Entries in the 'Health' Category

When the Time Comes to Turn to the Creator

627.2Question: Dale Carnegie, American psychologist, speaker, and writer, wrote books that gave hope to people. Millions of copies of his books How to Win Friends and Influence People, How to Enjoy Your Life and Job, and How to Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People by Public Speaking were sold. Carnegie was called a seller of happiness and a teacher of humanity. But he was unhappy. During the last years of his life, he was very lonely. The reason for his suffering at the end of his life was that he got lymphatic cancer. After the doctors told him about it, he couldn’t forgive them.

He fell into a terrible depression. It is not known whether he died naturally or committed suicide, but he was in such loneliness without friends.

When troubles came, it turned out that everything was jus theoretical. His books touted that diseases come from the isolation of a person and that one should have a lot of friends because then you are open and not subject to depression. He himself became he lonely and depressed, and that is how he died. Tell me, how does this happen?

Answer: Every person has a certain threshold of sensitivity of where he can overcome his suffering and what befalls him, and where he is no longer in the right state to overcome. He had this threshold, he lived through it and gave up.

Question: Another question is if it is possible to agree with the diagnosis, to agree that now is your final time, and not fall into depression, not distance yourself, and not die alone.

Answer: In the end, every dying person agrees with this. Where can a person go? In principle, he understands practically. In the last days, hours, and minutes of his life, he is no longer in the euphoria in which he was born. He already understands that it is all coming to the end.

Question: So this understanding comes to a person and he calms down?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Do you have any advice if say a person receives, God forbid, some bad news? How can he continue to swim? Carnegie fell into such a state, into depression, loneliness, and withdrawal. Even though he preached something else.

Answer: Everyone is still looking for some kind of salvation.

There is no escape from this. There are still thoughts that you are already in the hands of the Creator. And He does what He wants with you. And you can only, if you want, pray to anyone, however you want. But in general, this is what remains to a person.

Question: And how do you survive these minutes, hours, days, or months? Is there any way to direct the ones that go through this?

Answer: The way to direct thoughts correctly is only if you read Kabbalistic articles. I can’t say anything else. This directs you—your thoughts, your desires, and eventually your soul in the right direction, to the right goal.

Question: Why? What is in them?

Answer: Rapprochement with the Creator, a real, true rapprochement with the Creator.

Question: So you’re saying that I’m kind of locked in this little world of mine and that’s the trouble? And so do I have to open it almost indefinitely? And swim like this?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is there an article that you like the most in such cases?

Answer: “There Is None Else Besides Him.”

Question: This is the first article from the book Shamati (I Heard), the crown of this book is “There Is None Else Besides Him.”

When reading it, does peace come or something else?

Answer: Peace comes. Humbleness comes. And joy comes after that. And the joy is very great because you begin to believe that this world exists according to its upper program, and not just that nature thus removes us from its path.

Question: Is it possible to reach this point earlier?

Answer: You can get to this earlier, but you still have to go through this period.

Question: Are we coming to this article anyway?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Do you think doctors should tell a patient that he is on the verge, that everything is over, that he is now in the last stage of the disease and he is dying?

Answer: I think doctors need to say this to patients. And to say that it is time to turn to the Creator.

Question: Is it right for the doctor to say so directly?

Answer: Yes. That now everything is in the hands of the Creator, and not in the hands of doctors. And a person should turn to Him. I believe that this will be true and open.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/5/23

Related Material:
Do Not Contradict the Creator
When Will Fear Disappear?
Everything Passes

How to Overcome Stress?

565.02Question: Why is the first reaction of a person under stress to get drunk or take some kind of sedative? Is there any substitute for this?

Answer: The best substitute is not to be alone with the cause of the stress, to break away from it. This happens if I am in a group that immediately starts discussing the cause of stress and working with it, that gives me all sorts of advice, their empathy, and solves this problem for me.

This is the only real solution because it is a solution. It is not escaping it, not postponing for the future, but working together with others on what caused stress in me.

Others understand my stressful state and take it upon themselves. And I, understanding that they take it upon themselves, as if, overcome the stress. Then I feel that, in principle, I received this state precisely in order to pass it on to them and so that by engaging in this and correcting the cause of stress, they would connect even more with each other.

This can be compared to the way some organ in the body begins to send an SOS, and the whole body instantly comes to its aid and takes it upon itself to compensate for the problem in which it found itself.

Thus, shifting the problem to the rest of the body, it gets out of it. This is the only way to really correct any cause of any stress.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Drugs, alcohol and sex” 7/29/11

Related Material:
A Remedy For Depression
Contagious Stress
The Benefits Of Stress

The Brain of the Mentally Ill

13.03Question: Very often we associate a person’s appearance with some way. Let’s say I have a friend who looks and thinks a certain way, and all of a sudden he goes crazy. But, in principle, outwardly it looks as usual, but it is not at all adequate. What’s going on with him?

