“Love Your Neighbor” Is the Main Commandment of the Universe

504Question: Baal HaSulam writes that there is one commandment: “Love your neighbor.” Why does the Creator require us to fulfill this particular commandment?

Answer: The commandment “Love thy neighbor as thyself” includes all human corrections. If a person starts treating others the same way he treats himself, he will transform his egoistic nature into the property of bestowal and love.

In principle, this is all that the Torah should lead us to. It is in this action that we reveal the Creator.

Question: Can we say there are more important and less important commandments, or are they all equally important?

Answer: It is difficult to say which commandments are more important and which are less. But it follows from Rabbi Akiva’s explanation that “Love thy neighbor” is the most important, general commandment.
From KabTV’s”Spiritual States” 11/21/23

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