Turn Egypt Into The Garden Of Eden

laitman_962.1After we enter Egypt, we start working only on our unity. This is our only goal: the Creator should reveal Himself in the center of the group. Therefore, we descend to Egypt realizing how necessary the unity is, but we are absolutely incapable of attaining it. We do not want to go there, but we have no choice because we feel that if we do not go for this connection, there will be famine: we will be left with nothing and will never reach spirituality.

This is all possible due to the connection between Jacob and Joseph. As soon as Jacob finds out that Joseph lives in Egypt, he thinks only about how to meet him.

A typical egoist does not think about unity, he just wants to reveal the Creator, to reach the upper world, to feel eternity, perfection, spiritual attainment, to feel immortal and not like an animal destined to die. Those are the dreams of a small egoist. Egypt, the Pharaoh, need to be added to this small egoistic desire in order to really attain the upper world, that is, the purpose of creation.

This requires adding immense egoism, a lot of properties, to our desire to enjoy, which is why we are forced to descend into Egypt. The Creator organizes this for us, as promised to Abraham, and without it, we would be unable to reach the land of Israel.

The Creator showed Abraham the land of Israel, the desire to receive pleasure completely corrected for bestowal in which the creation is merged with the Creator, the end of correction. Abraham asked if it were possible? Where will such a desire come from? There is neither such a great desire to enjoy nor to bestow corresponding to it. He did not have the three lines, only one, a small illumination from the upper light, which was enough for him.

You can enter the land of Israel only with the three lines. If the left line, the Pharaoh, grows, then the right line will grow accordingly. And by connecting the two lines together, you can reach the land of Israel, the desire fully aimed at bestowing to the Creator.

The Creator told Abraham that He would take care of it, and He brought the whole group of Abraham to the condition called “Egypt” and then led them out and gave the Torah. All this was possible because from the very beginning Abraham had an intention to unite. He thought that this could be done individually.1

Pithom and Ramses are beautiful cities for Pharaoh, but poor and miserable for the people of Israel. Pharaoh and Israel are two opposite poles. I observe from Pharaoh’s side and then from the Creator’s side. If I observe from Pharaoh’s point of view, I see how wonderful my egoistic desire is, which can be enjoyed in my country, Egypt.

If I overcome this egoism, if I do not want to enjoy myself in Egypt but want to rise higher, then I cry out, not to the Pharaoh, but to the Creator, asking for help and salvation. The Creator then elevates me from the state of Pharaoh to another state, and from there I see that everything I have built, these cities, are not at all beautiful, but miserable. I feel no benefit in anything I have done, that is, I have not approached perfection and bestowal at all. Therefore, I cry to the Creator and ask for my correction. Through the feeling of the miserable cities of Pithom and Ramses, the Creator brings me to correction.

I will then see these cities built by me in Egypt differently, in a spiritual form. When I complete these miserable cities with corrections, with the light of Hassadim, building the intention of bestowal upon my desire to enjoy, I will turn all Egypt into the Garden of Eden (paradise). Then, it will not be Egypt, but the land of Israel.2

The exodus from Egypt is an escape, with eyes closed, to unification; this possibility suddenly opens up before us like the Red Sea. I jump into the unity, into the Red Sea, and I cross it. After that, we begin to work consistently on our connection, on mutual guarantee, on our unity: either we unite or this will be our burial place.3
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/15/19, Pesach (Passover)
1 Minute 1:13:10
2 Minute1:23:50
3 Minute2:11:25

Related Material:
Unite To Exit Egypt
The Whole World is Egypt
“To Kill The Egyptian” In You

“Passover 2019: The Exodus from Israel – A Record-Breaking 1.5 Million Israelis Travel Overseas for the Passover Season“ (Breaking Israel News)

The portal Breaking Israel News published my new article “Passover 2019: The Exodus from Israel – A Record-Breaking 1.5 Million Israelis Travel Overseas for the Passover Season

“Why is this night different from all other nights?” Passover Haggadah.

You won’t see this in any other nation. Paradoxically, during the Passover holiday, which celebrates the exodus of Jews from Egypt and entrance into the land of Israel, there are a record-breaking 1.5 million Israelis doing just the opposite—exiting Israel and flying abroad—a number 11% higher than one year earlier in 2018.