Very often we associate a person’s appearance with a certain image. Let’s say I have a friend who looks and thinks a certain way, and he all of a sudden becomes mentally ill. However, in principle, he looks as usual externally, but he is absolutely inadequate. What is happening to him?

Answer: There are problems in the brain. There are no diseases as such, we are not ill with anything. Our disease is an incorrect perception of reality at the inanimate, vegetative, animate, or human level.

Our brain is a holographic system that is connected to the brain of the universe, with all the brains, if I may say so, of inanimate, vegetative, animate, or human beings at the general level of information, energy, that archives transmission of all data and their reproduction.

We all represent one single system, only each of us feels it as much as he can enter into it, solidify, and work in it.

Why is Kabbalah called “the science of reception”? Although each of us is now on the far periphery of this common, global holographic device of the entire universe, Kabbalah allows a person to enter it and perceive everything that is happening within the immense collective desire and thought on all levels.

It is like a holographic image that is created with lasers at different angles and which can then absorb an absolutely infinite amount of information. But while each of us has not yet entered this picture, he perceives only his small part. Therefore, sometimes he perceives it from a certain broken angle. In the material world, this is characterized by us as some kind of psychological, psychiatric problems.

Kabbalah tunes a person to enter and exist within this n-dimensional holographic picture. Then for him there will be no problems of time, distance, all kinds of past, present, and future events, as well as movements at the levels of this hologram, when he sees it from different angles, from different sides and all together.

This is the state we must achieve. This holographic volumetric system is the authentic universe.

Question: Can a person with mental disorders undergo correction?

Answer: No, they cannot because they have a problem with perceiving reality in the correct sequence, and they are unable to be in contact with us.

Such people have always existed. But as humanity gets closer and closer to the correct entry into the general hologram of the universe, it will be easier for us to work with them, and fewer people will have mental problems.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Brain Of A Mentally Ill” 7/9/11

Related Material:
How Can Mental Illness Be Cured?
The Mind—A Link To Universal Consciousness
The Brain As A Supreme Coordinator

How Do Words Affect Matter?

627.2Question: I heard about an experiment that was conducted where people wrote various words on bottles containing water. They froze the bottles of water and examined the structure of the ice crystals that developed under a microscope. These formations were very different from each other.

Some were beautiful, and some, on which such words as, for example, “war” or “death” were written, were not. How do words affect matter?

Answer: It does not matter how, but all words and thoughts affect matter. We live in one common world where inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature, and a person’s thoughts and feelings are all combined into one single system in which everything is interconnected. I hope people will gradually understand that we have to think about what we are saying.

Question: Is there a connection between oncological diseases and a person’s thoughts?

Answer: They say that the negative thoughts and words of a person have a bad effect on him and other people.
From KabTV’s “Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips” 5/18/23

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The Result Of Our Thoughts
We Found A Cure For Cancer
Where Do Our Thoughts Come From?

Elderly People and Children: A Protective Reaction of the Body

503.02Question: It is believed that elderly people and children have a lot in common, but they have different levels of consciousness. Elderly people start having memory problems.  Children simply do not understand somethings, and some elderly people instantly forget what is happening. Why is it like this?

Answer: In both children and adults, this is a reaction of the body that protects itself from unnecessary influences. Children’s bodies just protect them from being overloaded with unnecessary information that can harm them. For elderly people, this is how protection is expressed as their body is no longer able to implement this information. Therefore, their gradual decline occurs.

The factor of the environment is very important here; it makes people work and constantly generates new sensations, qualities, and attainments.

Therefore, studying Kabbalah can radically change a person. We are not talking about fate, not about the length of life, how long a person is given to live, but, in principle, “how to live” is of great importance because if people were engaged in spiritual development, their quality of life would be completely different.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is Childhood and Old Age?” 4/16/11

Related Material:
Kabbalah for Everybody
A Wisdom That Is Open For Everyone
Old Age Is A Relative Concept

Will We Become Hostages of a Lone Geneticist?

592.01Question: Imagine that science and technology have reached such a level that a single specialist can independently carry out changes in the genome. Is it possible to trust such a weapon to a specialist doctor, no matter how good he may be?

Answer: I think we certainly cannot trust, and I think we will not reach such a state because nature is intelligent and its upper intelligence will not allow us to do this. So we will have to change ourselves.

Question: Do you believe that there will be such a specialist or specialists who will be like that, just turn a knob…?

Answer: No, they can spin as much as they want. They can think whatever they want about their great capabilities, but they will not succeed.

Question: Do you think they can succeed thanks to genetic engineering? What can be achieved with its help?

Answer: Of course, they will achieve some improvement.

