Questions about Spiritual Work—86

281.02Question: What is the difference between a desire of the  Creator and a quality of the Creator?

Answer: The Creator has only one quality—to bestow, to fulfill, to saturate. His desire is to see a person who does what He has directed him to do to receive the upper light from this and be fulfilled with it.

Question: We come to the group with a point in the heart. At what moment can we assume that we have some kind of soul?

Answer: From the moment you start thinking about it.

Question: Is there a difference between mind and knowledge?

Answer: Of course. The mind is the ability of our brain to process data, and knowledge is what we accumulate in ourselves as a result of processing data.

Question: When you feel negative about the actions of another person, suddenly the thought comes to you about what would you do if you really loved him? Is this the voice of the Creator?

Answer: That is the voice of the Creator. This is the opportunity to fulfill the commandment.

Question: Do all the commandments have to be fulfilled only within the ten or beyond it as well?

Answer: We study the commandments inside the ten, and we fulfill them both inside and outside the ten in everyday life.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/16/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “And You Shall Keep Your Souls”

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