Entries in the 'Women’s Spirituality' Category

A Woman’s Spiritual Attainment

Kabbalah & Women

An insight into women’s inner quest and spiritual development

Nature obligates both women and men to attain spirituality while still living in this world.

 Women, by nature, are so involved with concerns of daily life that they sometimes wonder if it’s possible to reach spirituality. Kabbalah explains that both men and women – whether consciously or by force – need to attain their spiritual root, from which they descended into our world and acquired a material form.

During our existence on this planet, whether in this life or in the next one, we all need to attain our spiritual root and exist simultaneously in both worlds as one.

The sooner we do so, the better, simpler and happier our lives will be. The more we balk from this path, the greater suffering we will undergo, like a stubborn child, who resists his parents’ will, but at the end is forced to do what is required of him.

Our spiritual root is our goal, which we must attain. Kabbalah helps us recognize this root and the purpose of our existence on earth.

As soon as we discover this, we begin to gradually harmonize ourselves with the goal and our life immediately becomes far more stable, peaceful, and secure.

A Woman’s Lack of Fulfillment

Kabbalah & Women

An insight into women’s inner quest and spiritual development

A lack of fulfillment in women has a spiritual root, and can be satisfied only by spirituality.

 It is no secret that in our world, women suffer more than men. Every woman, be it a queen or a tribal woman in Africa, is somewhat dissatisfied with her life; she has some difficulty, feels dependent, or is somehow unfulfilled. She wants more warmth and love; she longs for more sympathy and support.

It is not that the world is built this way. This inner lack of fulfillment is embedded in woman’s nature, and since the reason lies in spirituality, it can be resolved only by spirituality.  A woman will never be fully satisfied or fulfilled except by spiritual attainment.

We see how much deeper a woman’s lack is as compared to that of a man in our world. A man derives pleasure just by looking at a woman. What woman derives pleasure by simply looking at a man? A man has multiple pleasures: football, women, beer, TV and adventures. A woman wants something deeper than that.

Kabbalah explains why our world is built this way. It says that in spirituality, the woman is the one who feels the lack of fulfillment first. She only needs to formulate it correctly and use it to propel a man to reach the spiritual goal, draw the Light from Above and bring it to her.

Presently, we don’t fully understand how it all works. But our task is to follow the recommendations of the Kabbalists and let them open our eyes. We will then see how this great lack that the Creator has given to women in this world – her despair and anxiety, her lack of satisfaction, support, security, lack of warmth and love – how all this can be used in a purposeful way to achieve the spiritual goal. It is from there that the Light comes and fills all the lacks that a woman feels.

Women Should Direct Men

630.2The generations are redeemed only by the merit of righteous women in the generation (Midrash Zuta, Ruth 4:11).

Question: How do you perceive this?

Answer: I perceive it as perfectly normal.

Question: Then what does the key phrase “righteous women in the generation” mean?

Answer: They are the ones who understand how to conduct themselves and how to educate the generation. They look at their entire generation as their children who need to be brought to the correct understanding of life. This is called a righteous woman.

Question: What is righteousness? What is the correct understanding of life?

Answer: Righteousness lies in bestowal, love, and connection of everyone with each other, like in a proper family.

Question: Is there such an inclination in a woman?

Answer: Yes, it is precisely in a woman that it exists. She must take a man, the masculine strength, and compel, force, teach, and direct this masculine strength to creation, to the correct attitude to the world.

The direction is women. Strength is men.

Question: Do you feel that this is how it will happen in the future?

Answer: Yes. It is necessary to break the connection between men and women in such a way that a woman would control the thought, intention, direction, and so on. The corrected Malchut operates through the male part. This is when this connection will work.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/3/22

Related Material:
A House Needs A Wise Woman
Men And Women: You Cannot Eliminate The Differences
Men And Women: The Structure Of Humanity

The Power of Women

Kabbalah & Women

An insight into women’s inner quest and spiritual development

Women can change reality by fulfilling their spiritual role in the world.

 Women should realize that in their hands lies great power. They are the ones who can change the world. How? By understanding and fulfilling their spiritual role in the world, just as they understand their role in the family.

