The Most Important Thing

961.1Question: Recently professional top managers, cool directors, if they want to leave the company and are looking for a job, prefer not to work somewhere in Google, in Silicon Valley, in Gazprom, they do not need large salaries. They want a quiet job. The leading request for the past six months is “traveling director” of an American brewery.

7,530 responses! He is given a van and travels around the country, tastes the beer of his company in different cities, and talks with residents: “How do you like our beer?” In Alaska, Hawaii. A huge number of requests! And precisely from such directors!

Answer: I want it too. What could be better? 🙂

Comment: In second place (7,408 applications) is the manager of the royal family’s palace in the Emirates. vice-presidents of banks, directors of successful start-ups apply here. They want to leave and take care of this family.

In third place is the “pizza-eater watching Netflix” position. He watches a movie and eats pizza.

For comparison, only 200, 300, or 400 requests come for the vacancy of a director in a good company, with a high salary, but here 7,000. That is, people are not looking for a job, but a dream. And although they have everything, they want to hug seals, taste wine, be professional sleepers, explore mattresses, and so on.

Please tell me what happened to humanity? Once we wanted to study, get degrees, become directors, make money!

My Response: Why?! The awareness of the uselessness of all these stresses.

People still go in for sports after all. They climb mountains, arrange some kinds of competition and so on. This will all pass too.

The most important question: Why?! It will kill everything. And humanity will calm down. What will happen? Nothing. Let’s just treat each other. Simple, that is, so as not to cause any negative feelings in anyone.

Calm! Just get your paycheck and spend the day the way you want. You will have enough time and desire to get used to this world and how to behave in it.

Question: That is, the request will disappear: more money, a bigger house, and a pool in the yard?

Answer: This will not happen. A person will begin to understand that he must live within his sensations, in movement toward a correct relationship with others, an inner movement. And then occupations, salary, nothing is important to him.

If I have such an attitude toward others, I feel that others have the same attitude toward me, this mutual network of forces, kind, between us I feel, I live in it. This is my job, and this is where I and everyone else exist.

We are only developing these mutual sensations of ours. Effortlessly. It should be effortless! This is how I treat others, and others treat me this way, and everything freezes. And only this feeling you perceive.

Question: And when you say: “Defeat our egoism. Rise above egoism“?

Answer: It’s all inside. Calmly only, calmly.

Question: Is this how calm it will be? I have the feeling all the time that a person must make great efforts.

Answer: No, no, nothing! On the contrary, everything. What for?! If we treat this correctly, then the upper light, which is in absolute rest, will do everything. Just don’t worry. Just don’t bother me. “The Creator will finish for me.” It’s that simple.

Question: Will there be no need for Harvard and Princeton Universities? No need to study, higher education, second or third degrees?

Answer: No, nothing is needed at all.

Comment: Humanity has built all this for so long.

My Response: This is in order to precisely identify your mistakes.

Question: Where will humanity end up?

Answer: With a calm inner mutual balance. And the connection between us will be revealed in it, complete, calmness. In the silence of these waters, we will come to see the Creator through them.

I welcome this movement, which is now beginning to emerge. In the Torah it was formulated thousands of years ago: “Sit down and do nothing, preferably.”

Do not do anything! Make it so that from the fact that you do nothing, you have everything. You will see that it is possible.

Question: That is, I will have what to eat, what to feed my family with?

Answer: To the extent that you need it, you will work. But it will not be work. It will be just an occupation.

Question: It is not that I go to work with agony, hate it and go?

Answer: You will not run and languish in traffic jams, nothing like that will happen.

Question: This thought will pass: What is enough for me is enough, but I do not need more.

Answer: It will happen gradually, but it will be fast.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/20/21

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