Matriarchy Awaits Us!

294.2Comment: The first social system was matriarchal. Women used to rule everything.

My Response: We started with the matriarchy, and we will finish with it.

Comment: But according to the law of nature, men in the chain of evolution, in receiving light, are closer to transmitting it to women.

My Response: So, what?! Who is the carrier of the matter of our world? It is the one that needs to be corrected and connected with the Creator? Women. The female part will really be the main one, and the male part will be the correcting one.

What is important to us: the tools with which they fix or what they fix? The desire is corrected. A woman in our world embodies universal desire. And with what is it corrected? With the help of men. It is corrected and that’s it. It can be put away.

Question: Let’s say we corrected this desire. What will the role of men be in the future?

Answer: None! All together are fully connected with the Creator. But it is thanks to the fact that the female part has been corrected.

Question: Why was the whole ancient culture based on the fact that a woman was at the head of society?

Answer: Because it is the basis of nature. Until egoism began to develop and man began to hunt for prey, everything concentrated around the woman.

It is the same with animals. The most important thing is the female part, it reproduces offspring and takes care of them. And the male took part in the creation of offspring and left.

Of course, there are isolated individuals who are connected to the family for life, or at least until the cubs grow up. And, in principle, everything is around the mother. She is the main force; she takes care of everything.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Matriarchy Is Waiting for Us!” 9/1/13

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