Audio Version Of The Blog – 6/20/21

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The Program Of Free Choice

760.2Reshimot are data embedded in us—informational genes. It is as if I am buying a new computer that has nothing installed yet so I upload the program and data into it. This data creates a certain setup inside the computer.

That is exactly how man is built. We already have been given an animalistic, instinctive program to exist as a living organism. There is another program inside called “man,” designed to lead us to the level of adhesion with the Creator. Inside this program, we receive data, the so-called records, Reshimot.

The program processes this data and works according to it, but there is another parameter in this, a degree of freedom given to us as free choice. Do we want this program to work in the form of bestowal and not in the form of egoistic reception. This is how we advance, managing ourselves and our lives.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/11/21, “Every day will be like new in your eyes”,

Related Material:
How The Informational Gene (Reshimo) Works
The Nature Of The Spiritual Rungs
Kabbalistic Terms: “Reshimo”

My Dear Subscribers!

599.01Comment: You have more than two million subscribers on Facebook, more than 260 thousand subscribers on YouTube. They are just like humanity in front of us—Russian-speaking but scattered all over the world. Even in Mongolia, there are about two thousand subscribers. There are subscribers in the Emirates. And so on.

They are people of different religions, ages, and nationalities. And they are gathered here, they are watching and listening. Their opinions clash, especially when events like the last war in Israel occur. There is your opinion, there are a lot of comments from Jews, Muslims, and Christians.

What would you say to all our subscribers, those who watch us? Will you be separating what you say to Jews, Muslims, and Christians?

My Response: No. No at all! They should see this from the way I treat my students, how I talk and what I do. Nothing like that!

For me, humanity is not divided into nations, into nationalities, into some other fragments, into religions, and so on. For me, humanity is divided into two parts: 99.9999999 percent are the people who just live, and it doesn’t matter who they are and what they are, and 0.0000001 percent is that part of the people, the “mighty bunch,” which can influence the Creator and, through Him, the entire world.

This is what I can say. For me, this is how humanity is divided.

Question: And to those who listen to you, and read?

Answer: These are my students.

I would tell them that for me there are no differences between religions, nationalities, only the desire to reveal the upper governing force in order to change us and our world. And nothing else is needed.

Question: And when there is a disagreement? There are a lot of disagreements and clashes in the comments.

Answer: This is along the way. They still want to show themselves in some way all the time, and they are nervous; after all we live in a difficult time. But I understand them.

I would, of course, very much like the world to gradually begin to understand how far this wisdom is detached from all our conventions, national and religious.

We address all people on Earth. We are in such a state that we need to reveal the upper governing force!

You can be engaged in any religion, do any job, anything at all, it does not matter. This upper governing force is above us all and does not apply to any of us in particular.

If you want it to treat you in a special way, you should come closer to it. This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah is talking about. Let’s find out how we can come closer to this force. It is possible. This is the kind of people I am trying to gather together and teach how to do it.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/27/21

“A Granddad’s Heart” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “A Granddad’s Heart

When I first became a granddad and saw my grandson for the first time, my heart filled with love. I held him in my arms; I wanted to play with him, to do something for him to make him feel good. I had never experienced such an emotion before that time.

Love is the reason we are here in this world; it is the reason why the world was created. Yet, unlike natural love, such as the instinctive love of a grandfather to a grandchild, among strangers, there is natural resistance, alienation, and enmity, rather than love.

However, life is formed precisely by overcoming these emotions. Every living being evolves by overcoming resistance and hardships. These “obstacles” create the need for growth and development. Had it not been for hardships and resistance, there would be no evolution and humans would never have come to be.

Feelings of separation from others, alienation, and enmity are therefore not negative emotions; they are levers for growth. We see them as negative when we don’t want to rise above them and grow. If, instead of rejecting them and fearing them, we would see them as opportunities to grow and develop ourselves, we would welcome them and benefit from them tremendously. Moreover, by rising above them, we would create a greater and tighter bond than the one we had before the appearance of those “hindrances.”

For example, think of the complexity of a unicellular creature compared to the complexity of the human body. They are incomparable. The reason for the creation of such a complex system as the human body is precisely the obstacles that all the levels of complexity encountered before they came to make a human organism. In a sense, therefore, we “owe” our lives, our existence, to the hatred and separation that appeared on the levels preceding ours.

This should teach us that we cannot eschew our duty to face the hatred that is being revealed among us today. Hatred appears for no other reason other than to promote evolution and greater union. If we avoid facing our resistance and uniting above the new and tougher level of hatred, we will hamper the evolution of our own species and pay heavily for it.

