Bring it to Life

259.02Conversely, those who do not walk on the path toward achieving Dvekut with the Creator, which is to obtain the desire to bestow, are called “wicked” in that they are not walking on a path where they will be able to do everything for the sake of the Creator, but rather for their own sake.

Yet, here, “wicked” is a different discernment, a completely different interpretation. That is, there are no righteous there in the middle, but all their actions are as wicked, meaning not for the sake of the Creator, but for their own sake.

In the work, they are called “wicked,” but to the general public, who observe Torah and Mitzvot, they are called “righteous” (Rabash, Article  9, “What Is, ‘The Smell of His Garments,’ in the Work?”).

We need to try to fulfill those laws of the Torah that lead us to unity because “love your neighbor as yourself” is the most important commandment. We must strive for it. We must examine this condition and implement it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/12/24, Writings of Rabash “What Is, ‘The Smell of His Garments,’ in the Work?”

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