Today We Are A Chain of the Blind

229Question: Two students looked at a waving flag. One said: “The flag is moving.” The other replied: “No, it is the wind moving making the flag move.” Their teacher came and said: “You are both wrong. It is a thought that moves in your head.”

Why does everyone have their own perception of reality?

Answer: The perception of reality is different for everyone because we are all brought up on different foundations and ideals.

Comment: But I see the table, I see this flag.

My Response: But he sees it differently, and the third person sees something else. So everyone sees according to how they are brought up.

Question: So we cannot agree on the fact that the flag is moving? We can’t agree on this together?

Answer: No.

Question: Someone will object? He will say: “Is it the wind”? And another will say: “A thought.”

Are we supposed to agree at all? We say we should come to the same point of view. We keep saying: “The decision made together is the right one.”

Answer: But as I understand it, they cannot make a decision together.

Question: They cannot. How do we make a decision together?

Answer: There is no way. They will abandon it and leave. Later, they will be gathered together again from above, directed, and pushed.

Question: How did the Sanhedrin make their decisions 2,000 years ago? There was a Sanhedrin in Judea, a governing body. How did they make a single decision with so many people?

Answer: There were a lot of discussions and opinions. Still, they were all not simple people and they understood there were those among them closer to the upper force, to the Creator, or to nature, who understood and knew more. And they more or less yielded to them.

Question: So, we need to annul before the loftier people?

Answer: There can be no tricks or contrivances here, only whoever is more elevated is right.

Question: But how does anyone determine they are more elevated? Again, we are faced with the perception of reality. How does each one feel?

Answer: In our reality, this is impossible.

Comment: So you are bringing us to the realization that it is impossible to make a common decision.

Answer: Of course not. Whoever is in charge of the army, or the law enforcement agencies, or anything else is right. This world is doomed.

Comment: It feels like the blind are walking not knowing where they are going. I would still like to give the world a chance.

My Response: To give it a chance is not up to us. We can see that. Giving a chance is only up to the upper world.

Question: Should we come to the conclusion we are governed from above? Should everyone understand we do not lead but are led?

Answer: Yes.

Question: If we come to this understanding, to this annulment before the upper force that controls everything, then what?

Answer: Then we will look for the wisest among us and follow him. This is called a chain of blind who are following the sighted.

Comment: This is not easy for the world.

My Response: Then it has a lot more to learn.

Question: But there is only one conclusion that it must come only to this?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Okay, we can understand the wind. The flag moving is also clear. How does thought control or move, say, objects?

Answer: Wherever I direct my thoughts is where I am. All my forces are headed there too. Thought is first.

Question: Does thought come first? That is what we forget all the time. We think: “This is me going,” but is it a thought that sent me there? And who directs thoughts? Is it this upper force?

Why can’t it direct our thoughts now to the seeing, to the fact that we can only get out if we grab onto the sighted?

Answer: Because we have not matured yet.

Question: So we are yet to mature?

Answer: Yes. When my teacher died, I clearly realized we are not mature yet. But we have to advance.

Question: Why did it happen at that particular time? You said: “That was the exact point.”

Answer: Because the world has become an orphan.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/4/23

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