Our attitude toward the social crises plaguing our planet should therefore not be as natural as among family, but rather conscious and intentional. We should acknowledge that we do not feel like family, use family relations as an example to strive for, and try, together, to establish such relationships among us.

The key word here is “together.” Overcoming mutual alienation must be a mutual effort in which all parts of the population participate. Otherwise, one part will exploit the other and the whole feat will tumble like a deck of cards. We must install the awareness of how paramount it is that we form union above our separation until we truly feel as one family. Today, our lives, and the lives of our loved ones, depend on it.

“How Do You Find Your Life’s Purpose?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: How do you find your life’s purpose?

We can find our life’s purpose by learning the higher plan and program of nature that develops us toward life’s purpose at every moment.

By learning nature’s plan, we gradually start feeling what we can realize in our present incarnation, what our fate was in our previous incarnation, how nature operates, why we were created the way we were, and how we develop the way we do under the environment’s influence.

We can then understand how to click into this system and control it. Using our desires and intentions together with guidance based on learning nature’s higher plan, we can enter into nature’s control room and discover how and why everything was created the way it was.

Asking about the purpose of life is the first step toward this discovery. Over the course of history and our individual lives, we develop through desires for food, sex, family, money, honor, control and knowledge, which are all desires that belong to our current level of perception and sensation.

The desire for meaning and purpose already belongs to a higher level of perception and sensation, and asking about the meaning and purpose of life is the seed of its discovery. By learning how to direct this desire at the purpose of life, which is eternal and whole, we learn how to rise above our physical level of existence, and find ourselves living in a higher reality where we perceive how and why everything is operated. Moreover, from such a level of attainment, we also learn how to influence our very destiny.

Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on September 20, 2015. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

“No Desire For Children – China As An Example” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “No Desire for Children – China as an Example

Recently, China lifted the cap on births from 2 to 3 in what it now defines as a “three-child policy.” According to a story by David Stanway and Tony Munroe published on Reuters, the reason for the policy shift is that “recent data showed a dramatic decline in births.” Although China canceled its one-child policy back in 2016 and raised the cap to two children, it “failed to result in a sustained surge in births,” state the writers. Now, Beijing has not only raised the cap once more, but added various incentives for married couples to have more children.

I don’t think the birthrate is a matter of policy. The Chinese, like most people all over the world, want fewer and fewer children. Humanity is growing increasingly selfish and people find no pleasure in raising children that they know will ignore them as soon as they can sustain themselves. Zhang Xinyu, a 30-year-old mother of one from Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan province, clearly articulated her characteristic attitude: “Thinking of the big picture, realistically, I don’t want to have a second child. And a third is even more impossible.”

In light of our growing self-absorption, we are going to see a decline in the world population. Personally, I see nothing wrong with it. Technology will make up for any shortage in working hands, and there will be fewer mouths to feed and fewer people populating the already overpopulated planet. A hundred years ago, humanity was about 2 billion people; now it is close to 8 billion. I see no harm in returning to more sustainable numbers.

However, the more important question is not how many people there are in the world, but what they do here. If people are as hateful of each other as they are today, the fewer of us the better for everyone. But if there is love and unity among people and nations, we can sustain as many people as we want, and we won’t feel any crowdedness or shortage. Therefore, what is important is that we begin to invest not in birthrates but in shifting the attitudes of those who are already here from animosity to amity.

Everything that is happening now—the tensions and pandemics, the crises and upheavals—should lead us to one conclusion: We must deal with the root cause of our problem—our relationships. Nature’s laws dictate that we will operate in an integral and integrated manner, as does nature itself. Our relentless efforts to destroy one another economically, socially, and even physically, put us at odds with nature. We are opposite from the environment we live in, so how can we expect to feel good? Would you expect a fish out of water to feel good? Would you expect it to survive? This is what we are doing to ourselves: We’re living in an interconnected and interdependent environment, yet we are behaving as though we are independent and self-sustaining beings. In such a state, we cannot feel good here, and in the long run, we won’t be able to survive.

We have come to a point, not only in China but the world over, that we must build our connections as an interdependent and interconnected network, just like the world around us. We are too big and too influential for nature to tolerate us at our current level of disruption of its structure. Since we are inside of nature, and since nature created us and sustains us, if we insist on fighting it, it will eradicate us just as it eradicates any being that is incongruent with its laws. Therefore, instead of worrying about the quantity of people, we should worry about their quality, the level of our connectedness and mutual concern.

