Bring the World to the Good State

291It is even more so regarding the interior of the souls and the worlds, and how they came down to such dreadful ruin as today’s, where we have no security in our lives. In the coming years, we will be subject to all sorts of slaughter and death, and all admit that they have no counsel to prevent it (Baal HaSulam “The Last Generation”).

If humanity continues to develop through its own intellect, it will inevitably become involved in various unpleasant events and will subject itself to self-destruction. The only way to survive this and achieve the proper development and a good outcome is that we will develop friendship, love, and mutual agreement.

The question arises: why does development require pressure through suffering and bloodshed? It is to bring a person to the point where he voluntarily takes upon himself the opportunity to organize our world and bring it to a good state of balance. Therefore, nature is obliged to lead us to such a desperate state in a natural way. Without this, a person will not do anything, he must be forced.

Question: Do you think that we have already reached this point?

Answer: According to the science of Kabbalah, we have already reached a state where we can take control of nature into our own hands and raise ourselves to the level of the absolute, favorable world of infinity.
From KabTV’s “Era of the Last Generation“ 2/4/24

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