Entries in the 'Women’s Spirituality' Category

A Woman of the 21st Century, Part 2

962.6What is the difference between male and female leadership styles and how can we combine them both?

If a leader, whether man or woman, does not know about the purpose and program of creation and how to lead in order to progress to what nature requires of us, then nothing good will come of it. First of all, integral education is necessary and as a consequence women will occupy more important positions in society.

Such is the call of the time. Until the beginning of the last period, while humanity hasn’t yet entered the stage of final correction by connecting, studying the science of Kabbalah, organizing in tens, society was ruled by men. But as soon as we begin to spread the methodology of integral education and begin to work in tens, to restore the one common big soul of Adam HaRishon, women will come forward.

Men will be more involved in the organization of tens and the internal structures of society, and women will take on more external leadership. That’s why I keep repeating that dissemination is mostly women’s work.

The same woman who has always remained in the shadows suddenly now has to come to the forefront and engage in the reconstruction of society. And it’s interesting that men agree to this. Nature lets a woman go ahead and no one protests. This is a miracle that has never happened in history. And this process has been going on for the last hundred years.

A woman has always had a penchant for leadership, but before that it was on a small scale and did not go beyond the house. A man is not able to manage the house; he never knows where everything is. His way of thinking is not adapted for such work, and the woman has always been in charge of the house.

But over time there has been a change. And this is a consequence of the internal organization of the soul, which is gradually approaching correction. As a result, the light passed from above through the Sefirot Keter, Hochma, etc., to Malchut and began to reach the woman more and more. Therefore women felt that they understand the changes taking place in the world more and are ready to express their opinions on important issues.

This is no longer limited to knowing where the salt and pepper are in the kitchen. A woman is ready to give advice to men—to her husband, to the government, and to parliament—and offer a solution. This is no longer about how to cook soup, but how to brew politics. And all because the time has come when the upper light has approached Malchut and given her illumination.

Therefore a woman feels able to work with this. She is able to restore order in the world better than a man because she belongs to the last Sefira, and by raising the reflected light, she connects all the Sefirot located in front of her. Therefore she is able to manage them all.

The man remains with his specific role, and the woman gains the power to control everyone, as she does with children in kindergarten. She handles all the affairs.

Not everyone can be like Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir, but nevertheless, any woman has special abilities in management. I think that in our time it is necessary to replace men with women in parliaments. We know that there will be order in any place where a woman works. The world doesn’t need a man’s explosive power, but rather a woman’s moderate, balanced leadership, free from all the petty calculations that are sometimes characteristic of women.

A woman who can weigh everything well and correctly and perceives her country as her home, important and dear to her, is able to reconcile all contradictory currents and parties and balance everything. Only a woman can do that.
From KabTV’s “Women in the New World” 7/5/20, Part 1

Related Material:
A Woman of the 21st Century, Part 1
The Last Generation—The Time Of Women
Success Depends On The Woman

A Woman of the 21st Century, Part 1

630.2History knows many women who were pioneers that paved the way and made changes in the world that laid the foundation for a more progressive society. Usually, heroic efforts were required from a woman in order to break through the established stereotypes and go against accepted norms and cultural traditions.

Yet, most of history was written by men, and there are very few female names in it. Women have always remained in the background. After all, history develops in accordance with the general structure of society, the universe, and the entire creation, which consists of ten Sefirot.

This structure develops from above downward, from the Sefira Keter to Malchut. Although everything is intended for Malchut, for the female part of the structure, until her turn comes, until the whole system develops, the role of the woman is concealed.

This is evident throughout history, among all nations, and at all times. Only in the people of Israel has the role of a woman always been more pronounced than in others, as is evident by these names from the Tanakh: Eve, Adam’s wife, and the great prophetess Batya, Pharaoh’s daughter who raised Moses.

“Batya” means “the daughter of the Creator” (Bet-Yod-Hey), which indicates her supreme destiny. The Tanakh tells about many women who played a special role in history, and always a positive one.