Why are so many Israelis choosing to leave their country for the holiday season?

Many say that Israelis themselves have made it cheaper to holiday abroad than to stay in Israel. But why would we do that? Why would we let such a situation materialize where we make it more expensive to go on vacation in Israel than to scatter elsewhere for the holidays?

Don’t get me wrong, it’s perfectly fine to take a vacation. But when nearly a fifth of a country’s population leaves during a holiday that marks the entrance of its people into its land, it’s bound to raise eyebrows.

Cheaper overseas holiday costs aside, what can be clearly stated about today’s Israel is that it is very different to the nation that once exited Egypt to enter the land of Israel. It is not a nation bonded by a common will to unite above its divisions in order to realize its spiritual potential. On the contrary, today’s Israel looks more like a loose collection of individuals each out for earthly satisfaction.

This also explains Israel’s significant “brain drain” problem, where hordes of Israeli scientists, academics and intellectuals choose to leave Israel and live abroad: When material gain is the guiding star of our lives, then offer us more money, honor or power somewhere else and we’re on the next plane out of here. Without any inclination to unite, and with our sights set no higher than on individual gratification, there is nothing ultimately tying us to our homeland.

What is the big deal then? Is there any reason why Jews should stay in Israel?

Call it destiny. Here in the land of Israel, we are meant to reveal what our ancestors once revealed: the light of unity. We are fated for our role, which is to unite (“love your neighbor as yourself”) and to spread that unity to the world (to be “a light unto nations”). Fulfilling our ultimate spiritual potential is the single reason for us to remain in the land of Israel. Embedded in our genetic makeup, stemming from our ancestral heritage, is a tiny desire for uniting above all the surface materialistic desires. This is the point we must awaken in each other while we are here.

Moreover, when we discover the immense joy and happiness available in the attainment of the light of unity, our need to look for greener pastures will disappear. Kabbalists describe the intensity of such spiritual pleasure to be like the size of the universe compared to the size of a grain of sand found in material pleasures. After feeling such perfection in unification, the desire for other fulfillments will wane and we will also feel less of a need to travel in pursuit of pleasure.

After the 1.5 million Israelis return from their overseas holidays this Passover season, I’d recommend that they each ask themselves “What did we gain from this holiday?” And to the expected answer, “We had a great time!” probe deeper with the question from the Passover Haggadah itself, “Why is this night different from all other nights?” In other words, did anything really change in our lives? Also, what’s next? Are we just going to continue to bounce from one pleasure from the next, one fun holiday after another until we die? Or, can we start advancing toward a much more qualitative pleasure, one that doesn’t fade but which constantly grows—the eternal, spiritual pleasure discovered by the people of Israel when we entered the land of Israel long ago?

We have everything we need right here at home. We have each other. We just need to learn how to correctly connect, and we’ll discover the ability to travel far beyond anywhere in our entire world—to an eternal world of harmony and perfection.

The Creator And Atzmuto

laitman_292Question: If we build a network of correct relationships, then does such communication bring us to a state similar to the system called “the Creator”?

Answer: In the corporeal world, our eyesight or hearing only capture a certain range of waves. There are waves above and below our eyesight and sound waves greater than 20 kHz and below 20 Hz, but we do not sense them. However, we know they exist and we invent in instruments that let us expand the range of our sensations.

Here we do not just expand, but create a radically new organ of sensation in us that works not for reception, but for bestowal.

The force that we feel in our new sense organ, the similarity to which we build ourselves, is called Boreh, from the words “Bo” (come) and “Reh” (see).

There is something else above it that we do not perceive, called Atzmuto (the self of the Creator). There is a definite border to which we perceive something, but not above. We clearly feel this border.

Question: Is there any information about Atzmuto?

