How Can We Be Grateful for Suffering?

627.1Andrey writes:

Michael, there is a certain formula: We will never receive what we want until we are grateful for what we have. How do we give thanks for troubles, pain, and suffering? This is what I have now.

Comment:  There are a lot of letters like his.

My Response: Yes, but we must understand that, in general, all of this goes into our piggy bank. The suffering itself and what we are going through, even if we cannot be grateful for it, is still considered a positive for us.

Question: Is it possible to live with this and think that it is necessary to go through these sufferings? This is what I get, and I have to go through it. Is such annulment before the sufferings taken into account?

Answer: The fact is that it depends on the person. It depends on me whether I suffer or not, how many cases, surgeries, and health problems I have endured in my life. But this is life.

Question: Can we say that life is a chain of suffering that one feels or does not feel, but it is still a chain of suffering?

Answer: Yes, of course.

Question: If you look at the history of humanity, it is a continuous chain of suffering. You say that somehow it all falls into a general piggy bank somewhere. What do I receive from it? This is Andrey’s and everyone else’s question.

Answer: What do you get out of it? What if you do not get anything? Have you suffered in vain?

Comment: That is right! Then there really is suffering. I have to get something out of this; I have to. Someone is told: “You will have a happy life in the next world.” Someone else is told: “Never mind, you will be purified through this.”

My Response: Is it worth making such a calculation? Personally, I try not to do this so that I do not have requests and complaints to the Creator regarding what I will get from this: “Well, now let us make a calculation of how much You owe me.”

Comment: “I was suffering; now You pay me.”

My Response: Yes, there is no such thing.

Comment: Very often, when a person looks back, he says that what I went through was right, or it was not in vain. This calculation that we make afterward, does it turn out to be correct? That all the suffering I went through was not in vain.

My Response: Yes. I do not think that we are coming to a state where we still condemn the Creator.

Question: Even though it sounds here and there, do you still think that we justify Him?

Answer: Yes.

Question: How does He do everything so interestingly? He takes a person through great suffering, and then the person says: “I did not go through them in vain.” How does He show it to us?

Answer: The fact is that everyone suffers, any part of nature: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and even more so humans.

Absolutely everyone suffers! Even the pleasure they experience just covers up a little bit of the previous suffering.

Question: Is it correct to say that I want to go through this life full of suffering, but to suffer as little as possible? Is this the correct formula?

Answer: You can say that too, although you do not have to say it; it does not matter. But according to your nature, you cannot desire suffering.

Question: But is it somehow embedded in my path? You say: “The root of my soul…” Do I one way or another have to go through them?

Answer: Yes.

Question: If I live with the fact that I have to go through them, does it make my life easier? Is that right?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/18/23

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