During the last exile of 2,000 years, the role of a woman went into even greater concealment. The longer and deeper the exile was, the more so the role of a woman remained in the shadows. Now, as we come out of this exile, women are getting more and more freedom and an increasingly important role. Especially big changes took place in the last century and even more so in our 21st century when a woman becomes the dominant part in development.

This is very noticeable in the modern world where so many women hold leadership positions in enterprises and even as heads of countries. Not only is female power growing, but the image of a woman is becoming increasingly important. As a result, we see that the entire world exists in order to raise Malchut, the female part, above everything in the model of the world.

Although Malchut was always in concealment because it is the last Sefira, at the last stage it becomes the most important, comes out of concealment, and reveals itself in the reflected light all the way to Keter. It turns out that the role of a woman is the most important. Although it is written that “All honor [awaits] the King’s daughter who is within” (Psalms 45:14), because she always was in concealment, now she comes to the forefront and begins to reveal herself as the most important part.

I think the 21st century should give women more time to move forward and learn about their role in correcting the world. Such women will be able to lead the world to the lofty goal that is before us.

In the old days, the development of a woman was always delayed relative to the general development. The fact is that a woman belongs to the tenth part of the general structure: Keter, Hochma, Bina, Hessed, Gevurah, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and the last, Malchut, is the female part of the soul. But when Malchut begins to receive, when there is already restriction, screen, and reflected light in which Malchut reaches Keter, then the light comes and illuminates all the Sefirot. The direct and the reflected light connect together.

Previously, humanity has neglected the role of a woman and did not appreciate her worth. But all this must be corrected today as we are coming to the last stage at which a woman must grow up and reveal herself.

In the 19th century there was a qualitative change, and the female force began to break through. Women received the right to vote in elections and access to higher education. This has advanced not only the women themselves but also the whole society, its lower social strata. A woman does not just enter the historical, social, and public stage, dshe also pulls weak social layers that otherwise would not be able to advance.

A woman changes everything. We only need to give room to one woman, allow her to express herself, and the whole life changes. This is especially so in our time because we are coming to the end of the correction of the world. There is still a lot that needs to be corrected, but we are already at the finish line. Therefore, the role of women is becoming more noticeable day by day.

A woman will demand more and more because the forces of nature are pushing her to do so. On the other hand, the male half of humanity will increasingly bow down to women. Therefore, it is necessary to explain to women their role and their responsibility to fulfill it and not neglect it.

If women do not fulfill their leading role, they as if leave it to men. But men can no longer act the way they used to. It turns out that men are no longer acting, and women are not yet acting, and we fall between two chairs, which is very dangerous. This is the time we are entering today.
From KabTV’s “Women in the New world” 7/5/20, Part 1

Related Material:
A House Needs A Wise Woman
A Woman’s Role In The Spiritual Development Of Humanity
The Modern Woman And Kabbalah

Everything In Life Develops From a Woman

627.1Everything in life develops from a woman. Men find and conquer new lands, cross oceans, and discover new continents. But then a woman comes and so a settlement arises with houses, children appear, and land begins to be developed.

Therefore we, men, have passed a certain stage of the spiritual path, and then the time has come when women should join in to help us enter the spiritual land and settle in it. Let us hope that this year it will already be realized in practice.
From a Conversation at the Unity Event “Unity Tent” 10/13/22

Related Material:
Why Does A Man Need A Woman?
The Spiritual Path Of A Man And A Woman
It All Starts With A Woman

Rise Above Speaking Critically

547.01Question: What is the danger of speaking critically in the Kabbalistic community?

Answer: First, different critical thoughts arise from within each person. This is natural because our egoism is constantly working, constantly growing, and constantly arousing a critical attitude in us toward the world, except for those who are truly close to us.

Relationships in a group require constant spiritual elevation; therefore, our egoism works at full capacity there. It is not surprising that egoism is constantly aroused in each of us. Let it get excited, as it should be. This is a sign of growth, but it is about what we do with it.

I must constantly tune my egoism to the opposite; that is, I must work in such a way so that without destroying it and above it, I can build the property of bestowal and love in relation to my friends in the group. I must show them the same thing and set an example to everyone. And they should act in the same way regarding me and everyone else.

