The Impact of Childbirth on Development of a Woman

721.01Comment: Scientists have established that a woman’s brain changes after childbirth, more gray matter appears in it. A woman becomes smarter, more mature, and, as if, moves to some different degree.

My Response: Of course. It is such a hormonal explosion, an impulse to the inner growth of consciousness and confidence! The world is becoming more understandable and closer to her.

Therefore, there is a big difference between a woman who has given birth and a woman who has not given birth.

All the stages that a woman goes through in her development from the state of a child, a girl, and a woman to the state of conception and childbirth are ascents on spiritual degrees. By giving birth, she rises to the level of Binathe level of understanding.

Bina comes from the word “Havanah” (understanding). A woman becomes more mature, more confident, and riper in her development and attitude to the world and to life. The inner basis of what she did not have before and what men lack, appears in her.

All this is precisely the result of the process of childbirth, nursing, and upbringing. That is, the mother, who goes through all these states, becomes, so to say, the basis of nature, the basis of the world. The man messes about, plays pranks, and the woman becomes more mature, serious, and sensible.
From KabTV’s “Close -Up. Unwanted Children” 11/28/10

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