Entries in the 'Globalization' Category

Everyone Is Responsible for Others

528.02Question: In physical actions it is obvious when the repetition of a transgression becomes permissible. For example, I did not turn off my camera before, but now I do, or I did not arrive late to meetings before, but now I do. The same tendency can develop in a friend. How should a ten handle these states? Is this a common scrutiny within the ten?

Answer: Yes, it is a common scrutiny. Everyone who comes to the lesson should care about those who have not come yet. This is very important!

Every person who is late is responsible, in principle, not for themselves, but for those friends who for some reason forgot about them or did not bring them along.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/12/24, Writings of Rabash “What Is, ‘The Smell of His Garments,’ in the Work?”

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I Cannot Get Disappointed

293.1Amir asks:

Michael, the more you call for unity and good relations, the worse it gets. And yet, you continue and continue. Don’t you see that nothing is working?

Answer: What can I do? In return, I want to ask Amir: “What should be done?”

Comment: I do not know what Amir will tell you; I would say: “Get tired, enough already.”

My Response: No, I cannot get tired. Every day I see the development of evil.

Question: So why not say this: “It continues to develop, let’s leave this generation alone?” Once the phrase “generation is not worthy” was said.

Answer: Yes, but that does not mean that I walk away from it and stop everything.

Comment: But you can see that it is getting worse.

My Response: I do not evaluate good or bad, better or worse at all. I just know that I must do it and that is it. There is no possibility of getting disappointed, leaving, and so on. Whatever happens—no!

Question: So, you must continue?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: Amir thinks that you are saying this, but people’s ears are closed and their hearts too. So, it goes somewhere into the sand, as he believes.

My Response: Everything has its history, beginning, and end. So I hope there will be an end to this.

Question: That is, in principle, as they say: water wears away stone. Just like that, drop by drop. You just keep going like that, right?

Answer: I must do that!

Question: Is this called above reason or not?

Answer: Yes, against reason.

Question: Will they hear?

Answer: Not soon.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/4/24

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In Simple Language, What Is Unity?
Why Is It Getting Worse and Worse?
No Need To Sink With The Titanic

Make an Atomic Bomb and Stay Silent

229To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me (Isaac Newton).

Question: What do you think of that?

Answer: That is normal. Precisely because he explored and felt the world, he calls himself a child.

Question: Because he saw what the world is like?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And he says that he just found a few pebbles, that he was lucky. He doesn’t get proud of the fact that he is like that. He says: “All this was given to me.” Where has all this gone today? Nowadays scientists do not think like that.

Answer: Today it is no longer possible to investigate the world using such methods of internal contemplation. And this is exactly what he used. Today they use technical and technological methods.

That is why there are no more Newtons. The last Newton was in the form of, I would say, Lev Landau. There was no one after him.

Question: Then what is your definition of a scientist?

Answer: A scientist is one who wants to understand the meaning of the existence of our world. It does not matter what he is: biologist, technologist, who, or what. If he seeks to understand the nature of the existence of our world, then he is a true scientist.

Question: Basically, over time, does it turn out that the Newtons have been exterminated?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why were they brought down? Why did it all come to this current state?

Answer: Nobody likes scientists. Nobody. Not a single scientist could rise as much as he was supposed to by nature. Science is in conflict with government—any government! That is why no one respects them.

Different kinds of seminars and academies are organized for them. This is true. And shut up! Make an atomic bomb for us, space flight, all sorts of rockets, planes, guns—and stay silent.

Question: What do you think if we took Newton from that time and transferred him here—as he is, without the influence of anyone else—how would he respond to these instructions to make a nuclear bomb, a hydrogen bomb, or to create weapons? Would he go for it or not?

Answer: I think he would not. Each scientist, in accordance with the depth of his attainment, simultaneously feels the height of science and cannot connect it with those egoistic, mercantile demands that the government offers him.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/25/23

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The Kabbalist Sir Isaac Newton
Newton About The Last Days Of The World

Bring the World to the Good State

291It is even more so regarding the interior of the souls and the worlds, and how they came down to such dreadful ruin as today’s, where we have no security in our lives. In the coming years, we will be subject to all sorts of slaughter and death, and all admit that they have no counsel to prevent it (Baal HaSulam “The Last Generation”).

If humanity continues to develop through its own intellect, it will inevitably become involved in various unpleasant events and will subject itself to self-destruction. The only way to survive this and achieve the proper development and a good outcome is that we will develop friendship, love, and mutual agreement.

The question arises: why does development require pressure through suffering and bloodshed? It is to bring a person to the point where he voluntarily takes upon himself the opportunity to organize our world and bring it to a good state of balance. Therefore, nature is obliged to lead us to such a desperate state in a natural way. Without this, a person will not do anything, he must be forced.

