Education Is First of All!!

120Question: Suppose a person has a tendency to steal. What action should be taken against him?

Answer: Correction. Everyone steals. Everyone! Neither you nor I can vouch for ourselves either. It depends on where, how, what, consciously, unconsciously, or perhaps he was framed somehow.

You cannot allow a person to be around such things that he can steal. We must protect him from such actions. It all depends on the level of his education.

Of course if I have a natural tendency to steal, then I cannot just be allowed to do certain things. We must learn to measure the degree of correction of a person, and for this we need to see him and include him in us. It is not simple. Nobody has been able to do this yet. That is why everyone steals.

Question: How can we do this in a Kabbalistic society?

Answer: Everything is based on completely different principles in a Kabbalistic society. As Baal HaSulam writes in the book The Writings of the Last Generation, everyone receives as much as he or she is entitled to according to the amounts that society determines in accordance with the personal and family needs of a person. Therefore, one does not need to steal. There is nowhere to steal from, and no need to do so.

A person is constantly in a state of being influenced by the correct environment, and systematically undergoes training by improving on one’s own and attending improvement courses.

If we begin to gradually curtail our economy, close enterprises not by directive, but according to our education, and send people to classes, then the crisis would calm down and there would be no overproduction. First you need to invest everything in education.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Ideal Punishment” 10/5/13

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