Entries in the 'Health' Category

Obtain the New Level of Perception

549.02Question: Scientists constantly come up with new medications that suppress diseases. Today many diseases are treated at the genetic level.

You say that diseases are an of expression of egoism. Where do the expressions of disease vanish to when they are treated?

Answer: They go inside and cause the next level of diseases or simply other pains because we have to correct everything at the moral level rather than genetic.

Question: Basically, today some people begin to hear that we have to unite the entire system in order to avoid diseases. What should happen in order for people to start hearing differently rather than poking around at the micro level?

Answer: For this to happen the light has to act upon them so they receive a special perception. Without this perception they will remain at the animal level. They have to obtain a different level of perception.

Just like a cat or a dog living next to you cannot understand you—it will be devoted to you, it will do everything it can, but only at its own level, it will not be able to rise to your level— so a person who has lived next to you for decades, even if he is kind and smart, with great abilities, will not understand you if he does not have this predisposition.

Even though this predisposition exists in everyone, it has not developed yet. In some people it reveals earlier, and in others later. But if the person does not have it yet, you cannot do anything. You have to wait patiently! Perhaps you can help in some way, you can speed him up in this direction, and you can try to include him without his knowledge into spiritual movements. It will help him expedite his development, but he will not be able to understand what Kabbalists sense and the world they exist in.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Medicine From all Sickness” 10/27/12

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How To Find A Cure For All Problems
An Upper Doctor
Balance Is A Guarantee For Health, Longevity And Success

A Real Homeopath is a Godsend

630.2Nowadays, there are very few real homeopaths. A person who feels the action of powers is a godsend, not an ordinary doctor.

It is possible to study homeopathy, but it is not easy to become a specialist or a master because you need to feel the inner energies that are used to prepare homeopathic medicines: where they are and how they work.

It also depends on a person’s temperament, race, nationality, and even on time. Earlier, 20 to 30 years ago, certain homeopathic remedies were effective, but today there may be completely different ones: people change. After all, these drugs influence the system of internal forces of a person.

This is not allopathy, but a more subtle system, like Chinese medicine, acupuncture. In my entire life, I have seen dozens of so-called specialists, of which only one turned out to be a real specialist.

After my accident, my liver did not work, and the doctors refused to deal with me, they predicted I would last six months or a little more. But this guy took a big needle and said: “I have to stick this nine-centimeter-long needle into you, but you will not feel anything.” He squeezed it between his fingers and completely immersed it in my liver; in half a minute I was healthy, even though I had absolutely nothing left of my liver. This is a specialist!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is homeopathy?” 9/8/12

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Homeopathy: The Study Of The Soul
Hahnemann Effect
Nature Does Not Tolerate Imbalance

What Is Homeopathy?

571.04Question: What is homeopathy?

Answer: There is nothing special about homeopathy. These are the same forces that exist in matter only at its more hidden levels. You seem to use not the properties of matter itself, but the properties of those forces that determine its chemical composition.

Let’s say gold, copper, lead, or some plants, or some liquids are used to make homeopathic medicines, it does not matter what they are made of. By homeopathic dilution of substances, one draws strength from these materials and uses them. In general, it is not the substance itself that is used, but its power.

It is a very good thing to give the body an opportunity to work with those substances with which it cannot cope on its own. For example, I cannot give the body any poison, but in homeopathy, I can do it.

And there are very interesting combinations. Let’s say for depression, homeopathy prescribes Aurum (Au-gold), its power, because depression mainly derives from greed.

The main cure for infertility and other female problems is Sepia. This is the fluid that accumulates in a frog when its sac swells.

For overactive, demanding male workaholics, Nux Vomica is used.

These materials are good because they impact the system of human energies also by forces and not by matter.

Usually, when treatment is carried out with the help of chemicals, it is necessary to prescribe a lot of drugs to impact the nervous system or other internal systems of a person, not material but already on a different level.

And here, you act precisely by force against force: you add, correct, give the body a challenge, or, conversely, help it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is Homeopathy?” 9/8/12

Related Material:
Hahnemann Effect
Mysticism Or Lack Of Senses?
Homeopathy: The Study Of The Soul

What Is the Difference between Hallucinations and Dreams?

