Entries in the 'Society' Category

Based on Harmony with Nature

715Coming closer to each other and the property of our commonality will give us the opportunity to connect with nature and see that we can use its laws in a completely different way. This will be a completely new discovery for us.

The sciences will be based not on man’s opposition to nature, but on the interaction with it, on harmony. This is a different mind, different desires, different thoughts, and completely different discoveries.

Modern science and current technology will completely step aside. They are in crisis because they are a manifestation of our egoism. We treat nature egoistically and from this, we create our sciences.

When we are in harmony with it, we will reveal it completely differently. We will not have physics, chemistry, geology, and astrology separately, but there will be one science about nature, which is called Kabbalah. Then we will be able to do great things, something that our ancestors, who were not yet so far removed from nature, partially were able to do.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Mysterious Civilizations of the Past” 5/25/12

Related Material:
Delicate Balance of Nature
Natural Disasters And The Role Of Humanity
Nature Does Not Tolerate Imbalance

The Civilization of Global Love

632.3In the News (Big Think): In 1973, a computer program was developed at MIT to model global sustainability. Instead, it predicted that by 2040 our civilization would end. … But what the computer envisioned in the 1970s has by and large been coming true. Could the machine be right?

“The prediction, which recently reappeared in Australian media, was made by a program dubbed World OneIt was originally … commissioned by the Club of Rome to model how well the world could sustain its growth. …

“The model’s calculations took into account trends in pollution levels, population growth, the amount of natural resources and the overall quality of life on Earth. The model’s predictions for the worsening quality of life and the dwindling natural resources have so far been unnervingly on target.

Question: If the collapse of civilization in the form in which we know it is predicted, then in what form will civilization exist?

Answer: Let them broadcast what the computer indicated for the next 20 years. And we will see to what extent it is right or not. I have not heard or read anything about this computer. I want to see what it has written and what came true, not some retellings of it.

Question: Even if these are stories and fairy tales, please tell me your feelings, “What kind of civilization would there be if there was no one like today?” In general, such a civilization is most likely not needed.

Answer: No. It is needed only to realize the wrongness of its path.

Question: What kind of civilization will there be in the future? Not in 2040 or 2050, but in general, what kind of civilization are we going to have?

Answer: Civilization will be built on universal love, interconnection, and mutual assistance. It is concrete. But this is after realizing the evil of our civilization.

Question: And how will we be aware of it? Via blows?

Answer: Here is our problem. Either we realize it in a good way or in an evil way,  with a stick to happiness or awareness of the correct path.

Question: I am interested in your opinion of how will we realize this and see what is happening?

Answer: I think with a stick. So far, it is improbable that humanity has realized anything at all. There needs to be the recognition of the evil of their nature by every person. And then he will do something with himself and not others.

Question: For us to do something with ourselves, strong blows will be needed?

Answer: I hope not, but in general everything is leading to that.

Question: And how does this vector unfold? We have said more than once that we live in criticism of others, in capturing others. And how does the vector unfold?

Answer: The common vector should lead us to realize that we are enemies to each other and in this we are enemies to ourselves.

Question: So, this is not my enemy, but my enemy is inside me. Is this the main thing we should come to?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Then we come to the future through love, as you say?

Answer: Yes. Then we come to the future through love and to the victory of good over evil.

Question: And when love, kindness, and a kind attitude prevail, what will people do?

Answer: People will give up all unnecessary work and will go fishing, to the beach, to the sea, take care of children, walk in the park with flowers in their hair, listen to birds singing, and record birds singing. That is what life will be like. Everyone will bow to each other.

In general, this is an idiotic vision of the future.

Question: What do you think is real? When love…

Answer: A person cannot exist without a struggle. And the struggle for what? For the harvest? For territories? Where does a person feel that he is doing something, creating?

Question: But what happens if love rules the world? Where is the struggle, what is the struggle?

Answer: The struggle will be in being able to show love more and more. It will be very difficult. This is the hardest part.

Question: So there are dramas and everything else?

Answer: Of course.

Question: But with joy, with love?

Answer: It will still be with dramas. Without this, a person cannot exist.

