If They Came to Kill You

200.02Question: You have been talking about the law of love, bestowal, and mercy for many years. You said that this is the basis of our nation, the basis of the law within which we exist, and the whole world exists. Is this what we should follow?

Answer: Yes.

Question: This is on one hand. On the other hand, it is written by our sages in the Babylonian Talmud: If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first. What does this mean for you?

Answer: If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first means that we must forestall the enemy. And we are obliged to do this because this is the Creator’s covenant.

Comment: Then there is the law of love, bestowal, and mercy.

My Response: It depends in relation to whom and how. But if someone comes to kill you, then you must first rise and defend yourself so as to destroy the one who came to kill you.

Comment: Can you, please, explain the law of love, bestowal, and mercy at the moment when you are going to fight and kill the enemy.

Answer: This does not apply to enemies. No. There can be no love for someone who hates you and wishes for your death

Question: Can any kind of revolution ever happen so that we will suddenly look at our biggest haters with different eyes? Will anything happen?

Answer: Only after we get rid of them can there be a completely different attitude toward them. We should get rid of the haters. And then we can negotiate with those who remain.

Comment: All the laws are kind of revolving around mercy. And this one is very sharp!

My Response: It is not sharp, it is just straight. I do not see anything drastic or anything out of the ordinary in it.

Question: Why does it not say: “Try to make peace, try…”?

Answer: Any attempt is out of the question! After all, he came to kill you!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/16/23

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