565.02Question: What is the difference between hallucinations and dreams?

Answer: Hallucinations are not dreams, but certain excitations that we artificially induce in our consciousness, not during a state of sleep, but by going into special states of semi-disconnection or complete disconnection.

Sleep is the natural state of the body. It is typical for everyone. It seems to us there are some creatures that do not sleep. In fact, they still sleep either in motion or in some other way. It does not matter, sleep is necessary.

Any living being that has perception and some storage of information must sleep. In this state, it passes from one state to another. It is so with all wildlife; ie., even plants fall asleep in winter and wake up in summer.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Reality in a Dream” 6/9/12

Related Material:
An Ordinary Dream
The Origin Of Dreams
We Cannot Live Without Sleep

Is Food the Meaning of Life?

506.3Comment: People spend most of their life on food, everything revolves around nutrition. Why is the system built in such a way that the process of nutrition practically occupies our entire life?

My Response: What else would you do?

If we had organized life in our world correctly, in accordance with the upper spiritual roots, we would deal with the food issue for a maximum of two hours a day for normal, rational self-sustenance and devote the rest of the time to our spiritual development and fulfillment.

Instead, we spend time making unnecessary things, selling them to each other, quickly bringing them to the “cemetery,” and making new ones.

In principle, sleep, nutrition, and spiritual work are what a person needs in this life in order to quickly begin to feel a new, quantum spiritual world and pass into eternity, into perfection.

What else do we need? Why should we linger here, at this waypoint?
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Food Is the Meaning of Life” 9/27/12

Related Material:
Know The Root That Starts Our Lives
Is There A Meaning Of Life In The Life Itself?
Discover What We Are Living For

Physical and Spiritual Suffering

546.03Question: How should we treat various diseases? Are they a correction?

Answer: Of course they are a correction. Moreover, according to Kabbalah, it is desirable not to remove the agonies of death. They are serious corrections of our egoism.

It should be made as easy as possible, yes, but, in principle, only ease it. This is a general correction of egoism, which suffers and ends its specific sufferings in the state in which it feels itself at the lowest level of its existence. All the rest of our existence is smeared across all the rungs of the spiritual ladder.

Comment: We are familiar with physical suffering. But spiritual suffering is completely different. It is like an inner, emotional experience, but the physical is still more detestable.

My Response: You can rise above physical suffering so that you stop feeling it, but the spiritual one needs to be corrected and replaced by more sublime suffering. Here you have no way to escape.

Suffering is the absence of fulfillment in egoism. If you replace it with the lack of the ability to bestow and love, then it takes on a completely different tone—the suffering of love. This is already completely different; it is purposeful and carries sweetness in itself. We can replace all kinds of bad suffering with good suffering.

Question: When you were sick, your teacher Rabash said that you should rejoice in it. How can physical illnesses be used?

Answer: You do not need to bring them on yourself on purpose. But physical sufferings help, they lead a person to the goal.

You should not revel in sufferings, wait for them, or exalt them as something necessary, but if they come, you should try, on one hand, to somehow replace them with more sublime ones, and at the same time understand that suffering of any type cleanses a person from egoism, it elevates him.

However, at our level, this is a very long and wrong path. Therefore, Kabbalah is against suffering.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Benefits of Physical Suffering” 5/21/12

Related Material:
The Path Of Light Versus The Path Of Suffering
The Spiritual Root Of Suffering
Why Do We Feel Suffering?

Do Not Contradict the Creator

565.02Comment: There is a parable about a man who was dying from an incurable disease. His relatives had already given up believing he would recover. But they were told that there is a wise man nearby who heals people. They brought this wise man to the ailing man. He asked to be left alone with the patient. They talked quietly and then the sage left. The next day, the patient began to recover. He recovered fully. And then he was asked: “What did the sage say to you that you easily defeated the disease?” He replied: “The sage told me: don’t try to overcome the disease – love it.”

It sounds, of course, very wise, but it is impossible to love your illness.