Women naturally know how to organize the family, how to make it all work, how to care for children, husband, and kitchen. They should understand equally well that they have an inner ability to know how the world has to be organized according to its spiritual root. They should also know that they have the power to make the men execute their will.

We see that humanity is becoming a small house, a small village. Men have tried numerous times to lead it, but it hasn’t brought us much good. So the problems that are surfacing today make the women feel that they must come forward. Let us hope that men will listen, yet it is essential that women will know what to say.

A Woman’s Happiness—Today It’s More Than Family and Career

Kabbalah & Women

An insight into women’s inner quest and spiritual development

Women demand the spiritual status equal to that of men.

We are living in a very special time. Children leave home at a young age; relationships between couples are not as close as they used to be. Today, women are in the same social circles and have the same power as men and in many cases even more. As a result, the feeling of emptiness and attempts to find fulfillment and happiness are no longer related to family or even a woman’s professional life.

Although it is still important to a woman to be content with her husband, children or grandchildren, as well as with her professional life, this is not enough for her. Her ego is so developed that it breaks through the fences of the family, the work place and even the nation. It wants spirituality.

This yearning for spiritual fulfillment has increased during the last 15 – 20 years. Before the current generation, there were a few cases here and there, but it did not occur by the thousands as it is today.

These days remind us of the times of Abraham, who formed the first Kabbalistic group in ancient Babylon. In those ancient times the women who attained spirituality were by the men’s side. They were on a spiritual level equal to that of the men. The great prophetesses, such as Dvorah, Hulda and others reached spiritual levels even greater than the men’s. People lived in realization of Godliness, and children were taught these truths from an early age.

But after humanity’s decline from spirituality, we rarely saw women Kabbalists. There were a few who reached spirituality, from the times of the destruction of the Second Temple until our generation, but they were a limited number.

Today, however, whether we like it or not, we are going back to that same early state in which humanity was united as one man in one heart. Because of this women have to be on the same spiritual level as men. In other words, the spiritual downfall of humanity that led to the devaluation of the woman’s spiritual status has to be remedied in our days.

Hence, today, we have to answer the demand that comes from so many women. It isn’t just a demand but a true need.

Conditions for Women’s Spiritual Advancement

Kabbalah & Women

An insight into women’s inner quest and spiritual development

Women need fewer conditions to advance spiritually than men do.

 Kabbalah states that if a man wants to advance spiritually, he is obliged to marry and have a family. It is his responsibility to fulfill these obligations. Otherwise, he cannot advance spiritually.

A woman, on the other hand, can advance spiritually even if she is not a mother or a wife. Moreover, if she has the means for existence, she may also choose not to work. That is, in comparison to a man, a woman is relatively self-sufficient and can grow spiritually without many external conditions that apply to men. Thus, from the spiritual point of view, she is a considerably more perfect creature than a man.

A man has to overcome himself, to constantly convince himself that it’s worth staying on the spiritual path. He is less susceptible to spiritual advancement than a woman, who naturally aspires toward everything spiritual. She is ready to accept, feel and understand all of the spiritual transformations that are happening in her. She yearns for this.

The need for the spiritual ascent is manifested much more in a woman. She feels unsatisfied with our world, disappointed in family and work. A man looks for foolish passions, such as football, beer, friends and so on, and then gets lost in them. He lives pursuing false goals. A woman is unable do this. She perceives emptiness more internally and acutely. She cannot appease herself with such petty goals and temporary painkillers. More often she embarks on a spiritual search and comes to study Kabbalah.

We see this happening all over the world. More than half of the 1.3 million students studying within the framework of the Kabbalah Institute are women.

Women—The Crucial Factor in Spiritual Development

laitman_237Question: What is a woman’s role in critical points in the history of mankind?

Answer: At all the critical turning points in the history of mankind, since ancient times to the present day, it was actually the woman who is the most crucial factor. The first great woman was Eve, thanks to whom the ego as the great egoistic force that develops the world was revealed. Hurray to our common matriarch!

The next great woman was Sarah. It was actually thanks to her that Abraham developed when the Creator told him “Listen to what Sarah tells you.” In fact all the great men we take such pride in were great through listening to their wives. That’s a fact!

Then Abraham’s first born son Ishmael was born from his branch; he was the Muslim prophet and the leader of the Arab nation. He became great thanks to his mother, who was Abraham’s concubine, and Abraham blessed him.

