A Soul that Yearns to Free Itself from Shackles of this Life

202.0Question: One day a disciple came to his teacher and said to him: “Teacher, I want full realization and perfect attainment of the truth.” “Wait,” says the teacher, “It will take some time, and this will certainly happen to you.” “No,” said the student, “I want it to happen now, right now!”

The student followed after the teacher.  The teacher took the student to the river, grabbed his head, plunged it into the water, and held it until he began to choke. Then he released the disciple who cried out: “What are you doing?! Another moment and I would have died!” The teacher replied. “Now you understand to whom the truth is revealed.”

The question is: Is it really to this extent?

Answer: Of course. The upper truth is revealed only to those who cannot live without it, who agree to do anything for the sake of its attainment.

Question: How do we come to such a demand?

Answer: This is only at the will of the Creator.

Comment: Because there are a lot of things around us.

My Response: No, no, everything around you does not matter at all. But it is possible to come to the meaning of life, to reveal it, to feel it only if a person understands that there is no other way. That is, it should be above life and death.

Question: Does a person bring himself to such an extreme state or is he brought to it?

Answer: No, this is the soul. This is a soul that seeks to free itself, to free itself from the shackles of this life.

Question: Does it mean that these are special souls, and we do not know when this will happen within us?

Answer: Yes, but gradually an increasing number of souls are approaching this state.

Question: Is this what we call a cry, a prayer?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Does a gift come from above?

Answer: Everything is a gift. Absolutely everything is a gift from the Creator.

Question: Are my efforts to come to this point a gift?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Will it not come to a normal head otherwise?

Answer: Never to anyone, and in no way. It only comes from the Creator and only to those whom He designates for it.

Question: Tell me, please, is the revelation of the truth the end or the beginning of the work?

Answer: Revelation of the truth is the beginning.

Question: Will there again be getting to the fact that it is impossible to breathe, and revelation again?

Answer: But it will be different.

Question: Then the last question is: What is the truth?

Answer: Attainment of the Creator, attainment of the entire universe through the Creator. This is the attainment of the perfection of the Creator’s actions.

Question: Is this what we have to attain?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Does everyone have to attain this one way or another, sooner or later?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Will everyone be taken through this state when I cannot breathe until I attain?

Answer: Not to such an extent. There are special souls who have to go through this in such a large volume on their own. And there are those who follow them, in their footsteps, en masse.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/8/24

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