Any Situation Can Be Turned Into a Joyful One

204Question: Three people were hauling rocks. They were asked, “What are you doing?” One wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, “Breaking my back.” The second one said, “I am earning money.” The third said, “I am building a temple.”

Of course, the work was easier for the one building a temple.

The question, “Is it possible to turn any situation, even the most difficult, into a joyful one?”

Answer: You can turn any situation into a joyful one. Because, basically, life is endless; the universe is endless. We do not understand where we are or what we are. We can always imagine the next goal, which is higher than the present state.

Question: So you call this a sequence of setting goals? If I set a goal in some situation, am I already moving joyfully toward it?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is it necessary to build a temple all the time?

Answer: Yes, it gives a goal to set.

Question: Is this even a principle: “If something is hard for you, set a goal and move toward it?”

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is it possible to work hard and build a temple? Can I feel that I am breaking my back and building a temple at the same time?

Answer: No, there must be one thing before you: either the desire to free yourself from the yoke or the desire to build a temple. If I am building a temple, it is not hard for me.

Question: Is it possible to earn money and build a temple?

Answer: There should be only one goal.

Question: Can they be together?

Answer: No, nothing will help. This has been proven for thousands and thousands of years.

Question: It means that if I am building a temple, it wins over everything else for me.

Today, the majority of humanity is in the first two states: either they earn money or they break their back. How can we get closer to building a temple?

Answer: There must be a goal! Nothing else!

Question: How can we inspire humanity with a goal?

Answer: Show an example, and this example should be contagious.

Question: Should this example radiate happiness, elevation, and joy for a person?

Answer: Of course yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/4/23

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