Next came the matriarchs Rebecca, Leah, and Rachel who led their husbands Isaac and Jacob. Jacob received the birthright thanks to his mother’s efforts.

Could the children of Israel enter Egypt without the wife of Potiphar, Pharaoh’s minister, if she hadn’t tried to seduce Joseph and hadn’t locked him up in a dungeon from which he was released a hero? It is thanks to his sister Miriam that Moses found himself in Pharaoh’s palace, where Pharaoh’s daughter Batya raised him. Then when he lived with Jethro, Moses married Tzipora who guided him, bore his children, and sent him back to Egypt, telling him that he must go back to his people.

During the exodus from Egypt, the women constantly supported the men and inspired them with their songs. They obliged them to establish good connections with each other. They surrounded the men at Mt. Sinai and pressured them to discover the Creator. With the Creator in the middle and the women from behind it was impossible not to receive the Torah.

When the people of Israel entered the Land of Israel, women prophets emerged who became the leaders of the nation. But they were a completely different type of prophet than Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, and Rachel. They were on a higher spiritual level than the men. Learned men with white beards used to come to them for serious internal spiritual advice.

We see the same thing when the people were in the second exile in Babylon when Queen Esther managed things secretly and subconsciously. The word “Esther” stems from the Hebrew word “Histara” – concealment, and this is the reason that the great book about the exodus from the exile in Babylon is called The Book of Esther (the revelation of the concealment).

The dynasty of Israel was founded thanks to Ruth who belonged to another nation and joined the nation of Israel and said “this home will be my home.” She became the great-grandmother of the greatest Jewish king, King David. In Israel, the monarchy was not inherited like in other nations, but the king was crowned according to his spiritual level. Therefore, Ruth can be called the mother of the dynasty that was on the highest spiritual level.

King David attained great heights and became the greatest spiritual leader in our world thanks to his relationship with a special woman Bat Sheba, thanks to whom he ascended to the next level. His great accomplishments and his awe from the Creator are expressed in his book Psalms, which the whole world cites to this very day.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 5/29/16

Related Material:
My Greetings On International Women’s Day
Why Are There No Women Teachers In Kabbalah?
The Modern Woman And Kabbalah

What Is the Difference between Female and Male Tears?

624.04Comment: They say that a person produces about 60 liters of tears during his lifetime.

My Response: But they are no longer tears of grief or joy, which are the result of some experience, but tears necessary for washing the eyes.

Question: Yes, probably all the data were mixed up during the research. Interestingly, people can cry from birth to death tens of thousands of times, including crying in childhood and all our subsequent states.

German scientists have estimated that women can cry from 60 to 70 times a year, while men do it ten times less. They determined that men cry for 2 to 4 minutes on average and women’s crying can last much longer.

What is the spiritual difference between female and male tears?

Answer: I cannot say that there is a difference in the spiritual world because a woman and a man are slightly different structures there than in the corporeal world.

It is clear why in our world women’s and men’s tears are so different. A woman is experiencing everything more emotionally externally, and a man is experiencing everything more emotionally internally. Therefore, women’s, men’s, and children’s tears differ in levels—in the threshold of experience. They all manifest themselves in different ways: more often, less often, deeper, in different forms.

However, in the spiritual world, there is no difference between male and female tears. That is, the external manifestation has a certain form, but there is no internal difference at all. There is no difference between a spiritual man and a spiritual woman in the release of tears.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 11/6/22

Related Material:
When Men Cry
Crying Over A Heart Of Stone
The Meaning of Spiritual and Physical Tears

Correction of The World Depends on Women

632.3Women play a very important role in correcting the world. After all, this world exists only thanks to women. A woman is a house, shopping, and the household. A woman gives birth to children and also raises, educates, and takes care of them.

Everyone understands perfectly well how a man would look if there were no woman next to him; he would look like a boy who is always unwashed, disorganized, and unfocused.

A woman is such a special creature in the world that brings order to it and maintains this order. No man can replace her in this, as this is how this world works. In Judaism, a woman is called a “house.” Therefore, it is a woman’s duty to put life in order in every house, in every village, in every city, and in every country. It is all in your hands, and every man and every woman should participate in this work.

