Questions about Myself

235Question: Let’s say you are explaining The Study of the Ten Sefirot, how is it that you constantly remember what to talk about?

Answer: It lives in me! It is my nature. I am not inventing anything or remembering something artificial. It is me! It is like you are asking me about myself or my family.

I just have to wake up, cheer up, and have some coffee. Then my systems wake up, like when you turn on the computer, for example. First of all the lamps warm up, etc. After that it does not matter what question you ask, I have an answer.

Why am I not preparing for lessons? Because I do not care what the topic is. You are asking me about the way I am arranged inside. You say: “What is Aba ve Ima, how does ZON rise or fall, or something happens to these worlds or those worlds?” But this is all the inner feelings of a person. After all, this does not exist outside of a person, but rather within him. This is why you are actually asking me how I feel, it is that kind of a question.

Comment: This is so incomprehensible! Let’s say when people study to be teachers, they first study the system and how it all works.

My Response: It is because they just learn it mechanically—there is such a system and such worlds. Ask them where these worlds exist—somewhere out there, in another dimension, in another area.

But they exist in me! These worlds do not exist anywhere at all, only inside a person. In the “Introduction to the Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Baal HaSulam writes that all the worlds are inside a person.

Question: So many books have been written about this! How do you manage to give different comments for different states?

Answer: I have all this stored inside. When you ask me something, I dig inside myself and spread out the information to you, as if from some warehouse.

Kabbalah is not just a science that I have studied. All these definitions, sensations, levels, states, and phenomena exist in me, and I am just telling you about them. Therefore it is not difficult for me at all.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How Do You Know Kabbalah?” 11/12/13

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