Question: Do you think that we have already reached this point?

Answer: According to the science of Kabbalah, we have already reached a state where we can take control of nature into our own hands and raise ourselves to the level of the absolute, favorable world of infinity.
From KabTV’s “Era of the Last Generation“ 2/4/24

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Victory Over Humanity
The Global Pandemic

Don’t Get Into Trouble

919 Shulya asks:

Hello, dear Michael Laitman. I live in Israel. And like all Israelis, my life was filled with the news. I listened to the news in the car, the news at home, the news at work, and discussed them. And suddenly on October 7, this horror that happened, this shock that we all received! And I can’t listen to the news anymore! I listen to them and I’m stressed. Commentators, different opinions, tragic stories, criticism…

I started to settle for short news clips, just to keep up to date. And it turned out that most of the time that was occupied by the news was freed up. My question is: what kind of content should I fill myself with?

Question: This is really a question on all Israelis’ minds. They live on news.

Answer: Read fairy tales. Yes, fairy tales, not some kind of scientific literature. It can be a little bit fantastic. And even better, if you are able to read fairy tales.

Comment: Fairy tales are suitable for any age.

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why fairy tales?

Answer: Because we are living a lie anyway. We live in the unknown. So it is better to read what creates a good state of mind in you. You don’t work as some kind of minister or leader that you need to be clearly in a state of responsibility and objectivity. So keep yourself occupied with something more pleasant.

Comment: So this is advice for a person who is not directly engaged in carrying out the work necessary to govern the country, but an average citizen.

My Response: From what you will experience, you will not cause harm to anyone. And you won’t manipulate anything.

Comment: But a person simply cannot do without these short news clips; after all, our children are there, and there is a war.

Answer: It is necessary. We need to be aware and supportive.

Question: This is our prayer, that we only listen for a short bit?

Answer: Yes, but don’t cook in it all the time.

Question: So with the additional free time, is this how to live, as in a fairy tale?

Answer: Maybe not to do that. There are people who are doing something else. But the fact is that your experiences do not give anything, and on the contrary, maybe they give more negative results than good ones.

Question: Like if it leads to fear, anxiety?

Answer: Yes, there is no need for that!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/11/23

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I Want A Bright Future
What Determines The Future Of A Person?
The Future Already Exists

Today We Are A Chain of the Blind

229Question: Two students looked at a waving flag. One said: “The flag is moving.” The other replied: “No, it is the wind moving making the flag move.” Their teacher came and said: “You are both wrong. It is a thought that moves in your head.”

Why does everyone have their own perception of reality?

Answer: The perception of reality is different for everyone because we are all brought up on different foundations and ideals.

Comment: But I see the table, I see this flag.

My Response: But he sees it differently, and the third person sees something else. So everyone sees according to how they are brought up.

Question: So we cannot agree on the fact that the flag is moving? We can’t agree on this together?

Answer: No.

Question: Someone will object? He will say: “Is it the wind”? And another will say: “A thought.”

Are we supposed to agree at all? We say we should come to the same point of view. We keep saying: “The decision made together is the right one.”

Answer: But as I understand it, they cannot make a decision together.

Question: They cannot. How do we make a decision together?

Answer: There is no way. They will abandon it and leave. Later, they will be gathered together again from above, directed, and pushed.

Question: How did the Sanhedrin make their decisions 2,000 years ago? There was a Sanhedrin in Judea, a governing body. How did they make a single decision with so many people?

Answer: There were a lot of discussions and opinions. Still, they were all not simple people and they understood there were those among them closer to the upper force, to the Creator, or to nature, who understood and knew more. And they more or less yielded to them.

Question: So, we need to annul before the loftier people?

Answer: There can be no tricks or contrivances here, only whoever is more elevated is right.

Question: But how does anyone determine they are more elevated? Again, we are faced with the perception of reality. How does each one feel?

Answer: In our reality, this is impossible.

Comment: So you are bringing us to the realization that it is impossible to make a common decision.

Answer: Of course not. Whoever is in charge of the army, or the law enforcement agencies, or anything else is right. This world is doomed.

Comment: It feels like the blind are walking not knowing where they are going. I would still like to give the world a chance.

My Response: To give it a chance is not up to us. We can see that. Giving a chance is only up to the upper world.

Question: Should we come to the conclusion we are governed from above? Should everyone understand we do not lead but are led?

Answer: Yes.

Question: If we come to this understanding, to this annulment before the upper force that controls everything, then what?

Answer: Then we will look for the wisest among us and follow him. This is called a chain of blind who are following the sighted.

Comment: This is not easy for the world.

My Response: Then it has a lot more to learn.

Question: But there is only one conclusion that it must come only to this?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Okay, we can understand the wind. The flag moving is also clear. How does thought control or move, say, objects?

