not to empathize?”

Answer: No, it is necessary to empathize. This is how we were created. We just need to create a parallel system in ourselves that will understand why everything negative is happening. In order for us to complement this with a positive to extinguish this negative.

Comment: Igor writes that he is deeply shaken by what is happening, he empathizes with it.

My Response: Nothing of this is needed. Absolutely! It is necessary to relate to this very simply.

Everything in the world is in an exceptional form. It depends only on us as to how these opposing forces and phenomena will complement each other to absolute, complete perfection. That is what we need to desire.

Question: Reveal the secret; how do you see it all? We see it quite differently. Look at what is happening: wars are being prepared there; weapons are being accumulated over there; people are dying and close to death from hunger in other places. So, he says it shakes him deeply. How can you say, everything is in a state of perfection?

Answer: First, it is necessary to try to reach the feeling of the Creator, who manages all this, and manages it absolutely calmly, methodically, and with love. And He already sees the beginning, the middle, and the end in one absolute state. This is the first.

Second, everything that happens in the world happens inside of us. Inside of us, only inside of us, and not somewhere outside where stars explode, something falls down, something is being done. This is how it seems to a person. For this, we just need to read a little bit of Kabbalistic materials regarding the impression about the world, the universe, about what is happening. It is all inside of us and only inside of us. And if we change our qualities, then accordingly we will change our perception of the world, and we will see a completely different world.

How could it be? After all, I can see who is killing whom, who is doing something with someone. Look at what is going on in the world! Just evil, only evil. It is because that is how I look at it, at this world.

Comment: So you say in a simple way: inside me is war, I see war; inside me is evil, I see evil; inside me is hate, I see hate.

My Response: Yes. This is called an “egoistic, individualistic perception of the world.”

Question: So, this is my correction?

Answer: Change yourself and you will see a different world. And what is it like in general? It is nothing! A simple light flooding the entire universe.

Question: Am I in front of this light?

Answer: To the extent that I can imagine it. And not further. But I think we are getting closer to it.

Question: Do you have such a feeling?

Answer: Yes, I hope that it is getting closer and closer and more tangible

Question: And a person will be able to understand that if he changes, the world will change?

Answer: It is very easy. It will suddenly be simply as usual for people, why didn’t we see this before?

Question: It will not be like a discovery of America?

Answer: No. People will just talk about it as if it was also so yesterday. So, it was not there yesterday, you didn’t see it. You say “yesterday”?

Who?! We?! How could it be?

Question: Are you talking about what a person would possibly say: “I’ve changed, the world has changed”?

Answer: He will not even realize that he has changed; it will be so natural.

Question: Just the world will change, that’s all?

Answer: Yes. He’ll live in a different world.

Question: But is it going to happen because of his internal efforts that have been going on all the time?

Answer: But not everyone made internal efforts. But in general, it will happen anyway.

Question: Who does it, a person, or is it done by the light, the Creator?

Answer: The light of course! But we need to ask very hard for the light to do this with us.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/14/22

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