“The Key To Efficiency In Our Lives” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “The Key to Efficiency in Our Lives

Modern life is characterized by an ongoing race to be more efficient, constantly raising the bar higher to become successful? But maximum efficiency is not always a guarantee of fulfillment. For that, we need goal management and a clear direction from the highest perspective in life.

As with a race, even before we start, it is important to choose a direction for myself and develop a plan to implement it. Otherwise, we will surely reach the end of our lives without realizing the gift that nature has given only to us, our unique potential, to each and every one of us. Therefore, striving to be someone else and do what everyone does is the sure recipe to be mediocre and stay that way.

Just because I run fast does not mean I will reach somewhere worthy faster. People usually chase after goals they have not even set for themselves. “You will not decide for me,” small children tell us to demonstrate their independence, but in our lives as adults we constantly run where we have been told to run.

We run fast, almost restlessly, constantly trying to become more efficient, to be precise. But, have we become slaves in this intent without a rational explanation of what we want to achieve?

Whoever wants to break this vicious cycle must first of all avoid following what the majority does without questioning why one is doing it. Life is not a machine with values and goals automatically activated.

What is worth living for? What do I want to do with life? Without clarifying these big questions about the essence of our existence, all efforts will be useless and meaningless. “The end of the act is already contained in the initial thought,” our sages said to emphasize that first of all it is indispensable to find out what nature created us for in order to realize what we can achieve in life.

Then, the first step in being efficient is to ask myself what I live for. After I have found an answer for myself and defined a worthy goal, the second stage should be to find out how to achieve, what means do I need to achieve it? The third step is to surround myself with people who are also interested in achieving the same goal so that they will provide a supportive environment for me.

It is important to internalize that without a supportive environment, a person cannot progress. We are social beings, and therefore we must absorb forces from our environment, similar to the seed that is in the soil and needs a suitable substrate of moisture, minerals and fertilizers in order to grow and thrive. I will be able to receive good examples from a supportive environment in which envy propels us to progress but gives us the necessary strength to move forward and overcome all obstacles on the way to realizing our potential.

A waste of time, in the broadest sense of the word, is to flow with life and follow our natural tendencies. Therefore, whenever I feel distracted, I must return to the environment again and tell myself that I need to be in closer contact with it so that the environment can position me more correctly in the direction of the great goal I’ve chosen.

By the way, this is also a very important tip for parents. Instead of trying to force your children to develop in the direction you want them to and provoking rejection in them, it would be better if you immerse them in an environment with children who are developing in the same direction you think is appropriate. Your children will get an urge to move toward the same purpose from others.

It is the importance of the goals we set in advance what will make us meet those goals. It is therefore imperative to elevate the importance of the great goal we aspire to every day, to remind each other why it is important to us and what it will give us in life.

From an evolutionary point of view, the level of effectiveness of someone in the human race is measured by the degree of their participation in changing human relationships from egoistic relationships that threaten to destroy the world to altruistic relationships that will build an integral relationship between everyone.

A person is considered efficient and beneficial to the system to the extent that he or she promotes good connections between people, and complementarity and reciprocity within society. Each of us will feel the total realization of what nature has given to us alone to the same extent, a unique gift for every person in the world.

“What Is One Reason To Live In One Sentence?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What is one reason to live in one sentence?

The reason to live is in order to reach “love your neighbor as yourself” through which we discover the higher, eternal and perfect existence among each other and with nature.

Based on New Life episode 401 with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman, Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum Moshe on June 12, 2016.
Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

“How Many More Euro Championships?” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “How Many More Euro Championships?

According to the entertainment industry news outlet Deadline, “ESPN and ABC’s coverage of the UEFA Euro 2020 soccer championships that kicked off last week has grown by 12% in viewers over the Euro 2016 tournament,” and the championship has only just begun. Perhaps it’s the return from the Covid-19 forced termination of league games and championships, or perhaps it is for other reasons, but despite all the hype, I think the tide will be short lived.

Humanity is losing interest in such games; our childhood days are coming to a close. As we grow, our wishes and aspirations change. This happens to every person, and it is also happening to all of humanity. People are beginning to look for more meaningful things to do with their time, so while watching sports games is still quite popular, it won’t remain this way for long.