Answer: For many generations, for 6,000 years already, we have been only in the attainment of the Creator. But when all of humanity comes to His full attainment and enters into the sensory organ outside of itself, that is, in addition to the five corporeal sensory organs, and when it feels the five spiritual sensory organs built on bestowal, then we will pass onto a higher dimension called Atzmuto.
From KabTV’s “The Essence of the Science of Kabbalah,Part 5” 11/12/218

Related Material:
The Means To Attain The Creator
The Source Of All The Forces Of Nature
Understand The Hidden Forces Of Nature

New Life 218 – Adolescence: The Consolidation Of Identity

New Life 218 – Adolescence: The Consolidation Of Identity
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz

Changing our early lives and adolescence is of critical importance for our development. We can help our adolescent children in developing a self-identity, an openness to change and social communication. If we go through the right educational process with a child, adolescence will not be felt as a sharp jump. Show adolescents examples of how we relate to every phenomenon “from two sides,” in a balanced way.

The adolescent will recognize negative and positive impulses, attractions and rejections that people have. In childhood, we sculpt a human image for a child, during adolescence we help him or her build a human spirit in themselves. At the end of adolescence, an internal decision must be made that success lies within the connection between people.
From KabTV’s “New Life 218 – Adolescence: The Consolidation Of Identity,” 8/1/13

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 4/24/19

Lesson Preparation

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Lesson on the Topic “Pesach (Passover)”

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Writings of Rabash, Vol. 1, Article 19, “Come unto Pharaoh – 1” (1985)

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Audio Version Of The Blog – 4/23/19

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My Thoughts On Twitter 4/23/19

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

What can we learn from the Pharaoh?
We can learn loyalty to the Creator from Pharaoh. He performs his task meticulously, faithfully, and selflessly. A true slave of the Creator like no other. Indeed it is a power made by the Creator, opposite to the Creator, without freewill…

Exit from Egypt, from the bondage of Egoism, can only happen when one feels himself under its full control, unable to reach the Creator, the quality of love and bestowal. And only in the measure of suffering from such bondage and full striving for the quality of bestowal and connection with others, can one merit an exit to freedom.

The power of egoism in man ends (exit from Egypt) when one is convinced that he cannot descend into egoism any further, and asks the Creator exclusively, solely for deliverance from the power of egoism, Pharaoh, only to acquire the quality of bestowal.

Before one overcomes his egoism, comes out of it, egoism awakens in him stronger and stronger each time, leaving no hope for salvation. Only faith in the help of the Creator Himself brings a long-awaited salvation from egoism, when one wants to be under the Creator’s full control

Before liberation from egoism, Israel was fully immersed in the 49 steps of pure egoism. And only then did the Creator reveal Himself and rescue them. Until the attainment of full egoism, its 49 levels, they thought that freedom from it was possible by the Creator’s forces rather than Himself.

If one wishes to act for the Creator’s sake, egoism doesn’t give him energy—and one sees himself immersed in egoism. But this sensation of one’s egoism and intentions not for one’s sake is the truth!
All we can do is turn to the Creator for help since He is the one that created both egoism and the intention “for one’s sake.”

The beginning of the realization of egoism lies in yearning for unity in the group, the realization that it is only through unity that I can reveal the Creator, the will to bestow—this is against my nature and I can only be aided by attempts to unite with others, revelation of egoism, separation—and a plea to the Creator.

Everything that happens to us before we feel immersed in egoism and exit from it, from Egypt—is only in order for us to feel that the Creator governs everything, to feel the sensation of His singularity—this is exodus from exile into truth.

At first a person feels that he is enslaved by egoism, Pharaoh, and is forcefully rejected from working for the Creator. To this extent he really is ruled by egoism. But as soon as he realizes that it’s the Creator who does this to him, “Since there is no other,” he is immediately conscious of his redemption!

When one yearns for the Creator, Israel, from within evil’s, Pharaoh’s, rule, the Creator liberates him from exile in egoism and gifts him with the quality of bestowal. This personal transformation is called “the miracle of exodus from Egypt.” One must believe that the Creator liberates everyone who wishes for it in this miraculous way.

All of our work is to reveal egoism in us. To see exit from egoism’s rule as reward and to make efforts only for the sake of the Creator’s desire based on the sensation of His greatness. Our entire reward lies in fulfilling His desire. Work = reward!

Exile into Egypt, Pharaoh’s rule, means that the awareness (Daat) that one must work for the sake of the Creator, bestowal – unity, is under egoism’s rule and every person works for himself.

The spiritual body of man consists of thoughts, desires, and actions. In order for these parts of the body to perform the right actions, which one requires them to do, it is necessary to attain the quality of faith (Emuna) or awe (Yirat Shamaim).

