The Path to Bestowal through a Play

938.02Question: How can we come to a state where Malchut rises to Bina or Bina affects our common Malchut by playing at connection among ourselves in the ten?

Answer: It depends on how much we play at it because the game ends when the upper light affects us; when it shines on us, we begin to gather together into one spiritual Kli.

This happens gradually. Do you want it to happen faster? Perform your actions more intensely; get closer to each other, and try to work together in one desire collected from your private desires so that you feel it all inside yourself.

The intensity of the action depends on the great internal effort of each friend.

Everyone must constantly imagine that they are a part of the other. That is why these efforts are called rapprochement.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/18/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning Hesed [Mercy]”

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