Don’t Get Into Trouble

919 Shulya asks:

Hello, dear Michael Laitman. I live in Israel. And like all Israelis, my life was filled with the news. I listened to the news in the car, the news at home, the news at work, and discussed them. And suddenly on October 7, this horror that happened, this shock that we all received! And I can’t listen to the news anymore! I listen to them and I’m stressed. Commentators, different opinions, tragic stories, criticism…

I started to settle for short news clips, just to keep up to date. And it turned out that most of the time that was occupied by the news was freed up. My question is: what kind of content should I fill myself with?

Question: This is really a question on all Israelis’ minds. They live on news.

Answer: Read fairy tales. Yes, fairy tales, not some kind of scientific literature. It can be a little bit fantastic. And even better, if you are able to read fairy tales.

Comment: Fairy tales are suitable for any age.

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why fairy tales?

Answer: Because we are living a lie anyway. We live in the unknown. So it is better to read what creates a good state of mind in you. You don’t work as some kind of minister or leader that you need to be clearly in a state of responsibility and objectivity. So keep yourself occupied with something more pleasant.

Comment: So this is advice for a person who is not directly engaged in carrying out the work necessary to govern the country, but an average citizen.

My Response: From what you will experience, you will not cause harm to anyone. And you won’t manipulate anything.

Comment: But a person simply cannot do without these short news clips; after all, our children are there, and there is a war.

Answer: It is necessary. We need to be aware and supportive.

Question: This is our prayer, that we only listen for a short bit?

Answer: Yes, but don’t cook in it all the time.

Question: So with the additional free time, is this how to live, as in a fairy tale?

Answer: Maybe not to do that. There are people who are doing something else. But the fact is that your experiences do not give anything, and on the contrary, maybe they give more negative results than good ones.

Question: Like if it leads to fear, anxiety?

Answer: Yes, there is no need for that!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/11/23

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