Why Didn’t Alexander the Great Destroy Jerusalem?

200.01Question: Alexander the Great, the great commander, marched on Jerusalem. He was already great then, he had conquered half the world. And it is written in the Talmud that the high priest Shimon HaTzadik came out to meet him, and with him the elders.

It is written as follows: “They moved all night by torchlight, and at dawn they met with the advance detachments of the Macedonian. We stood in their way. The squad stopped. Alexander the Great descended from the chariot and knelt before the high priest. The assault on Jerusalem has been canceled.”

From that moment on, the name Alexander was included in the list of Jewish names.

The question is very important for today, what does force gives in to? You are equipped, you have got half the world behind you, you have conquered half the world, and you give up!

Answer: There is a higher power, and Alexander felt it. After he conquered the whole world, he was not blinded by it. He felt the power in this elder and therefore got off the chariot and bowed before the great wisdom that he felt in this man.

Question: Still, how to emanate it? I understand, this is a great High Priest, this is a connection with a upper force. But still, now, today, when all this is happening, is it possible to stand up against weapons like this and win? Is it possible or not?

Answer: It depends on who you are going to talk to.

Comment: After all, you see nobility behind Alexander the Great.

My Response: Not only that. He is a smart man, he is a great man who did not just go out to conquer the world. He came out to fill this world with science and enlightenment. And first of all, he wanted to leave it in those cities through which his troops passed.

He wanted to make this world, of course, Hellenic, but it was enlightened. That is, to raise this pagan world to the level of enlightenment.

Question: What is the spirit that a person radiates that conquers everything? I am asking about the high priest now.

Answer: The high priest is obligated to stay in Jerusalem; he has nowhere to go. He has a completely different mission. He must fill the earth with spirit.

Question: And if he came out now and met the Macedonian, what does that mean?

Answer: It means that two great men, strength and intelligence, came together, each understanding the other, respecting each other, and decided to save Jerusalem based on this.

Question: Was the high priest’s idea to save Jerusalem?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When you say “spirit,” do you necessarily mean an upper force in this concept? Is there no spirit without a higher power?

Answer: No, it does not exist. The spirit is the upper force, which, by the way, exists generally in any person. It only depends on how much a person wants to elevate this spirit above him. Let’s say Hitler could not do it, but Alexander the Great could. Therefore, to this day, Jews often call their children Alexander in honor of Alexander the Great.

Comment: There is no other case like this in history.

Answer: There is no such thing, in any way.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/25/23

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The High Priest’s Qualities, Part 1
The High Priest’s Qualities, Part 2
The High Priest’s Qualities, Part 3

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