Question: But is it still that we are moving toward love?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So such a goal will be set, and a person will go toward it. What do you mean by the word “love” now when you say it?

Answer: When I value another above myself.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/15/22

Related Material:
A New Civilization
Signs of the Fall of Civilization
The Solution to the Clash of Civilizations

How Can We Soar into the Future?

537Question: Maybe we cannot create a time machine because our protein world is illusory and exists only in our imagination?

Answer: It exists in you in such a way that you are now sitting in front of the camera and talking to me. And there are ten billion people around you, and so on, and so on. In principle, this is all, of course, your world.

This is what appears to you. I also exist in this world of yours. And I also imagine myself existing in some kind of my own world.

Kabbalists write that in the future all people will unite into one single humankind and become like one organism in their feelings. In this state, time will vanish.

If no one feels like a single person but only as the totality of all mankind, then no one from the future will come to you because there will be no such state when we represent individual people. All of us together will become one person called Adam.

And then, as it is written in Kabbalah, material reality will disappear from our senses because we will not feel disconnected from each other, but we will begin to exist in one common spiritual body.

Therefore, we do not need to create a time machine to soar into the future because it exists in a completely different degree.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 12/25/22

Related Material:
The Path Of The Future Correction Is For All
Looking At The Future Together With A Kabbalist
You Will Not Learn Without Trying

Education Is First of All!!

120Question: Suppose a person has a tendency to steal. What action should be taken against him?

Answer: Correction. Everyone steals. Everyone! Neither you nor I can vouch for ourselves either. It depends on where, how, what, consciously, unconsciously, or perhaps he was framed somehow.

You cannot allow a person to be around such things that he can steal. We must protect him from such actions. It all depends on the level of his education.

Of course if I have a natural tendency to steal, then I cannot just be allowed to do certain things. We must learn to measure the degree of correction of a person, and for this we need to see him and include him in us. It is not simple. Nobody has been able to do this yet. That is why everyone steals.

Question: How can we do this in a Kabbalistic society?

Answer: Everything is based on completely different principles in a Kabbalistic society. As Baal HaSulam writes in the book The Writings of the Last Generation, everyone receives as much as he or she is entitled to according to the amounts that society determines in accordance with the personal and family needs of a person. Therefore, one does not need to steal. There is nowhere to steal from, and no need to do so.

A person is constantly in a state of being influenced by the correct environment, and systematically undergoes training by improving on one’s own and attending improvement courses.

If we begin to gradually curtail our economy, close enterprises not by directive, but according to our education, and send people to classes, then the crisis would calm down and there would be no overproduction. First you need to invest everything in education.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Ideal Punishment” 10/5/13

Related Material:
Contrary to the Selfish Nature
Re-Education Instead Of Punishment
Three Cities Of Refuge

Can One Learn to Recognize Evil?

504Question: It is no secret that all social formations were either replaced, have disappeared or collapsed. How will the new form of the future society preserve itself and develop further?

Answer: I think this will happen on the basis of a complete renunciation of past states with the help of the so-called recognition of evil, when people begin to understand that it is impossible to continue existing as before. They will be on the verge between either disappearing or changing themselves. And then they will experience transformation.

The recognition of evil is a force that preserves and protects itself. The whole of society will recognize evil, learn to understand it, and pass on this understanding to each other.

Question: Can the recognition of evil be learned and passed on?

Answer: Of course. We have just to teach, show, and explain what evil is and to what extent it exists in each object.

When a person begins to feel where evil comes from, then to this extent he begins to hate it. The recognition of evil preserves the society and does not allow it to move back.

Question: What is the energy that pushes a person forward toward his development? After all, what does not move forward goes backward.

Answer: The fact is that a person cannot stay in the same place, he must develop. Society develops, people develop, children are born, everything flows. Therefore, a person and society itself will strive to constantly develop.

But the main thing is the recognition of the evil in egoism and the fact that it is impossible to continue to exist like this. This feeling of impossibility will protect against regression and push forward.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 6/24/22

Related Material:
What Path of Development Will Humanity Choose?
Can We Change Ourselves?
Want To Change The World? Change Yourself

The Only Desire Is to Fill Others

962.3Question: In the article “The Last Generation,” Baal HaSulam writes that a person should work for the benefit of people to the best of his ability and if necessary, beyond that, until hunger and thirst disappear from the world.

