Entries in the 'Women’s Spirituality' Category

Men Have a Lot to Learn From Women

507.03Comment: We received a letter from women who gathered in Latvia to support our congress. They write that they also have a strong congress in Latvia, Moscow, and virtually as well, absolutely identical to the male one.

In parallel with our meetings, they have regular gatherings of friends, which are held by women’s groups from different countries. They use them to clarify the prayer and the role of women. They realize that women cannot live and unite for their own sake, but they live and unite for the sake of men, the future generation, and the world.

My Response: I absolutely agree with them. Indeed, we men need to learn this from women. They initially have a more “outside of themselves” nature. And we will try to be similar and correct ourselves.
From the “Arava” Convention in Europe—Lithuania 2022, Lesson 2, 7/24/22

Related Material:
Always Together
In Common Prayer
Our Nearest Future

Pray For Men

627.2Question: We have always felt dependent on the men’s group and it is with great trepidation that we are now revealing that the men’s group also depends on us in some way. We want to find the place where we need to apply our effort, something that depends solely on us.

How can we come to such a prayer? How can we come to the point that depends only on women? We would like to give a helping hand to men who need us now, and we feel this.

Answer: There is no need to give any helping hand to men. You should just pray for them. Women, as I said, know how to do it. Pray for them, and you will succeed.
From the “Arava” Convention in Europe—Lithuania 2022, Lesson 1, 7/22/22

Related Material:
A Letter To The Beloved In The Front
One Global Woman And One Global Man
The Power Of Women And Men: A Condition For Spiritual Ascent

Are We Ready to Unite?

13.02Question: You said that women know how to ask. Every day we compose our prayers in every ten . What should we include in them now? How can we improve our prayers these days to come to a single heart?

Answer: We must feel what distances exist between us and how we would like to get rid of them so that our movement toward bestowal and love is directed from us to others, from each of us toward the others.

That is when we will feel whether we are ready to unite or not. Maybe we are not yet, after all.

Try to feel if there is motion between us only to bestow toward others but not back to yourself.
From the “Arava” Convention in Europe – Lithuania 2022, Lesson 1, 7/22/22

Related Material:
The Woman’s Correction
The Role Of Women In Spiritual Work
Women’s Spiritual Purpose

Always Together

557Question: For the first time in a long while, women take part in the morning lessons and ask questions almost on an equal footing. This did not happen before. And now they are creating their own women’s Arava convention. How did it happen in our lifetime that women are pulling ahead?

Answer: The fact is that we are moving toward final correction. We are in the last phase of a general correction, and therefore, we need more active participation of the women with us, and they need our participation.

Together we return to the beginning of creation, but already corrected, to the place where both woman and man began creation, together participated in its fall, and together they must participate in its correction.

At the last stage of correction, when men have prepared everything necessary, women approach the men, and together they carry out these last stages. Therefore, it is natural that both women and men participate in all our conventions, classes, and everywhere. This will be revealed even more clearly.
From the “Arava” Convention in Europe – Lithuania 2022, Lesson 1, 7/22/22

Related Material:
To Show Men An Example
The Last Generation—The Time Of Women
Success Depends On The Woman

In Common Prayer

572.02Question: What should be the main task of women during this congress of connection? How do we pray? How do we keep the intention? How do we help the men? How can we be in a unified state?

Answer: Women really know how to pray, they know how to ask. It is very important that they participate and add their prayers to ours.

We know how much a woman can support, push, and direct a man to the right goal. So I think their participation with us is simply a necessity. I am very glad that they are with us. Only together.
From the “Arava” Convention in Europe – Lithuania 2022, Lesson 1, 7/22/22

Related Material:
Our Nearest Future
Where Does the Creator Appear?
Build the Desired State

Man and Woman—The Force of Bestowal and the Force of Reception

562.01Question: It seems that men have the quality of annulling themselves in relation to another for the sake of a goal inherent in them by nature. We see this in units such as military special forces and so on. Women do not have this quality. Women are individualists. Is it because they have different goals?

Answer: Yes, they have different goals and different methods of achieving the goal. Nature is very sharply divided into two parts: male and female. This division proceeds from the highest point from which everything is created, to the lowest element where everything is divided into plus and minus.

Two opposing forces, the power of bestowal and the power of reception, work at all levels, in all worlds. Therefore we must take this into account when implementing the methodology of spiritual ascent to the next dimension. But for men it is somewhat different than for women.

For men, it means joining a group, studying together, and sharing a common striving toward the light, toward the goal.