As a matter of fact, it is a game above our egoism and contrary to it. From this game, we gradually arouse the surrounding light, which in this case affects us, raises us, and actually creates a common property of bestowal in us in which we will then feel the Creator—the upper, governing force of the world.

If instead of this, I tell my friends about the critical attitude that I see in others—not about that I should demonstrate love and affection for them, but about my neglect, that is, my reason from my own egoism—then by doing this I simply spread a harmful infection between group members. This is absolutely unacceptable! This is the worst thing that kills our spiritual advancement.

Among men this is not such a terrible thing because they initially do not have such a movement from within as women do. And if they want to be with us in a group, in motion, it must be uprooted, weeded, and nipped in the bud. That is why I am so harsh about gossip and speaking critically. There should be no place for this among us.

You can be critical of someone who did something wrong in dissemination, professionally speaking, but not of the relations between us. In no case can you criticize a friend.

In addition, you do not even understand that you are talking about yourself and not about others; that is, you are reasoning from your ego.

Speaking critically is the most terrible thing that can be in a Kabbalistic group, and we must fight against it with all our might because it is a poison that kills any of our advancement. That is why I am so intolerant of criticism from friends, and if such things happen, we must actively fight against them. And if someone is not able, then these people should simply be removed from the group.

I should not speak out about the fact that I do not like some character traits of a friend. This should never happen. I have to rise above this.

Just like in my beloved child, I practically do not see any negative qualities, and even if I see them, they overlap with love. I still love him and I do not tell anyone what is bad in him. This is a clear example of how we should treat all of our friends like my beloved little child. We should treat them like that.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Beware of Gossip!” 3/19/13

Related Material:
The Spiritual Root Of Gossip
A Gossip Or A Friend?
The Remedy For Slander

The Group Must Be Homogeneous

538Question: What should be done if a person hears slander against someone?

Answer: Say that you do not want to hear it, cut it off, and in this way you will teach a friend to do the same. This is a great correction for the group.

Question: If women are discussing someone, is it natural for them to group into cliques?

Answer: They can do whatever they want, but then they must understand that they are not walking along the spiritual path with us. The Kabbalistic group must be equal, absolutely homogeneous.

If someone slanders, then in theory he multiplies evil, this diverges like a virus. You can fight this only by having a good relationship with everyone and covering everything with love. If a person is in a group, then he was brought here and we must accept him as a closest one.

Question: How can I teach myself not to give criticism outwardly, not to utter it?

Answer: Through habit, example of others, constant self-criticism, and introspection.

Question: You said that before a certain period, a person is still learning. At the initial stage is it acceptable to gossip?

Answer: No. As soon as a person arrives in the group, we must immediately inform him about this and teach him like a child, and constantly point out to him the inadmissibility of slander.

There must be an awareness of the importance that without this we will not reach the goal. I hope that everyone will understand this, and in the end they will reach the goal. I will not be hurt so much that they themselves break the ties in which they can reveal their highest state.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Beware of Gossip!” 3/19/13

Related Material:
Why Is Criticism Encouraged in Kabbalah?
Is It Better to Be Kind or Evil?
Signs Of The Beginning Of The Correction

Spiritual Couple

627.2Question: If my wife is a part of me, is it possible to judge a friend by his wife?

Answer: It depends on the couple. If you and your wife have lived a long time together, but you are an ordinary earthly couple, then this is immediately felt. If you are a spiritual couple, it is also felt. It is even felt if you are at different degrees.

A spiritual couple is two people who feel a mutual aspiration to one another and to the goal, who feel each other and see themselves united in the goal with each other, with the rest of the world, and with the Creator.

In principle, people who live together for a long time feel each other without words, understand each other without words, and, as they say, live in perfect harmony. It is natural. And on a spiritual level there is an even greater closeness. It is part of telepathy, of the feeling of others.

Comment: You always say that a man should be married because through his other half, so to say, he speaks with the Creator. But there are completely opposite, conflicting couples. You look at them and it seems that this single whole consists of the two of them.