Question: For people to be sick less, suffer less?

Answer: Yes, but to change a person, no way. Because whatever we say about good, evil, love, or hate, it is impossible. This can only be done if a person himself wishes to change. Moreover, he will wish for it finally and irrevocably and will ask for it. And the corresponding forces of nature will produce such a change in him.

Question: So no one interferes except the person who asks to be changed. Does he need to be brought to a state where he asks to be changed?

Answer: Yes, he must conclude that he, himself cannot, but that there is such a possibility in nature.

Question: Why does the conclusion that I cannot take millennia?

Answer: A person wants to do everything himself.

Question: Yes. Look, it is the same with genetic engineering and so on.

We want to do everything by ourselves. By ourselves! Millennia go by while man is trying to change everything itself. Today man is changing nature, destroying ecology as a result, and so on, just to come to this little thought?

Answer: Little?! This is a cardinal revolution within a person when he realizes that he cannot do anything with himself, but he needs to make changes precisely in himself. Then he turns to nature.

Comment: Yes, millions of books have been written, crazy wars have been going on for millennia, confiscations, and so on, just to come to this idea?!

Answer: It is the main, fundamental, basic in all of nature—that we are created egoists and must come to a state where we define ourselves as absolute egoists, that we harm the whole of nature, and if we want to change something, we must change ourselves. That is when there will be a change in the species, genus, humanity, and so on.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/20/23

Related Material:
Will Genetic Engineering Solve Humanity’s Problems?
“Do You Support The Use Of Genetically Engineered Crops And Foods?” (Quora)
On The Eve Of A Great Turning Point

Health Is a State of Balance with the Creator

632.3Question: What is health?

Answer: Health is the ability to quickly return to a state of balance with the Creator. The strength of a person’s balance with the Creator is called health.

In the corporeal world, everything in our body must be in balance: blood pressure, sugar, pulse, and other indicators. Usually, results of medical tests indicate the boundaries within which all parameters must balance. All this comes from the balance of the light, our desire, and the Masach (Screen) between them.

In our world, in our inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature, we are in balance with the Creator. But we are in relative balance with Him; He always keeps it within some limits.

If we somehow disturb this balance, then immediately a tsunami falls on us, or a volcano explodes, or an epidemic spreads, and so on, after which the balance is smoothed out. Thus, on the corporeal level, it is more or less supported all the time.

But on the spiritual level, we need to achieve balance ourselves. That is, we can reach the balance with the Creator only by our freewill, through our own efforts to rise above ourselves, to unite with others, to become one common whole.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is Health?” 2/27/11

Related Material:
Health Is A Spiritual Necessity
Health and Kabbalah
Soul And Physical Health

Why Do We Get Sick?

228Question: In 1969, Oliver Sacks, a young neurologist, experimented with a “wonder drug” on patients with intractable, post-encephalitic parkinsonian syndrome. These sufferers of sleeping sickness were in a frozen state. The patients were trapped patients within themselves, some for nearly 40 years. His book Awakenings recounts the extraordinary case reports of how patients trapped by parkinsonism were re-awakened by levodopa after decades of stupor and inertia. They remembered what they were like 25 to 40 years ago, but the remaining segment of their life was like a cut out of their memory. The miraculous drug had varying side effects including patients returning to their vegetative states.

What was it?

Answer: It was a shutdown of some part of the brain. After all, a person is an animal. Depending on the level that he is functioning at, he can be a plant, he can be a human being, or he can be even higher.

It is all regulated by the level of desires. However, we are not capable of injecting new desires from a higher level into a person. For this one needs to be in a special environment where he can receive them, and through this environment, he can also draw the action of the light upon himself. The light transforms these desires in the way that the person can sense the governing forces within them.

Freedom of will means that a person can draw the action of the upper light upon himself through a certain society, environment, or a group.

Question: What is the function of people who exist in the vegetative state?

Answer: We exist in a single common desire. Therefore, apparently there is a necessity in such states as well.

Everything exists according to the correspondences of the light and desire. According to their movement in relation one to another such phenomena manifest in our world.

Had we advanced toward the goal in a more intense and correct way while transforming ourselves to be more connected among us, there is no doubt the general state of the light and its influence on everyone would be more powerful and benevolent and then we would not see such occurrences.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Why Are Diseases Necessary? 6/9/12

Related Material:
A Major Illness Is Not a Sentence
Dissonance With The Power Of Good
How Can Mental Illness Be Cured?

How to Solve the Equation with Life and Death

627.1Question: There is a psychological attitude called “postponed or delayed life syndrome.” This is when a person perceives his life as a draft or a rehearsal before something big and meaningful, which will come later in the future, as if people are going to live forever.

