Are Kabbalists Fearless?

laitman_584.03Question: What are you personally afraid of? Or are Kabbalists fearless?

Answer: No, Kabbalists are not fearless. I am afraid of the Creator.

I am truly afraid of the doubts and barriers that He places before me. And the further I advance, the bigger and more powerful they are, and I fear them. I have to be afraid of them. If there were no fear, then I would not think about them, prepare for them, or try to overcome them.

Homo sapiens consist of fears, what is called awe. And they don’t disappear anywhere. He just knows where they come from and how to work with them.

Otherwise, if, for example, you give him some kind of injection and his fears, feelings of pain and all kinds of other sensations disappear, then how would he work, how would he move, how would he position himself in any situation?

Question: What was the greatest fear you experienced before spiritual attainment and after?

Answer: Basically, these are fears in which you feel the impossibility of overcoming your egoism, laziness, and powerlessness, and you concentrate all your strength and intentions in order to pull yourself together and turn right to the Creator for help.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 4/26/20

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