Why Is It Getting Worse and Worse?

294.2Question: Victoria writes: “I am so often ashamed of myself today! Such things are happening around, so many tragedies, troubles, so many lives are ruined, and for me it’s all someone else’s pain, not mine. Everyone I know feels the same. I understand that this is the cause of all the troubles. How can you make someone else’s misfortune become your own? I’m sure it would change the world. What are we all missing?”

Answer: To feel the neighbor as yourself.

Question: How do we do it?

Answer: There is a method for this—the science of Kabbalah. Otherwise, a stranger will always remain a stranger, and people will not understand each other, and the world will be separated. As a result, such a global, calm, quiet, prolonged chaos, if not some kind of world, global war, nevertheless will drive humanity into its corners. I think we will see in our time how much people will become isolated.

Question: Tell me, why are people really looking for different ways, but not uniting toward a common pain?

Answer: It is against our nature.

Question: Will we be running into different corners all the time?

Answer: Yes, and how!

Question: We will not converge to the center?

Answer: No. Now the period will come when people will separate from each other as much as possible! Egoism will force us to do this. Quietly, calmly, it will disperse us in corners so that we realize it. The realization of the results of this egoism will lead us to its denial.

Question: Which means, in principle, it becomes its own gravedigger as a result. What interest does it have in ruining itself?

Answer: The fulfillment of the secret meaning of development in order for us to realize that we need to be above our nature after all.

Question: When you say “Secret meaning” are you saying this because no one really understands it?

Answer: Nobody knows, sees, or feels it. Of course.

Question: Now it looks like a fantasy for humanity to become one. Internally, maybe everyone wants it. Now it is clear what the cause of all the troubles is. It is clear that there is no coalition, there are no connections, everything is solved with the help of force, wars, weapons, and money.

And it is clear that if all this were suddenly canceled and we moved toward some kind of connection, it would be good for us. It’s obvious, right?

Answer: This has been talked about for millions of years.

Question: Yes, scientists, writers, and philosophers, all the more so, claim it—all these utopian cities, utopian systems. The only question is: why is it getting worse and worse, with a greater awareness that we need to unite?

Answer: The Soviet government set a very bad example for us. How false it is—communism, the commune—it actually led to enormous problems, suffering.

Question: But it wasn’t just done from above, was it? The upper force made it so that we saw that it was impossible to build communism in a single country.

Answer: Impossible, according to our understanding! And if we take the plan of nature and the right correction of egoism— whatever is written in the science of Kabbalah—then you will have to turn to the ancient science and implement it. Otherwise, nothing else will work! Here you will have to solve many problems at the same time.

Question: So our mind absolutely does not play any role here, but on the contrary only ruins everything?

Answer: In general, yes.

Question: In what sense must the mind be involved, since it is given to us after all? It is given to us for something.

Answer: It was given for us to understand that with our head, with our concepts, we will not be able to achieve anything.

Question: In order not to create progress and so on?

Answer: No. To go, on the contrary, against it, in search of a reverse solution.

Question: And as a result, you say, we will come to the conclusion that it will be reasonable if we understand that…?

Answer: Nature will teach us with brutal blows. We won’t be able to do it otherwise. Either we will take these blows internally and correct them within ourselves, or nature will correct us with external blows—wars, exterminations, famine, and so on.

Question: So the whole path now is to experience all this within?

Answer: Yes. Instead of freezing and starving.

Question: Are you now saying that everything we see externally—wars, possible freezing, starvation—is it because we have not experienced it internally?

Answer: Yes, we don’t want that.

Question: So, in order to stop all these external threats that threaten us in the future, we have to experience internally?

Answer: To realize that we have to change ourselves, our nature. It is possible if people want it. Meaning, if they realize it. Awareness can be either through great suffering, or through enlightenment. I can’t say anything else here.

Question: As you say, our nature is egoistic, and it needs to be turned into altruistic? That’s it?

Answer: That’s it. And again we reach the finale. This connection is a voluntary, conscious, correct connection of everyone for everyone’s sake. Not according to the patterns of egoism!

Question: Is this whenever we unite against someone?

Answer: Even if not. It’s just when egoism invents all sorts of methods for us. When we, supposedly smart, get together, and start deciding what to do. That is not how it is done.

Question: But how?

Answer: By making people aware that there is a technique, and it is here, in the depths of the ancient wisdom, Kabbalah. Otherwise, it will be the end of us!

In principle, this is natural wisdom, which is located within nature and goes against the egoistic nature of man, and this anti-egoistic nature a person will have to discover, study, apply, and implement for himself.

Nothing more is needed! This is the only wisdom that humanity must master.

Question: And everything will change?

Answer: Precisely then it will.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/13/22

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