For women, it is the individual help of each woman to men. They practically cannot be connected with each other. They create something like an association among themselves, but this association is nothing more than the joint exercise of assistance and support to men.

Men can’t move forward without it. It’s not just something secondary.

Question: Are women more characterized by external relations?

Answer: Yes. The inner connection appears only later, when absolutely everyone comes together as a single image of a man and a single image of a woman—Adam and Eve.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Does the Creator exist?” 5/9/11

Related Material:
What Is The Difference In Connection Between Men And Between Women?
Male And Female, Part 1
The Difference Between Male And Female Nature

What Should the Prayer Be Like?

624.07Question: Nadezhda writes: “Today I have a great desire to address the women of the whole world about peace and love. I am sure that only women can save the world. Do you think if I write a letter to all the women of the world and send it out, it will change something in the world? Or is it all my illusion and everything is already predetermined?

Answer: It is desirable to do this by all means. Write from a pure heart such an appeal, not just an appeal, but a proclamation that would really glue them to your appeal, and all this common force would go around the Earth.

Question: So I shouldn’t think, but write as I feel?

Answer: No, you need to think about it. Because people will not read it in the state that you, the writer, experience it. Therefore, you have to think. Think about how the person will perceive it. But still in the end he should be imbued with what you want to convey to him.

Question: So if a person wants to write about love and peace, then it breaks into peoples’ hearts?

Answer: Yes, write, definitely.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/10/22

Related Material:
The Power Of The Common Prayer
What Prayer Does The Creator Answer?
Success Depends On The Woman

The Impact of Childbirth on Development of a Woman

721.01Comment: Scientists have established that a woman’s brain changes after childbirth, more gray matter appears in it. A woman becomes smarter, more mature, and, as if, moves to some different degree.

My Response: Of course. It is such a hormonal explosion, an impulse to the inner growth of consciousness and confidence! The world is becoming more understandable and closer to her.

Therefore, there is a big difference between a woman who has given birth and a woman who has not given birth.

All the stages that a woman goes through in her development from the state of a child, a girl, and a woman to the state of conception and childbirth are ascents on spiritual degrees. By giving birth, she rises to the level of Binathe level of understanding.

Bina comes from the word “Havanah” (understanding). A woman becomes more mature, more confident, and riper in her development and attitude to the world and to life. The inner basis of what she did not have before and what men lack, appears in her.

All this is precisely the result of the process of childbirth, nursing, and upbringing. That is, the mother, who goes through all these states, becomes, so to say, the basis of nature, the basis of the world. The man messes about, plays pranks, and the woman becomes more mature, serious, and sensible.
From KabTV’s “Close -Up. Unwanted Children” 11/28/10

Related Material:
The Power Of Motherhood
Weak Men And Strong Women
A Baby’s Smile Is A Natural High

Symbiosis Of Man And Woman

571.08Question: What kind of power does a woman give to a man?

Answer: A woman develops what she receives from a man and creates a new generation. Meaning, she develops not herself and not him, but the next generation, in relation to which she appears as a creator.

In the upper world, the soul is born from the female part, Bina. In our world, the next generation, both male and female individuals are born from the mother. In this respect, a woman performs the function of the Creator.

The function of a man is to determine how and what will be born from her. This symbiosis of the two parts is so interconnected that it is sometimes very difficult to separate their mutual functions. But the interdependence is just amazing!

A woman should be equal with a man: mentally, spiritually. At every level, they should interact equally, and only in this way will they be able to produce the next normal generation, both material and spiritual.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Siamese Twins” 9/19/10

Related Material:
To Become Equal Partners
Women’s Force: The Force Of Creation
About Men And Women In The Spiritual World

Presence Of The Creator

129Question: Is the correct realization of the interaction of male and female parts the revelation of the thought of creation? Do they reveal this thought by connecting with each other?

Answer: Not by just connecting. After all, if the male and female parts in each of us and between us are connected correctly, then the Creator is revealed between them. It is written: “Husband and wife, the Creator between them.” Otherwise, it is impossible to invoke the presence of the Creator.

There is a female and a male part in each of us, and a person can even reach the revelation of the Creator alone, without the physical female part. However, he must develop these two opposite parts in himself. This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah says.

This power within which we exist reveals the Creator to a person, how it works around us and together with us to bring us closer to attaining it.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Siamese Twins” 9/19/10

Related Material:
Female Desire And Male Intention
On Equality And Precedence
“Woman” And “Man” Are Two Forces Leading To The Creator