Do We Need to Prolong Life?

760.4Question: The Royal Family of Saudi Arabia has decided to invest a billion dollars annually in a non-profit organization that develops life extension technologies.

The Hevolution Foundation will distribute grants for development of anti-aging drugs and their clinical trials. They want to find the means to delay onset of diseases and open them to the masses. They say that it will be not just for the royal family.

It is interesting that part of humanity is looking for how to depart quietly, without pain. And part of humanity is looking for how to prolong life and to be beautiful and young. Toward which part do you lean more?

Answer: I believe that there really is no particular sense in prolonging human life. It is necessary to invest in making human life meaningful. It takes many, many billions of dollars or riyals—no matter what currency—to convey to a person the real meaning of a happy life. But how long you will live, it all depends on public awareness.

People used to live for 30, 40, 50, or 60 years. I remember that when I was little, people died at the age of 60 to 65, and it was considered that a person had lived a normal life.

Question: So, are you in favor of turning the focus around, not to live long and healthy, but to live with awareness that I am looking for the meaning of life?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: Interesting! This is a revolution in the mindset of a person.

My Response: Of course. If they had invented such a pill that instead of me shuffling my feet on my parquet for another 15 years I would cheerfully go to the next world but with a good result—finding the meaning of life—then it would be better.

If you offer me such a pill, I am ready, I will subscribe to it. Take away those 15 or however many years and give me the meaning of life. Don’t just tell me, but to make it so that I attain the real meaning.

Question: Tell me, when does this understanding arise in a person that he is ready to give everything?

Answer: It cannot be that our life has no meaning. This issue needs to be explained. Then, starting from it and further, we need to introduce a person gradually into the revelation of the meaning of life, its true meaning.

Question: Would even the richest people want to give all their money just to discover and achieve this?

Answer: That is what people will invest in with pleasure. Because if we develop such a methodology, such education, such upbringing, and such public opinion on the importance of finding the meaning of life, and we find this meaning and further develop it and advertise it everywhere (maybe even impose it), then, of course, our life will find true meaning. It is worth giving all the money in the world for this.

It is because while a person is young, he runs and rushes. Then, when he is mature, he rushes to somehow arrange his life.

When he is old, he rushes not to get sick and suffer less. Then he is done, he drops his hands and waits… The tired one leaves.

Question: And here, he is young all the time. In a constant search for the meaning of life.

The key question is what is it—the meaning of life?

Answer: The meaning of life is to know the eternity of the world.

Question: When you say “the eternity of the world,” what kind of world do you mean? What is the eternity of the world? I see this world. But what kind of world do you say is eternal?

Answer: I am talking about the eternity of the existence of the soul of man.

Question: Do you mean we need to stick to it?

Answer: Sure. Identify yourself with it and not with the body.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/13/22

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