My Response: In our time, a couple is not at all what it used to be when people took care of each other, when they had the same feelings, the same thoughts, and the same goals, when they were engaged in a common household, and so on. They had joint standard sensations.

Today this is practically non-existent. Everyone does their own thing; in the morning they run away, in the evening they run back to the same apartment for a few hours of sleep, and then run away again. It is the kind of slavery where there is no place for anything shared.

This is good because they have become so egoistic that it would be difficult for them to live with each other for a long time, but only for a short time if they go somewhere on vacation where there is nothing in common and they do something external. If they took care of their household and were free a couple of days a week, then it would be a terrible state.

That is why those people who are unemployed today are so unhappy. This is a cause for very big conflicts.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Spiritual Couple” 3/24/13

Related Material:
The Family Of The Future Is A Fusion Of Minds And Hearts
A Spiritual Family
On Equality And Precedence

Men Have a Lot to Learn From Women

507.03Comment: We received a letter from women who gathered in Latvia to support our congress. They write that they also have a strong congress in Latvia, Moscow, and virtually as well, absolutely identical to the male one.

In parallel with our meetings, they have regular gatherings of friends, which are held by women’s groups from different countries. They use them to clarify the prayer and the role of women. They realize that women cannot live and unite for their own sake, but they live and unite for the sake of men, the future generation, and the world.

My Response: I absolutely agree with them. Indeed, we men need to learn this from women. They initially have a more “outside of themselves” nature. And we will try to be similar and correct ourselves.
From the “Arava” Convention in Europe—Lithuania 2022, Lesson 2, 7/24/22

Related Material:
Always Together
In Common Prayer
Our Nearest Future

Pray For Men

627.2Question: We have always felt dependent on the men’s group and it is with great trepidation that we are now revealing that the men’s group also depends on us in some way. We want to find the place where we need to apply our effort, something that depends solely on us.

How can we come to such a prayer? How can we come to the point that depends only on women? We would like to give a helping hand to men who need us now, and we feel this.

Answer: There is no need to give any helping hand to men. You should just pray for them. Women, as I said, know how to do it. Pray for them, and you will succeed.
From the “Arava” Convention in Europe—Lithuania 2022, Lesson 1, 7/22/22

Related Material:
A Letter To The Beloved In The Front
One Global Woman And One Global Man
The Power Of Women And Men: A Condition For Spiritual Ascent

Are We Ready to Unite?

13.02Question: You said that women know how to ask. Every day we compose our prayers in every ten . What should we include in them now? How can we improve our prayers these days to come to a single heart?

Answer: We must feel what distances exist between us and how we would like to get rid of them so that our movement toward bestowal and love is directed from us to others, from each of us toward the others.

That is when we will feel whether we are ready to unite or not. Maybe we are not yet, after all.

Try to feel if there is motion between us only to bestow toward others but not back to yourself.
From the “Arava” Convention in Europe – Lithuania 2022, Lesson 1, 7/22/22

Related Material:
The Woman’s Correction
The Role Of Women In Spiritual Work
Women’s Spiritual Purpose

Always Together

557Question: For the first time in a long while, women take part in the morning lessons and ask questions almost on an equal footing. This did not happen before. And now they are creating their own women’s Arava convention. How did it happen in our lifetime that women are pulling ahead?

Answer: The fact is that we are moving toward final correction. We are in the last phase of a general correction, and therefore, we need more active participation of the women with us, and they need our participation.

Together we return to the beginning of creation, but already corrected, to the place where both woman and man began creation, together participated in its fall, and together they must participate in its correction.

At the last stage of correction, when men have prepared everything necessary, women approach the men, and together they carry out these last stages. Therefore, it is natural that both women and men participate in all our conventions, classes, and everywhere. This will be revealed even more clearly.
From the “Arava” Convention in Europe – Lithuania 2022, Lesson 1, 7/22/22

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To Show Men An Example
The Last Generation—The Time Of Women
Success Depends On The Woman