Who Will Be The Breadwinner In The Family Now?

laitman_962.6Question: Isn’t the new world you describe closer to the past when it was based on barter, mutual aid, and was more family-oriented? That is how it once was.

Answer: I don’t remember when it was. Back in the days when primitive people sat around a fire? 🙂

No, the correct world is universal participation in human society where we believe that we are one common family and understand that we need to reduce [consumption].

Let’s say I have a family, a wife, and children. My wife has no opportunity to go back to work. We decided that she would stay at home, I would work, and the children, naturally, would go to school. Now let’s go from one family to many families, unite them as one family. What will we get?

Most women will stay at home. We must support them, provide them with a normal existence so that they get used to staying at home. Though the coronavirus has already taught us a little about it.

How can we make sure that the family is still able to exist normally? How can this be distributed among all the others? We must take into account that in most families only the husband works and receives one salary. We need to somehow average this for everyone.

In general, we need to see the world community as a single whole, in which we must come to a balance. Otherwise, we will not be able to live. The next virus will come and still knock us out and make us shrink in our production.

Comment: Many believe that it is still unknown who the breadwinner in the family will be: a man or a woman.

My Response: It doesn’t matter. You can decide as you like. I’m not saying it’s going to be exactly this way. But in principle, even less than 150 years ago, the percentage of working women was very small. Mostly men worked.

The woman was responsible for maintaining the house, the man for providing for the family. So it was in all countries, as is customary in humanity. Look at the history over tens of thousands of years. The man went hunting, the woman supported the family hearth, and took care of the children.

Why should I open your eyes to the obvious?

Comment: It’s just that in some families, it’s the woman who’s left with a job, and the man who’s lost it.

My Response: Naturally, there are different cases. But in the vast majority, a woman earns less than a man, her earnings are considered secondary, while the home and family need her much more than a man. It is destined for us from the point of view of nature.

Question: But would you like to live on a minimum?

Answer: We are not talking about a living wage. No need to make all sorts of conclusions from what I say.

I’m saying there should be fewer jobs, less employment, because it really is twice as much as necessary. Hence the pollution of the atmosphere, water, environment, etc.

Let us engage in education, mutual connection, and give women an opportunity to unite and nurture. This is what she will be able to do once freed from all unnecessary work.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 5/3/20

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New History, According To The Program Of Nature

“Reinventing The Businesses Wheel” (Medium)

Medium published my new article “Reinventing the Businesses Wheel

The global economy needs an intensive care unit. And just as no medicine is yet available to prevent or tackle the spread of the coronavirus, no cure for the precarious health of businesses and industries is at hand either. Soaring unemployment and a foreboding economic forecast pose great challenges for America and the rest of the world.

Every day it becomes more and more clear that something new is taking place before our eyes that will markedly change our attitude toward life, business, family, ourselves and the world.

Every day it becomes more and more clear that something new is taking place before our eyes that will markedly change our attitude toward life, business, family, ourselves and the world. If we stop clinging to the past and welcome the global process we are going through with open-minds, we will be able to go through the labor pains of the birth of a new world with relative ease.

Throughout history, socio-economic structures have been altered many times: from tribal society in ancient times, to slavery and feudalism, to capitalism and communism, for example. We are now entering a new configuration that will be completely different from all its predecessors because it will be built on new principles in human relations.

As early as last century, the butterfly effect and other models of dynamic complex systems began to illustrate how interrelated, interdependent we are. Until now, we have been unable to internalize the significance of this interdependence, but our experience with the pandemic and its consequences has left us with no choice but to build social, political, industrial, economic structures with renewed vision.

As the pandemic came to bluntly remind us, we will all need to be closer to one another, to recognize that the world we live in is integrally rounded. We can move on to our next stage in the evolution of humanity gently, comfortably and quickly, through a clearer understanding of what needs to be done and where we should be headed. There is no need to wait for direction from additional painful blows.

Looking back, we appeared to be happy and content with life on the surface because we were used to what we had built and there was no incentive to change. However, it turned out that life has its own dynamic rhythm that didn’t stop to check our preferences. Today, we are in a transition period where we must change as human beings, which will have implications for the business world too.

First of all, we have to realize that we are living in a new era that requires a fundamental transformation. The coronavirus indicates to us that, whether we want it or not, we must accept this change because without it we have no future.

It is also important to understand that the necessity for change clearly comes from nature and not from any government or financial group. Nature is smarter and stronger than all of us. If we want to survive, we will need to understand where evolution is leading us — toward integration and mutual consideration.

