I Cannot Get Disappointed

293.1Amir asks:

Michael, the more you call for unity and good relations, the worse it gets. And yet, you continue and continue. Don’t you see that nothing is working?

Answer: What can I do? In return, I want to ask Amir: “What should be done?”

Comment: I do not know what Amir will tell you; I would say: “Get tired, enough already.”

My Response: No, I cannot get tired. Every day I see the development of evil.

Question: So why not say this: “It continues to develop, let’s leave this generation alone?” Once the phrase “generation is not worthy” was said.

Answer: Yes, but that does not mean that I walk away from it and stop everything.

Comment: But you can see that it is getting worse.

My Response: I do not evaluate good or bad, better or worse at all. I just know that I must do it and that is it. There is no possibility of getting disappointed, leaving, and so on. Whatever happens—no!

Question: So, you must continue?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: Amir thinks that you are saying this, but people’s ears are closed and their hearts too. So, it goes somewhere into the sand, as he believes.

My Response: Everything has its history, beginning, and end. So I hope there will be an end to this.

Question: That is, in principle, as they say: water wears away stone. Just like that, drop by drop. You just keep going like that, right?

Answer: I must do that!

Question: Is this called above reason or not?

Answer: Yes, against reason.

Question: Will they hear?

Answer: Not soon.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/4/24

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