There is an example of a senator who wakes up and suddenly prestige and political success no longer are important to him, despite the fact that he is a politician. He really wants to enjoy life: have breakfast with a friend, be in the company of his wife, and read a book or a magazine.

What happened? He was diagnosed with cancer. Is this really the only thing that can prompt a person to suddenly wake up and start living?

Answer: Of course! Undoubtedly! When he is certainly promised a close end, everything else just disappears from the horizon and loses its importance. Everything.

Question: Does everything that was the most important thing in life suddenly become vanity? Is this the kind of fear we should experience?

Answer: Of course! Precisely! It is like Woland said in The Master and Margarita. One cannot escape that.

Comment: Actually, this does not really say why the mind is given to us, to Homo sapiens (wise men).

My Response: It is only so that we realize that this is how we live. As soon as the end is clearly known to us, then everything other than the end can no longer interest us.

Question: Do we suddenly start looking for real values when we know the end is here?

Answer: But what can we find if the end is here?

Comment: This senator found some simple truth.

My Response: Go for a drink, have a meal with friends and with a woman, and so on. All this also happens after the reassessment of these events and values. Therefore everything loses its taste. There is nothing left here but to live every second that you have so that you feel less pain. That is all.

Question: And more enjoyment?

Answer: He just needs drugs and that is it. Switch off calmly, my friend.

Question: Then what do you call a true moment that was lived correctly, with dignity?

Answer: I am not in favor of living for just one moment at all. That is not my philosophy.

My philosophy is that life should consist of such moments constantly, from moment to moment, again and again. Then it will be possible to think that this cancer, or some other fatal disease, or the end in general, which everyone has by the way, are not important. And then a person will clearly understand what is given to him, why, for what, how he should live it, what to leave, and what to do with himself.

Question: What should we invest in these moments? Let’s say I agree with you: live every moment and prepare for the next moment.

Answer: Elevate yourself above your animalistic nature and as quickly and brightly as possible,  more effectively achieve the quality of bestowal and love, which does not relate to our world. And thus, as they say, prepare yourself for the future world. That is all. It will be a very effective use of this world, this life, for the sake of the future world and the future life.

Question: Do you think that when a person is given such a limit, called an “incurable disease” or something, it is done precisely for this?

Answer: Yes, for this! It is necessary to prepare people who will serve these so-called unfortunate. I do not consider them unfortunate. I believe that they have been given a great opportunity to correct themselves, change themselves, and raise themselves to the level of the next world.

Question: To the level of this love?

Answer: Yes. May they enter it with no problems.

Question: Does it turn out that those who remain in this world that burn it with the pleasures of this world are the unfortunate ones?

Answer: Yes. The others can already rise to this in advance! Suddenly they see there is no disease. Then the question is: Why did I do all this? 🙂 Someone deceived me so meanly.

Question: Yes. The doctors will say, “My dear, everything is fine with you.” Is this such a trick that the Creator does with a person? Are you really for such tricks?

Answer: I am in favor of deceiving a person so that he solves the correct equation with his life and death. And in order for him to change his life based on this decision.

Question: Does the word “deceived” not bother you?

Answer: No, of course not. This is an egoist! He should be deceived big time! We should trick egoism all our lives, the way it tricks us now. This is already a serious, borderline deception.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/4/22

Related Material:
How Can We Learn to Live Without Worries?
The Perils Of Egoistic Interconnection And Its Remedy—The Method Of Kabbalah
What Is Worth Living For?

Obtain the New Level of Perception

549.02Question: Scientists constantly come up with new medications that suppress diseases. Today many diseases are treated at the genetic level.

You say that diseases are an of expression of egoism. Where do the expressions of disease vanish to when they are treated?

Answer: They go inside and cause the next level of diseases or simply other pains because we have to correct everything at the moral level rather than genetic.

Question: Basically, today some people begin to hear that we have to unite the entire system in order to avoid diseases. What should happen in order for people to start hearing differently rather than poking around at the micro level?

Answer: For this to happen the light has to act upon them so they receive a special perception. Without this perception they will remain at the animal level. They have to obtain a different level of perception.

Just like a cat or a dog living next to you cannot understand you—it will be devoted to you, it will do everything it can, but only at its own level, it will not be able to rise to your level— so a person who has lived next to you for decades, even if he is kind and smart, with great abilities, will not understand you if he does not have this predisposition.

Even though this predisposition exists in everyone, it has not developed yet. In some people it reveals earlier, and in others later. But if the person does not have it yet, you cannot do anything. You have to wait patiently! Perhaps you can help in some way, you can speed him up in this direction, and you can try to include him without his knowledge into spiritual movements. It will help him expedite his development, but he will not be able to understand what Kabbalists sense and the world they exist in.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Medicine From all Sickness” 10/27/12

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Balance Is A Guarantee For Health, Longevity And Success