Potentially Revealing the Next Degree

945Question: How does your mutual activity with students occur: contact, symbiosis, or connection?

Answer: When students ask me questions and convey their desire to me, I start to dig into myself and find the answer. I myself do not have these questions. It is like a child who asks: “Dad, how does it work?” Then the father starts thinking about it and explaining it to him, but otherwise, the father would not have thought about it.

But there is no problem for me. Let’s say that the father needs to know a certain device, instrument, or story, and if he did not know it, then he could not give an answer to the child. I do not have such a problem because I am in the general system of the universe. Therefore, when students ask me something, they highlight this system to me with their questions, and I explain it to them. The only problem is how to present everything so that it is clear to them.

Comment: But everyone understands that this is literally just one second of insight that disappears from a person.

My Response: It does not matter!  If the desire of people connected to mine, to my capabilities, and made disclosure, then it remains in the world and makes it easier for everyone to further disclose and use it.

By doing this, I am potentially revealing the next degrees, which will then be very easy to reveal. In other words, the degrees already exist, and you will climb them. I am preparing this for the future.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How does Laitman use students?” 12/15/12

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