My Response: Agree with this. Meaning, agree with what comes to you and accept it as the best option.

Comment: Humanity is sick, and sick with diseases that are largely incurable. Everyone wants some advice that will suddenly help him to live somehow.

My Response: Relax and don’t try to change anything. Swim calmly with the flow of life. Accept what you have. Because everything that is done is done by the Creator. Therefore, do not contradict Him, but feel that at every moment in time, you are connected with Him.

Question: What should one do with the fears that spur a person on all the time?

Answer: There will be no fears! Because fear comes from you wanting to secure some special future for yourself. Here it doesn’t exist.

Question: So, fear is when you disagree with the Creator?

Answer: Yes. But not in this scenario. The future disappears, it doesn’t exist. At every moment it is equivalent to the fact that you are leaving and there is nothing left of you. And everything is calm. Whatever was, will still be. As King Solomon had it written on the ring.

Question: So, you think that if a person gets along with this formula if he lives with it and exists, then it will free him from fears and even from pain?

Answer: The point is not that he will be free from fear and pain, but that he will simply be properly connected with nature, with the Creator.

Question: And what will this result in?

Answer: This will give a connection with the Creator, serenity, rapprochement, and simply merging.

Question: What place do doctors occupy in this whole bundle, in the formula?

Answer: Doctors, in principle, are not designed to pull a person out of an illness. They can’t do that. It is necessary, so the Creator will send it in one way or another, wherever and whenever is necessary.

But the fact is that doctors should help a person to be in clarity. In clarity of mind, in clarity of strength, as much as possible. So that he would properly relate to everything that happens to him.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/12/23

Related Material:
When Will Fear Disappear?
Everything Passes
The Plague Of The Century

Do We Need to Prolong Life?

760.4Question: The Royal Family of Saudi Arabia has decided to invest a billion dollars annually in a non-profit organization that develops life extension technologies.

The Hevolution Foundation will distribute grants for development of anti-aging drugs and their clinical trials. They want to find the means to delay onset of diseases and open them to the masses. They say that it will be not just for the royal family.

It is interesting that part of humanity is looking for how to depart quietly, without pain. And part of humanity is looking for how to prolong life and to be beautiful and young. Toward which part do you lean more?

Answer: I believe that there really is no particular sense in prolonging human life. It is necessary to invest in making human life meaningful. It takes many, many billions of dollars or riyals—no matter what currency—to convey to a person the real meaning of a happy life. But how long you will live, it all depends on public awareness.

People used to live for 30, 40, 50, or 60 years. I remember that when I was little, people died at the age of 60 to 65, and it was considered that a person had lived a normal life.

Question: So, are you in favor of turning the focus around, not to live long and healthy, but to live with awareness that I am looking for the meaning of life?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: Interesting! This is a revolution in the mindset of a person.

My Response: Of course. If they had invented such a pill that instead of me shuffling my feet on my parquet for another 15 years I would cheerfully go to the next world but with a good result—finding the meaning of life—then it would be better.

If you offer me such a pill, I am ready, I will subscribe to it. Take away those 15 or however many years and give me the meaning of life. Don’t just tell me, but to make it so that I attain the real meaning.

Question: Tell me, when does this understanding arise in a person that he is ready to give everything?

Answer: It cannot be that our life has no meaning. This issue needs to be explained. Then, starting from it and further, we need to introduce a person gradually into the revelation of the meaning of life, its true meaning.

Question: Would even the richest people want to give all their money just to discover and achieve this?

Answer: That is what people will invest in with pleasure. Because if we develop such a methodology, such education, such upbringing, and such public opinion on the importance of finding the meaning of life, and we find this meaning and further develop it and advertise it everywhere (maybe even impose it), then, of course, our life will find true meaning. It is worth giving all the money in the world for this.

It is because while a person is young, he runs and rushes. Then, when he is mature, he rushes to somehow arrange his life.

When he is old, he rushes not to get sick and suffer less. Then he is done, he drops his hands and waits… The tired one leaves.

Question: And here, he is young all the time. In a constant search for the meaning of life.

