Mutual Guarantee: The Law of the Existence of Humanity

935Mutual guarantee is the global law of the existence of humanity as one soul. If it is realized between people, then all the degrees below us, meaning the animate, vegetative, and still nature, will reconnect into one single system.

If humanity were united at its human degree today, we would see such changes in the entire universe where all nature gathers into one system, where no eruptions occur, and complete harmony reigns throughout the still, vegetative, and animate world.

As the prophets said, the wolf will live peacefully next to the lamb, and the whole creation will exist in single harmony. In this way we will bring the whole universe and the whole world to a single connection, and the Creator will reveal Himself within this harmony as one force that fills and embraces the whole creation. Our mutual guarantee and connection will not only improve our life, but it will also correct the whole creation and will combine it into one perfect system.

And this is bound to happen because these informational genes are recorded in the creation and forces are acting in it that lead it to this goal. We can bring this goal closer with our participation. Everything depends on us!
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/11/22, “Arvut on the Way to Lishma

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The Pyramid Of Mutual Guarantee
Mutual Guarantee Is The Key To The New World
“And A Wolf Shall Live With A Lamb”

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