But it isn’t happening only in sports. It is happening in every realm of the entertainment industry, because entertainment, in the end, leaves us feeling empty. We are approaching a phase in our development where we are beginning to ask not just how to have more fun in life, but about the meaning of life itself.

When we begin to ask about the meaning of life, we search for its origins, what happened before I was born, what will happen after I die, is there life elsewhere in the universe, and other such questions. But in the end, we realize that the answer to the question about the meaning of life lies not in some distant planet or in the distant past or future, but right here, among us, in our human connections.

The thing about human connections is that by changing our relation to each other, we change our perception of reality, and the world we’ve always known transforms into a new creation. It’s not magic, and it’s not that reality has changed; it is simply that we are seeing a whole new layer of reality that we did not see before, which gives life, and all of existence, a whole new meaning.

People like to play with augmented reality games, such as Pokémon GO, or use this technology to change the way things look. But when you see how everything is connected, your whole existence becomes augmented, transformed, enriched, and enlivened in ways we cannot even begin to imagine with our current, very limited perception.

What is even better is that once we realize how connected we all are, we transform our relationships from negative to positive. Realizing our interdependence simply does not allow us to be mean to one another, as that would be like being mean to ourselves. Our sages knew all this thousands of years ago, and taught this to anyone who wished to learn. The Jerusalem Talmud, for example, offers this beautiful allegory about our connectedness: “If the writing warns about habitual mistreatment, vengeance and bearing a grudge should be forbidden also toward those who are not from among your nation. Also, how is it possible for one to forgive an affront? [Suppose] one is cutting meat, and the knife descends into his hand; would he consider avenging his hand and cutting his other hand for cutting the first? So is this matter … the rule is that one does not take revenge against one’s neighbor, for it is as though he is taking revenge against his own body” (Nedarim 9:4).

The Jerusalem Talmud was redacted in the 3rd century. Can we imagine what history would have looked like had we absorbed the profound love and connection radiating from this excerpt? What would human history look like if we felt the way the authors of the Talmud described? What would our planet look like? Would there be pollution? Would there be exploitation? Would there be wars, hunger, or poverty? I believe you know the answer. Therefore, the sooner we embrace our connected future, the sooner this truly augmented reality will become our reality, and our lives will be what they can be, and what we hope them to be.

“Reply To A Question About Jews And Arabs In Israel” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “Reply to a Question about Jews and Arabs in Israel

One of my students told me that since the beginning of Operation Guardian of the Walls (the most recent military campaign against Hamas in Gaza), dozens of Israeli Arabs left positive messages on my Hebrew Facebook page. They didn’t relate to the conflict, but expressed their agreement with the message of unity that I am conveying there. The student asked me if I could explain their sudden interest in the content on my page.

I think it’s easier for Arab Israelis to access my content than it is for Arabs in other countries for the simple reason that Arab Israelis speak and read Hebrew. From the content of their comments, which are also written in Hebrew, it’s clear that they agree with the message in my words, and this, I think, should be the clearest message to the Jews regarding what we need to do if we truly want peace.
First, I think it’s easier for Arab Israelis to access my content than it is for Arabs in other countries for the simple reason that Arab Israelis speak and read Hebrew. From the content of their comments, which are also written in Hebrew, it’s clear that they agree with the message in my words, and this, I think, should be the clearest message to the Jews regarding what we need to do if we truly want peace.

The message, as we know, is simple: The world has no respect for us because we have no respect for the connection between us. Our sages repeated this message in the ears of our ancestors. They wrote about it profusely, yet we refused to listen. Antisemites, too, have told us in countless ways that they despised our loathing of each other. History has repeatedly shown that the worst blows we suffered from the nations came after periods of intensified discord and infighting among us, and our most prosperous times were during strong internal unity.

Now the Arabs are telling us the same message. In my eyes, they are not enemies; they are messengers who tell us that they will appreciate us when we appreciate the connection between us. It is the same message that the nations of the world have been telling us since our inception as a nation, but now it is being told by our contemporaries. To me, the positive response of our Arab neighbors to the message of Jewish unity is a testimony to the paramount need to begin the process of reconciliation with our neighbors with reconciliation among ourselves. The sooner we start, the better it will be for everyone: for the Jews in Israel, for the Arabs in Israel, and for the rest of the world. As soon as we begin to unite, we will find that the Arabs are not our enemies, they are our partners.

For more on this topic, refer to the books The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism, Historical facts on anti-Semitism as a reflection of Jewish social discord, and Like a Bundle of Reeds: Why unity and mutual guarantee are today’s call of the hour.