No More Spinning the Wheels

Nature is drawing us into harmony with the integral world because integration is the highest law of nature, the supreme principle. One single force operates throughout the entire natural system and all reality is managed by it, directing us toward unity between ourselves and nature.

The crucial change that nature demands is that we organize a society whose internal impetus and driving force is altruism and concern for others, rather than maverick egoism. In other words, the required transformation does not focus directly on businesses and industries. Its target is the inner transformation of the person, a new perspective and kind of interaction at the interpersonal level.

Although organizations are now working to consolidate their labor force, a fundamentally different type of consolidation needs to take place in the new integral view. Until now, the success of an organization, business or team has been defined by values ​​of egoistic competition: “We” gather to outdo the competition — a vision based in a “we” and “them” mentality.

In the integral view of the new reality we have entered, we are all one organism called humanity and we aim at being the best at what we do for the good of the others, not to inflate our pocketbooks. We work with the goal of benefiting everyone, and this is what guides us in every step. If, for example, we find out that someone else is doing the same thing better than we are, we will not try to destroy that person; on the contrary, we will provide full support.

An integral vision raises the bar from limited individual benefit to the benefit of the entire system. The new rules of competition stipulate that only those parts of the system that are truly essential and beneficial to the whole should remain active.

Implementing the integration law in businesses involves learning and training. Owners, managers and employees, all need to learn how to work together smoothly as essential components of one system. To do this, all must learn about the law of integration, where they come from, what they include, what they require from us, why we must keep them, and what we will gain from it — the successes it can individually and collectively bring us.

Those who are dedicated to implementing the law of integration in their business or organization will thrive. The warmer, and more considerate and supportive our relationships become, the greater our business success will be. This is the new business wheel that will make the world go round.

The World Isn’t Ready Yet

Laitman_631.5Question: Is the world ready to rethink the role and the essence of humanity?

Answer: No, the world is not ready. This can only happen after everyone has a clear, concise picture of the future in which we are in balance with nature, and therefore viruses, the ozone layer, infection from polluted water, or other misfortunes do not threaten us.

We must explain to people their mission: to create the right global system above all governments. If humanity wants, then it will happen. For this, no revolutions or wars are needed. We are not calling for anything like that.

We are calling people to understand that they need to be a single system. When they realize that they are in conflict with nature, then everything will change. It comes from the Creator, not from the rulers. We just need to really want to change.

In his article, “Peace in the World,” Baal HaSulam writes: “…the whole difficulty lies in changing our nature from a desire to receive for ourselves to a desire to bestow upon others, as those two things deny one another. At first glance, the plan seems imaginary, as something that is above human nature. But when we delve into the matter, we will find that the whole contradiction from reception for oneself to bestowal upon others is nothing but psychological, for in fact, we do bestow upon others without benefiting ourselves.”

We need to spread this knowledge more and more so that it penetrates, permeates all levels of human society. And then it will slowly begin to act. It will rise from the subconscious into the conscious and become the subject of communication and human plans.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 5/3/20

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What Will The Post-Coronavirus World Be Like?
Rise Above The Old Values
Let’s Rebuild

Counting On The Coronavirus

laitman_963.6Comment: The virus pandemic that has spread throughout the Middle East has suddenly connected countries that hated each other.

Israel is helping the Palestinian Authority, and they are happy to accept our help. Iran announced that it is possible to use Israeli medicines, which previously was not the case. It stopped its operations in Syria and Lebanon. Suddenly everything stopped.

The problem of the Middle East, which many tried to solve, but no one could, suddenly now is solved by the coronavirus pandemic. People say: “Look, this is how you can solve the Middle East problem.”

My Response: Of course it can be solved. Give them a little more suffering and they will all want to get rid of it, even if they stop blaming each other and fighting.

A human is a very weak being. He’s just swaggers: “Here I am! I don’t care!” This is because he was told that he would have a future world, that if he kills himself now, he would be met at the doorstep of death by and all the rest. But in fact, if we show him a little more clearly what it is,  he will understand that it is all made up so he would die peacefully.

I think the virus plays a huge positive role here.

Question: How can we make sure to bring peace here and now? And there will be no terrorists, not even any statements?

Answer: Slowly they will get used to it. The virus needs to stay around and continue its educational work.

Question: A person will have it built inside that it is possible to live like this?

Answer: First, habit becomes a second nature, and it will certainly help in this.