Answer: Wherever I direct my thoughts is where I am. All my forces are headed there too. Thought is first.

Question: Does thought come first? That is what we forget all the time. We think: “This is me going,” but is it a thought that sent me there? And who directs thoughts? Is it this upper force?

Why can’t it direct our thoughts now to the seeing, to the fact that we can only get out if we grab onto the sighted?

Answer: Because we have not matured yet.

Question: So we are yet to mature?

Answer: Yes. When my teacher died, I clearly realized we are not mature yet. But we have to advance.

Question: Why did it happen at that particular time? You said: “That was the exact point.”

Answer: Because the world has become an orphan.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/4/23

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Who Can See The True Reality?
The Power Of Sages
Rebuilding The Media

Einstein’s Harsh Phrase

232.01Comment: There is a quote: “If all efforts do not lead to anything and people still destroy each other, then the Universe will not shed a single tear over them.”

Please explain this ruthless quote that the universe does not care.

My Response: No, not that it doesn’t care, it’s just a law that exists in the universe. If people cannot use it correctly, they will destroy each other, and the universe has nothing to regret.

Question: What is this universe that does not regret that we will destroy each other?

Answer: Why should anyone be sorry?

Question: But is there any law of mercy?

Answer: No. Where does it come from?

Comment: I thought the law of mercy came from above. I thought everything was based on this law. I thought that this was the main law of life in general.

My Response: Why would it be?! I look at the inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature and do not see any observance of such laws in them. I think that the worst trait of man is that he invents for himself the future or the existence around him that he desires.

Question: So this is violence? Is man doing violence to nature?

Answer: Yes. And then he demands from nature: “Give it to me!”

Comment: That is, you are merciful, and I want everyone around to be merciful.

My Response: The answer is yes. If we were to reason soberly about nature, we would not demand from nature, but would demand from ourselves, we would demand our correct attitude to ourselves, to others, to nature—to everything. And then we might have a guess about how the universe exists, and how we can rise above it.

Comment: So, I don’t demand from the universe, “Be merciful to me,” but I demand from myself, “Be merciful to others”?

My Response: Yes.

Question: Why should I be merciful to others?

Answer: I have to do for others all the good and kind things that I would like to wish for myself. And in no case should I think that I will receive some kind of reward for this. No way!

Comment: This second part is very difficult, to receive nothing in return.

My Response: That’s the whole point of the first part.

Question: Does this bring me into balance with the universe if I start moving like that, as you say?

Answer: If so, then yes. And then there will be no destruction, no self-destruction.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/27/23

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If They Came to Kill You
Mercy Is Contact with the Creator
Three Points On A Stable Foundation

Any Situation Can Be Turned Into a Joyful One

204Question: Three people were hauling rocks. They were asked, “What are you doing?” One wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, “Breaking my back.” The second one said, “I am earning money.” The third said, “I am building a temple.”

Of course, the work was easier for the one building a temple.

The question, “Is it possible to turn any situation, even the most difficult, into a joyful one?”

Answer: You can turn any situation into a joyful one. Because, basically, life is endless; the universe is endless. We do not understand where we are or what we are. We can always imagine the next goal, which is higher than the present state.

Question: So you call this a sequence of setting goals? If I set a goal in some situation, am I already moving joyfully toward it?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is it necessary to build a temple all the time?

Answer: Yes, it gives a goal to set.

Question: Is this even a principle: “If something is hard for you, set a goal and move toward it?”

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is it possible to work hard and build a temple? Can I feel that I am breaking my back and building a temple at the same time?

Answer: No, there must be one thing before you: either the desire to free yourself from the yoke or the desire to build a temple. If I am building a temple, it is not hard for me.

Question: Is it possible to earn money and build a temple?

Answer: There should be only one goal.

Question: Can they be together?

Answer: No, nothing will help. This has been proven for thousands and thousands of years.

Question: It means that if I am building a temple, it wins over everything else for me.

Today, the majority of humanity is in the first two states: either they earn money or they break their back. How can we get closer to building a temple?

Answer: There must be a goal! Nothing else!

Question: How can we inspire humanity with a goal?

Answer: Show an example, and this example should be contagious.

Question: Should this example radiate happiness, elevation, and joy for a person?

Answer: Of course yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/4/23

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Work In Joy
Joy—The Result Of Good Deeds
Advance in Joy

Life Is a Moment

552.02Comment: There is a story by Alan Mayer called “Bad Luck.”

I awoke to searing pain all over my body. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing by my bed.
“Mr. Fujima,” she said. “You were lucky to have survived the bombing of Hiroshima two days ago. But you’re safe now here in this hospital.”
Weakly, I asked, “Where am I?”
“Nagasaki,” she said.

My Response: Nagasaki was bombed a few days later.

