Einstein’s Harsh Phrase

232.01Comment: There is a quote: “If all efforts do not lead to anything and people still destroy each other, then the Universe will not shed a single tear over them.”

Please explain this ruthless quote that the universe does not care.

My Response: No, not that it doesn’t care, it’s just a law that exists in the universe. If people cannot use it correctly, they will destroy each other, and the universe has nothing to regret.

Question: What is this universe that does not regret that we will destroy each other?

Answer: Why should anyone be sorry?

Question: But is there any law of mercy?

Answer: No. Where does it come from?

Comment: I thought the law of mercy came from above. I thought everything was based on this law. I thought that this was the main law of life in general.

My Response: Why would it be?! I look at the inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature and do not see any observance of such laws in them. I think that the worst trait of man is that he invents for himself the future or the existence around him that he desires.

Question: So this is violence? Is man doing violence to nature?

Answer: Yes. And then he demands from nature: “Give it to me!”

Comment: That is, you are merciful, and I want everyone around to be merciful.

My Response: The answer is yes. If we were to reason soberly about nature, we would not demand from nature, but would demand from ourselves, we would demand our correct attitude to ourselves, to others, to nature—to everything. And then we might have a guess about how the universe exists, and how we can rise above it.

Comment: So, I don’t demand from the universe, “Be merciful to me,” but I demand from myself, “Be merciful to others”?

My Response: Yes.

Question: Why should I be merciful to others?

Answer: I have to do for others all the good and kind things that I would like to wish for myself. And in no case should I think that I will receive some kind of reward for this. No way!

Comment: This second part is very difficult, to receive nothing in return.

My Response: That’s the whole point of the first part.

Question: Does this bring me into balance with the universe if I start moving like that, as you say?

Answer: If so, then yes. And then there will be no destruction, no self-destruction.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/27/23

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