Secondly, people will still understand that they need to provide their daily bread for themselves and not just fight. In addition, all the great countries will stop supporting and inciting local terrorists. What’s the point? They themselves will have a lot of problems.

A very serious challenge is coming for America, Europe, and China. A serious wave, I would say a tsunami, is approaching these countries.

Politics will change, regimes will change. People will become different, more mature. They won’t be thinking about having a couple of billion dollars in a bank somewhere in Switzerland and bragging about yachts and other things.

You will see what happens after this virus passes. There will be a huge number of unnecessary, completely harmful professions, all kinds of factories, plants, and international transportation will disappear.

All this will fall aside; there will be a re-evaluation of values. We don’t need 80% of what China does.

Question: Will the crazy billions that were spent on the arms race, on stocks of nuclear and hydrogen weapons, stop? Will there be the understanding that no one needs all this?

Answer: This understanding will come.

What can I have for these warheads? Thus, by threatening, I guard my regime, I guard my borders. What they are for is unclear.

The consumer of everything superfluous disappears. There remains a normal environment that says: “Eat, dress, and work as much as you need to so that you can have that, and that’s it. That’s it! And the rest of the time, begin to understand the nature in which you exist so that there won’t be a difference between life and death.”

Question: In other words, you don’t need to capture anyone. This hatred of others is not necessary. Is that what you mean?

Answer: “See your future world while you are still alive in this world.” You can’t buy this for nothing, no green pieces of paper can buy this. You’ll just have to burn them carefully, so as not to clog the oceans when you dump them there.

Comment: And if we talk about hatred that was burning here, for example, in our country [Israel].

My Response: And it will no longer be, because it is through correcting the hatred between us that everyone finds the most important thing, the upper world.

What is really worth gaining is something that is permanent, special, eternal, and perfect, not something you have to run every day to renew, earn, show off, and suffer from the fact that another person’s grass is greener.

Question: Do you really believe that such a period is approaching?

Answer: Man is an egoist. I speak only on the basis of egoism. If he knows that someone else feels the upper world, acquires things that do not vanish with the person when he dies, but remain with him in this life, in death, and after death—this will change everything.

In this way, we can restore a healthy attitude to the common world—this, the upper, the next—to the common world, to our common state.

Question: Then peace can come to the Earth? And you foresee that this period is approaching?

Answer: Yes. I’m counting on the virus.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman,” 3/23/20

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The Crowned Virus
Where Does The Coronavirus Lead Us?
Victory Over Humanity

“Why COVID-19 Hardly Affects Animals” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “Why COVID-19 Hardly Affects Animals

The coronavirus has spread throughout the world. Yet, of all the species living on the planet, its noxious impact seems to be affecting almost only humans. Why is that?

If we look at the instructions we are required to obey in order to contain the coronavirus (which we are disobeying), it might tell us something about the reason it is impacting almost only people. To curb the virus, we are required to maintain social distancing, wear face masks, and wash our hands. Of the three requirements, the first two are critical to preventing us from spreading the virus, and the third is important if we want to avoid catching it ourselves. Let’s focus on the first two, since if we obey them, we won’t spread the virus to others and won’t have to worry about catching it from them.

Until we heal our hatred for each other, we will not get rid COVID-19

Social distancing means more than keeping six feet apart. Why is it not called “physical distancing,” which would make more sense considering that this is what we are required to do? “Social distancing” is the right term because we are required to keep ourselves apart socially and emotionally, and not just physically.

Animals do not maintain noxious connections among them; there is no ill-will even between the hunted and the hunter in the animal kingdom. Therefore, although they transmit to one another viruses and other potentially pernicious germs, it hardly ever affects them.

Humans, on the other hand, have cultivated a culture of competition, bigotry, and discrimination. In a word, it is a culture of hate. As a result, the viruses that we transmit to others are as nasty as our thoughts about them, and just as noxious. In fact, our negativity toward each other is so intense that even keeping six feet apart won’t dilute it enough to make it harmless, so we are required to cover our faces, too.

Until we heal our hatred for each other, we will not get rid COVID-19. Even if we find medical solutions to mitigate its impact, it will only become more sophisticated and injurious, just as we ourselves act surreptitiously when we want to hurt someone but cannot do it openly. So while working to find a cure or a vaccine for the coronavirus, we must work even harder to cure the pandemic of hatred that has spread throughout the human race.

No Loss, Only Gain

laitman_255Question: If we achieve mutual guarantee in a society and similarity of form with the Creator, will we not lose our freedom as individuals in such a society?

