Life Should Be Much Simpler

79.01Question: Nastya writes: “One day the lights went off and I called a neighbor who had two children and invited her to visit me. We were sitting and talking at the table with candles burning with the children were nearby. As soon as the lights came back on, the children ran and turned on the TV, and we became silent.

What do you think about this feeling of happiness that was there and then was suddenly gone?“

Answer: Yes, it is gone because it presses. But it has always been so. Recall past times, even centuries ago.

Question: How can we feel such happiness now? Is it possible in the light, with modern technology, progress, and all this or not?

Answer: No. With present life, the way of life, its pace, and everything else that exists, we cannot make ourselves happy. We give in to what we have created, and it is killing us.

Question: I would say that we are bought. Do you think it is not necessary to create or still move toward the goal, toward what I want to be?

Answer: To move toward the goal, you just need to live in a much simpler way, not to wait until nature, society, or the Creator crush us, but do it, perhaps reasonably and gradually, somehow by yourself.

Question: Do you have an idea of how a person should do it?

Answer: It will not work to turn off the lights. It will not work to diminish anything. There are too many interested egoists who will still produce all sorts of rubbish and make all sorts of dull productions on screens—anything possible. All this needs a very strong push and revelation of evil in order to correct it.

How can we uncover this evil? By a serious war?

Question: In whom will it reveal itself, in consumers or in those who push everything into a consumer?

Answer: It is required from both sides. Both from producers and consumers.

Question: So that it is suddenly revealed that this is all evil?

Answer: That this is the end! You cannot go any further; that is it! There must be an uprising. Let us make the world simpler, more understandable, more comfortable, and most importantly, calmer. In such a world we will be able to clarify in ourselves what we are for, why, and what we should come to.

Question: And the last question, what will we understand in this case, as you said? What will we understand then?

Answer: We will understand that the main thing is what a person desires in this world. So that he clarifies it, but very seriously, not halfway. And then he will achieve this goal.

Question: So do you put it this way: “I need to get rid of all this ‘noise’ and very, very quietly focus on what I want.”?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is that all? And what will he understand? What he wants?

Answer: He will understand the meaning of life—the most important thing that he has.

Question: What is it in?

Answer: The meaning of life is in attaining the meaning of life.

Question: It is like a wheel: the meaning of life is attaining the meaning of life. Is there some kind of eternity in this, in what you are saying?

Answer: Of course. It is absoluteness, eternity, perfection, and infinity.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/14/22

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