Question: Yes. Today there is a feeling in the world that you cannot be safe anywhere. Will it happen that I was, for example, in Hiroshima, but woke up in Nagasaki?

Answer: Yes. We will calmly experience every day with the realization that every moment may be the last.

Question: Is the world being brought to such a state now?

Answer: What is wrong with that?

Question: What is good about it?

Answer: It is very good! Because it drives us to properly evaluate ourselves and our lives.

Question: So you are saying that if I live with this, then I will live every minute as the last?

Answer: Yes. It is going to be good.

Comment: Mankind has never lived like this.

My Response: Of course not.

Question: And is it being brought to this point now?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What does it mean to live this minute, this moment as it should be, as the last?

Answer: Give yourself to the flow of life, to the Creator. In general, give away all of yourself.

Question: And then, will I feel safe?

Answer: What safety? It is the exact opposite of what you want.

Question: So I am living this moment for others, every moment? Is this what life is called?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And I do not think about the next minute, about the next moment, about tomorrow, about anything?

Answer: Life is a moment between the past and the future.

Question: Yes, exactly. We sing it.

Is that good, do you think?

Answer: This is very good! Then a person feels above this existence.

Question: Is it possible to learn this?

Answer: It is possible. It depends on how deep a person can go into himself, how far he can break away from corporeality. He can.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/16/23

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Do Not Contradict the Creator
When Will Fear Disappear?
Everything Passes

We Can’t Be Left Alone

963.4The eagle was sitting on a tree, resting, doing nothing. The little rabbit saw the eagle and asked: “Can I sit like you and do nothing?” “Of course, why not?” he answered. The rabbit sat down under a tree and began to rest. Suddenly a fox appeared, grabbed him and ate him. Moral: To sit and do nothing, you have to sit very, very high (Fable, source unknown).

My Response: Yes, but I don’t think this is the solution to the issue. And the eagle has problems; it has enemies, and it also must defend itself and imagine other conditions.

Question: So it still needs to keep an eye out?

Answer: Definitely. No living being can exist like this, without caring about anything.

Question: When can I allow myself to be at peace?

Answer: Only if, heaven forbid, you are dead.

Question: Is this peace?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: But you always say that the Creator is at rest. And we must move toward peace one way or another.

My Response: For us, this state is death, because we must kill ourselves, our egoism.

Question: Is this state what you mean?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So I have to kill my egoism? And my whole path is to kill it?

Answer: Yes.

Question: But we are all “rabbits”? We can’t be at rest. There is danger everywhere: on the right, on the left, everywhere?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, you say that danger exists precisely because we are, as it were, attached to this egoism. How can we not be a rabbit?

Answer: To do this, we need to know exactly what awaits us, what we must sacrifice, and how to be free. That is, we must study the nature of our world, the nature of the higher world, and the paths of transition from one state to another.

Question: This, in principle, is education?

Answer: Yes. It is not simple. I must remake myself, become a person of the upper world.

Question: How does this peace begin?

Answer: With love your neighbor as yourself. And this is already the height of an eagle.

Question: That is, we can allow ourselves some initial, minimal repose if we come to this rule: love our neighbor as ourselves?

Answer: If we accept it at least theoretically.

Question: Do you think we do not even accept it theoretically?

Answer: No, of course not!

Comment: We talk about it all the time.

My Response: We are talking.

Question: Then what does it mean to accept it, at least theoretically?

Answer: Accept it, that is, begin to look for ways to master this law, this condition, look for how to get out of your egoism, and how to rise above your nature.

Question: To love and not to hate? Peace instead of war, good relationships instead of evil. Although you always say that human nature is different.

Answer: You can’t do anything. Especially in our time, we are already approaching this. We still have to somehow prepare ourselves to move to the next level.

Question: In your opinion, is humanity already at this stage and has lingered on the previous one, or not yet?

Answer: No! We are not at any stage yet!

Question: Have we not realized it, but maybe we are there?

Answer: No, on the contrary, we are beginning to realize what stage we are at and that it is far from ideal.

Question: So since our nature is different do we need to take a step into the abyss?

Answer: This is not a step into the abyss. These are rash actions; they are not welcomed by anyone. On the contrary, we must clearly understand what is in front of us and take an absolutely rational step forward.

Comment: So I know that in front of me is “love your neighbor as yourself,” and that is the only way I am going.

My Response: Yes.

Comment: There will be a lot of interference from all sides, naturally.

My Response: We can overcome them all if it is we.

Question: If it is not me, but we?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Could humanity make this decision at some point from great suffering or from what?

Answer: I have no idea.

Question: Then a small group can?

Answer: A small group can. And I cannot imagine that humanity can.

Question: Is it contagious if a small group comes to this?

Answer: This is the mission of the Jewish people: to become such a group and show all humanity that this is possible.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/30/23

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