Answer: We will not lose anything because along the way we will see that we are absolutely not free. We are ruled by our egoism without it asking us anything, and it forces us to act as it wishes at any given time.

But if we realize that it is egoism that rules us, and rise above it, we can control it and by that control ourselves, our destiny.

And most importantly, we will begin to feel that we are not living in an egoistic animal body, but above it, and thus we will feel that we exist forever in a perfect space. We must come to this while we are still in this world. As it is said: “May you see your world in your lifetime.”

This is the role of Kabbalah—to give man the opportunity to rise above the animal nature to the human level. And man is someone who lives forever, outside of time. Time exists only in inanimate, vegetative, and animal organisms, but in the level of Adam there is no time. There, just like according to Einstein, everything goes into another dimension.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 4/19/20

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When You Disappear, You Are Found
Giving Birth To Yourself
The Point Of “No I”

Fears Are Not Alike

Laitman_096Question: If a person becomes fearless, what can it lead to?

Answer: He will not become fearless in Kabbalah. On the contrary, he will be even more afraid because he will increasingly reveal how dependent he is on the Creator.

But this is no longer a fear like that of a baby but a fear of being in ever increasing mutual contact when they act together: the Creator and a person.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 4/26/20

Related Material:
Are Kabbalists Fearless?
The Fear That Replaces All Fears
Give Love

Will Man Become The Crown Of Nature?

709Question: How did it happen that the king of nature is able, due to illusory ideas, to destroy not only outsiders but even himself? How does this fit with high ideals, culture, art, moral principles, and mighty intellect?

Answer: We need to understand that we are made like that. It is simply amazing how nature has created us, on the one hand, seemingly reasonable, and on the other hand, endowed with such egoism, which cannot be reckoned with.

If you take any beast and put a bowl of food in front of it, it will feel whether it is good or bad for him. If you put a bowl of delicious food in front of a person, he will eat it even if it is bad for him.

This problem is in all our feelings. On the one hand, we desire, and on the other hand, we do not understand what we desire. That is, we cannot control our desires. They command us.

In animals, instinct commands. Good or bad is just an instinct. There are no attachments, no love, no hatred, no pleasant or unpleasant, but only good or bad that are recorded in their genes. In us, it is not so.

Question: Does this mean that man is the crown of nature, but only in potential?

Answer: A person will become the crown of nature only after we go through the realization of evil and the completion of his correction.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era,” 4/16/20

Related Material:
To Reach The Level Of Man
Fit Into Nature As Its Integral Part
Are We Worthy To Be The Crown Of Creation?

3,000 Year Journey

laitman_600.04Question: 3,000 years ago, people discovered the law of mutual guarantee: love your neighbor. It was already written about it back then. This is the same law that exists at the level of elementary particles.

How is it that we have known this law for thousands of years, but it does not help us? We still cannot balance our egoism in any way, can we?

Answer: But this law is against our nature. Our nature seeks to exalt itself, to subjugate all to itself, to absorb everything in itself, without giving anything to anyone, without considering anyone. This is the law of egoism that exists in every person.

I am not just like animals, dragging some carcass for myself and not sharing it with anyone. I want to subjugate everyone, so that everyone will be my slaves, groveling before me. I want absolute power over the whole world. If someone thinks that this is not the case, they simply do not know themselves well.

Question: If a few thousand years ago people already knew that love will cover all sins and did not achieve this, is it that perhaps thousands of years must pass before we come to this?

Answer: Perhaps. I am not saying that it should end today. But we are coming to this. We are moving toward the realization of the evil that we cannot live within our nature. By this, we are killing ourselves and endangering life on Earth. We must somehow raise ourselves above our egoism, above our instincts, and come to integral interaction.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era,” 4/16/20

Related Material:
Mutual Guarantee—Now And Forever
Coronavirus—Nature’s Boomerang
Quarantine—The First Step Toward Overcoming The Crisis

New Life 1180 – Personal Empowerment

New Life 1180 – Personal Empowerment
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel

The development of self-confidence can be done in a group that studies the wisdom of Kabbalah. An encouraging environment helps people reshape themselves and become more like the Creator. Nature allows us to sculpt ourselves in a new way, based on connection and mutual security, when we join together. Each one must first come out of oneself and include oneself in the others through self-restriction. The instructor must know the nature of the group connection in order to help everyone identify and empower his or her unique qualities. In order to build a new spiritual form, the connection must be regarded as having supreme value.
From KabTV’s “New Life 1180 – Personal Empowerment,” 11/21/19

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