In the future society, how much can a person give to it?

Answer: Society must reach a state where a person will have no desire other than to fulfill others. And this is possible because there are such forces in nature that can change us people to turn egoists into altruists. This is the most important thing.

Question: After this change to someone, will it actually be a different person altogether?

Answer: This will be man, since Adam (man) from the word “domeh” means similar to the upper force, the quality of bestowal and love, which fills the whole space, everything that exists around us. But we do not feel it because so far we are opposite to it.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 6/24/22

Related Material:
Love Is The Fulfillment Of Others’ Desires
Giving Means Filling The Desires Of Others
Filling The Desires Of Others As If They Were My Own

Society of Joy

293.1The future society is a society that lives according to the principle “love your neighbor as yourself,” a society of joy, smiles, and rapprochement.

Question: How does a person feel in it from the point of view of the perception of reality? Does he feel his neighbor, does he feel the social structure?

Answer: He feels himself in an environment that is absolutely identical to what exists within him. After all, the border of perception that there is me and something outside of me is being destroyed, leveled. There is no difference between his internal state and the external environment.

At the same time, a person’s sensation of our egoistic, closed, angular, limited-by-time world disappears.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 6/24/22

Related Material:
“Secrets Of The Health Of The Social Organism”
The Secret To Happiness
Reaching Happiness

Is Disparity Evil or Joy?

568.01Question: Why has disparity always been felt by a person as evil?

Answer: Because the relationship between people is egoistic. When they become altruistic, the disparity between us gives us the opportunity to receive or bestow to another in some kind of disproportion between us.

This gives everyone a feeling of bestowing and receiving, which, in principle does not matter, but only expresses our inner motives.

That is, in the future society, a person will become completely different, his concepts of eternal values will radically change. He will be glad that the Creator created us unequal.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 6/24/22

Related Material:
Suffering—Disparity With Nature
Lack of Correspondence to the Holy Land
How To Use Disturbances Sent By The Creator

Truth and Lie in Modern Society

631.1Question: Will such a category as “truth and lie” exist in a future society?

Answer: There is no such category in nature, but it exists in humans and only when they think about themselves instead of thinking about others.

At the inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels of nature there is no such concept, since all these levels are operating subconsciously according to the laws of nature. Animals do not have questions about truth, lie, bestowal, love, hate, and so on. These categories will gradually disappear in humans as well under the influence of self-education.

Question: Why do people stand up for the truth so much throughout history?

Answer: The fact is that a person does not understand what truth means. One has some kind of internal belief that everything should be true. But what is the truth? Everyone has their own egoistic truth, which seems correct to them. So it should be. Therefore, a person has no choice here, one will still be searching for truth and justice. But the solution of these categories can be achieved only in absolute bestowal between people.

Question: So in modern society, people stand for the truth and they think they spread it to everyone, but, in reality, there is nothing in this?

Answer: It does not mean that there is nothing in this. On the contrary, this is a terrible attitude toward people and the world when a person wants his personal truth, the way he understands it, to prevail. This is one of the examples of fascism and violence.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 4/26/22

Related Material:
How To Define Truth And Lie?
Truth And Falsehood From The Perspective Of Kabbalah
Lie And Truth, Part 1

Disparity That Gives a Sense of Comfort

631.1Question: Can the difference between us give a person pleasure and comfort?

Answer: Nature has created us different from each other. And here the question arises, should we strive to neutralize absolutely everything there is between us? Or should we maintain this disparity and somehow move forward while preserving it?

I think practice will determine this. People will use disparity between them and will understand how much they need its manifestation.

Disparity will not increase, but it will be felt more acutely. Sensitivity to it will become more and more obvious in people, which will help them manifest themselves in an even greater rapprochement with each other, despite the disparity.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 6/24/22

Related Material:
The Secret Of Universal Equality
Spiritual Equality
Conditional Equality