A woman is called a “house” because her husband eventually does what she asks at home. It turns out that the world is ruled by women. Only they do not want to declare it loudly because the nature of a woman is such that she likes to remain modestly in the shadows and does not want to take responsibility.

In order to change this world for the better, women need to become more feminine, and then men will listen to them. A man loves when a woman is gentle, quiet, and listens to him more than one who is rude and demanding. But women know well when to shout at their husband and when to cry, and so with these two oars they steer the family ship in the middle line.

Women should understand that it depends only on them whether we can make this world kinder and more stable. It is said that “People of Israel came out of Egypt (from slavery) by virtue of righteous women.” A righteous woman is one who knows what justice is, what the goal is, and how to establish the correct relationship with her husband, as well as with all women and all men in the world, so that there is a spirit of mutual guarantee in the world. This is a great thing.

If women realize that the ultimate correction of the world depends on them and they take on this mission, then everyone will follow them, and we will succeed. Every man remembers that when he was a child, he was raised by women: his mother, grandmother, older sister, kindergarten teacher, school teacher, etc. So why not continue this correct, kind, and devoted care. It is necessary to connect female power to the governance of the world and in this form we will certainly come closer to a good life.

The problem is that we teach women how to become businesswomen. However, the task of a woman, as if in a family, is to take care of a man and support him. Without wise support, men will grow up like hooligans, like street kids. This is exactly what we see in the world today.

However, with the correct support of a woman who knows how to behave and continues to be an intelligent educator and teacher for a man, good men grow out of men, and become sensitive and respectful to women. It takes time and a lot of mutual work between men and women for men to realize that it is necessary to cooperate with women and also let them come to the fore.

Women should understand that they cannot hide behind men’s backs; they need to behave just like at home, where a woman takes over the whole household: cleans, cooks, and washes.

This family way of life should be extended to the entire space outside the home walls, and then we will have to join men to this work. After all, instead of simple washing, we will need a laundry factory, and instead of simple cooking in the kitchen, a food processing plant, where many men and women work. This is a completely different scale and is the future.
From KabTV’s “Conversation with Journalists” 11/15/22

Related Material:
The World Will Be Corrected through a Woman
A Woman of the 21st Century, Part 3
The Last Generation—The Time Of Women

A Woman of the 21st Century, Part 3

547.06Spiritual War for the World

Only women, once they connect, can change the situation in the world and restore order in it. But unfortunately, women are not actively declaring themselves. Every country has laws that allow women to demand access to leadership in order to properly organize life in their countries.

Usually women fight for their own rights, for equality, and it’s perceived like a family showdown in the kitchen. But I’m talking about spiritual warfare. A woman must understand that this is the most important thing now, and she needs to oblige the whole world, similar to when a mother makes her children study, clean up after themselves, go to school, and wash. This is how the role of a woman should be seen—as the mother of humanity.

The whole world is waiting for the woman to begin to fulfill her role correctly and to obligate everyone to realize and attain the spiritual goal of the world. If we unite with each other in the right form, then we allow the upper light, the upper force of nature, to enter us and begin to influence us. This is the role of a woman, the role of a mother.

It turns out that the struggle should go not for the rights of women themselves, but for their ability to influence society. Women lack knowledge, connection, and organization. If they want to advance, they will have to learn a lot and accordingly connect correctly, learn about their mission, and with due wisdom and feeling realize their destiny. There is no other solution, just like with a child who does not want to learn.

It is not easy for a woman to do this because throughout history she is used to staying in the shadows. Only the right education will help. We must start with small roles, and from them a serious organization will develop.

A woman is obliged to know the program and purpose of creation, the stages through which we are moving forward, and how to reach them. Besides women who begin to study today are preparing themselves to become leaders of society and humanity.

You must be aware that you are fulfilling a special mission and must be more persistent every day and be ready to do everything to save humanity from those difficult trials that await us if we do not correctly implement this special stage.

I am sure that you are able to do this and I am ready to help in any way I can. I wish you success!
From KabTV’s “Women in the New World” 7/5/20, Part 1

Related Material:
A Woman of the 21st Century, Part 2
A Woman of the 21st Century, Part 1
The Last Generation—The Time Of Women