The key question is what is it—the meaning of life?

Answer: The meaning of life is to know the eternity of the world.

Question: When you say “the eternity of the world,” what kind of world do you mean? What is the eternity of the world? I see this world. But what kind of world do you say is eternal?

Answer: I am talking about the eternity of the existence of the soul of man.

Question: Do you mean we need to stick to it?

Answer: Sure. Identify yourself with it and not with the body.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/13/22

Related Material:
Wishing a Long Life
Elixir Of Youth
Old Age Is A Relative Concept

How to Get Rid Of Fears and Not Only

294.3Question: How can one overcome fear?

Answer: We can overcome fear only through friendship, by coming closer to others. Otherwise, it will overcome us more and more.

Question: What should one do about panic attacks?

Answer: It is possible to deal with them only if we create small societies in which people will support each other. This is the only way we can get rid of fears, illnesses, insomnia, and absolutely everything that imposes the anxiety of life on us.

Question: A person experiences mood swings and is afraid of everything that happens in his life: “What will happen to me tomorrow?” What kind of society does he need that will help him cope with this?

Answer: He must create a society where everyone would understand the need for friendship, cooperation, mutual support, and security. Otherwise, he will have to learn this for a very long time.
From KabTV’s “Blitz Questions and Answers” 1/6/23

Related Material:
“Secrets Of The Health Of The Social Organism”
Serving A Noble Purpose Is Healthier
Stress Is As Contagious As A Cold

A Major Illness Is Not a Sentence

627.2Question: A woman fell into a coma after an accident. The doctors said there was virtually no hope, that it might last a long time, maybe forever. For a while, her children and relatives were nearby, hoping for a miracle. As time went by, they lost faith and slowly disappeared. Only her husband stayed by her side and spoke to her all the time. After 11 months, she came out of the coma. The first thing she said to her husband was: “Thank you for being here with me and telling me these wonderful stories.”

What does a person hear with?

Answer: Clearly not with one’s ears. The vibrations that he and she feel is what they transmit to each other. There is such a resonance.

Question: So, he practically resuscitated her?

Answer: Yes, of course.

Question: Was it stronger than all the medical interventions? She must have been undergoing treatment.

Answer: Naturally.

Question: Can you hold a person this way if you focus on it?

Answer: I cannot say yes and always, but, as you can see…

Question: So you believe this story?

Answer: Undoubtedly. This may well be so.

Question: Can we conclude that we should never lose faith in our material insights?

Answer: As long as a person is in a comatose state, in a coma, we must of course make every effort to stay connected with him and keep awakening all kinds of responses in him.

Question: Where does a person, in this case the husband, get the strength
when he sees that in front of him is just a vegetative state? The person is not moving. Where did he get the strength to keep talking this way?

Answer: Out of nowhere. It was sent from above, that is all. He did not have it in him.

Question: So, he does not have such a steadfast faith?

Answer: No. It can happen to any person; he was cued from above, he acted on it, and it worked.

Question: Can we say that this was a result of his feelings for his wife? Can we say that love has something to do with it?

Answer: It is not necessarily what he felt before. It does not matter at all. It could be that at the very moment she was in that state something suddenly clicked inside him.

Question: And he carried her? As if holding her in his arms the whole time?

Answer: Yes. Was it 11 months?

Question: Yes. Doesn’t it shock you that she heard everything?

Answer: No, it does not shock me. Many people in a comatose state report knowing,
hearing, seeing, and so on.

Question: Can we conclude that where medicine fails strong spirit arises?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Can this be said even about diseases for which there is no cure?

Answer: It is true with any condition. In any state, as long as a person is still alive, you cannot lose hope, and you need to talk to him. To him and to the Creator.

Question: Was this a conversation with the Creator or not?

Answer: No, I think it was an ordinary person. But he really wanted this. There must have been something there, of course.

Question: But the Creator was present in all this?

Answer: Yes. Because this was an unusual situation.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/1/22

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How Not To Become A Burden For Loved Ones
Treatment With The Meaning Of Life
Five Postulates Of Healing