Will a Woman Rule Over a Man?

961.2In this world, a man rules over a woman, but in the future a woman will rule over a man, as it is written: “A woman will rule over a man.” (Midrash Tehilim).

Question: This is some kind of internal statement. What is “a woman will rule over a man in the future”?

Answer: Of course, we mean human desire, which is called feminine. It will be corrected and therefore it will rule.

Question: Could you explain this phrase more simply: “Today a man rules a woman, and in the future a woman will rule a man”?

Answer: I think that is where we are heading, and we understand that. We see that the world is changing gradually. Women go through all kinds of organizations and occupy various very serious posts.

It is no secret that the woman is superior in the house, and so it is written in the Torah.

Question: And you say that according to this statement, we men will concede to this?

Answer: Men will give in to this. In general, a man inside himself is ready for this. There is a lot left in him from the boy who is raised by his mother. It is in each of us. And that is why I think that all this will come out and be realized by everyone in such a prominent, correct form.

Comment: Now when we see how wars, conflicts, and so on are developing, there is a lot tied to the male part.

My Response: That is why there are wars and conflicts. If women rule the world more, there will be fewer wars, fewer conflicts, and fewer problems in general.

I do not mean the type of women who get out into the streets and scream, but rather the real women who are aware of themselves as wives and mothers. They lead families, take care of families, children, the future, and so on. It is practically not a man’s job; it is more a woman’s job.

Question: Is taking care of the country more of a woman’s job?

Answer: Female, any care is a woman. And any fulfillment of a woman’s desire is a man.

Question: Do you connect it? A woman—the house and a woman—and the head of the country?

Answer: Of course. It is the same thing.

Question: So she suddenly feels everyone as her children? Everything is like her house?

Answer: Yes. Who else can think about it?

Question: Where do you find such women? Please tell me.

Answer: They will appear, and they exist. We just need to give them a place to advance a little. And they are already moving forward today, but the men are still pushing. But it is all a matter of time.

Question: So you are in favor of this?

Answer: Yes!

Comment: There will be a lot of resistance, I think.

My Response: And I do not see a single man who could do more good for the world than women, than women’s governance.

It is not today; it is gradually when all this hubris, pressure, shouting, and so on will come down. When men will not goad women, direct them at each other, and so on. Meaning, both sides need to grow here. But in general, there is in the female character a predisposition to peace, to the convenience of everyone, to proper upbringing, and so on.

Question: How can we educate such women? Will they themselves be brought up in accordance with what is happening? How will they advance? How will they feel what you say, that the world is home?

Answer: We have to do it. This has to be done by us. We Kabbalists, who understand how to act and who are not shy or afraid, who are not ashamed, will say what is necessary.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/3/22

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