The Most Important Commandment

294.4Question: In the article “What Does the Rule, “Love Thy Friend as Thyself,” Give Us?,” Rabash explains that with the help of this rule, you can come to love for the Creator. Then why are there all the other actions and fulfillment of the commandments?

Answer: How else will we come to love for the Creator? We must move from love for the other to love for the Creator. We cannot develop this feeling in ourselves in any other way.

After you already have some direction of love for your friends for the Creator, the rest of the commandments will be fulfilled.

Question: If the main law of the Torah is “love your neighbor,” after implementing it can we fulfill all the other commandments? Or, on the contrary, do we complete all the commandments first and then come to love?

Answer: No, you need to do both. But the most important commandment is still “love your neighbor.”

Question: The article says: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Rabbi Akiva says: “It is a great rule in the Torah.” It follows that if we keep this rule (Klal), all the individual elements (Prat) are already included in it, i.e., we will come to these elements automatically, without any effort, and there is nothing more for us to do.

What is the order of our correction?

Answer: In principle, it does not matter what it is. The main thing is to do it. Try to be closer to others in your heart.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 12/19/23

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Love As The Law Of Nature
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