The Upper Partzuf, the Creator, works in a way that if you talk of ways to give to creatures, He instantly hears you. To hear means to take in a raised desire and bring it higher. Above, the light is clothed in your desire and this whole “package” is brought down to the creatures.

If we don’t encounter changes on our path, it means that we are not asking for them. All spiritual advancement can happen only through realization of the previously formed needs and requests.

People’s problems are your own, but you hear about them from others. You blend in with parts of your soul. You will never hear anything that does not apply to you. You perform actions to return them to their places inside you. They seem external because of your wrong perception.
From Twitter, 4/23/19

Related Material:
My Thoughts On Twitter 4/22/19
My Thoughts On Twitter 4/21/19
My Thoughts On Twitter 4/19/19

My Articles In The Media, March 2019

In English:


Is Macron the European Moses?


Is Macron the European Moses?

The Times of Israel:

An Open Letter to Jared Kushner: Unity, the Ultimate Peace Deal
Is Macron the European Moses?
Why is Purim Important Today?

Thrive Global:

International Women’s Day 2019: Nature’s Recipe for Gender-Balance

Breaking Israel News:

How Trump Can Help the Chosen People

Jewish Boston:

The Significance of Purim for Jews Today

Noteworthy. The Journal Blog:

International Women’s Day 2019: Nature’s Recipe for Gender-Balance

Linkedin Article:

Kabbalah Is Open Source Code for Rebooting Society

In French:

The Times of Israel:

8 mars : Les femmes sont à l’honneur

In Spanish:

Huffington Post Spain:

Lista: Nave espacial a la luna, un Oscar y antisemitismo


Ask For What The Creator Wants To Give

laitman_962.7The Creator created the creation with the desire to enjoy, which is the opposite of the Creator. All inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature acts by instinct and cannot change anything. A person, however, is given the opportunity to change his nature if he finds a way to turn to the Creator and ask for it.

If a person organizes an environment through which he can receive desires that are opposite to his original nature, then he can formulate a need for the Creator and ask for the desire to bestow. The Creator will then give him a second nature so that he can use his desire to enjoy with the intention for the sake of bestowal. This is how a person becomes similar to the Creator.

The Creator receives pleasure when we demand from Him because His desire is to bestow: the more we receive from Him, the more we bestow to Him. We can give Him nothing except our desires which require fulfillment. However, it is necessary to ask only for the sake of the Creator’s enjoyment, then it is the correct intention. If I ask because I feel bad, then this is still an egoistic request.

The correct request is to ask for what the Creator wants to bestow to us. It is like a child who wants a ball, but he knows that he will bestow more pleasure to his father if he asks for an encyclopedia. However, the father feels his son thoroughly and cannot be deceived. Therefore, the son must enter the correct environment that will change his desires so that instead of playing football, he would be more interested in studying geography.

Then he will come to his father and ask for the book from the bottom of his heart, bestowing to him immense pleasure not through the book itself, but by the fact that he changed himself following his father’s example. The person’s entire work is to ask, but to ask for the correct things every time so that the Father will enjoy our request. This is called “to make your desire like His desire.”1

It is written: “My sons defeated Me.” This means that we must influence the Creator so that He will correct us all the time, draw us, and push us forward. However, one can influence the Creator only to the extent of similarity of properties. It is impossible to reach out to Him with shouts and requests—a connection between our properties is needed. Such properties appear only under the condition that I am in the correct environment, in the ten built on similarity to the Creator. If we transfer our desires for bestowal to the Creator, we receive the power to realize them from Him. This is how we come from love of created beings to the love of the Creator.2

If we raise the correct request to the Creator, then we begin to understand His answer, to appreciate what we receive from Him. Maybe I asked for a ball, like a child, and the father gave me a book on geography. I then see how much more useful the book is for me and how I should change in order to perceive it as a gift from the Creator and not be angry that I did not receive the ball. If I work correctly in the ten, I will see that the world is changing for the better for me.3

All matter is a desire to enjoy. Each element, every atom, wants to preserve itself, its structure, its nature, and its texture. Each particle exists due to the fact that it resists its destruction. In order to split a tiny elementary particle, people build huge installations, colliders. It takes a lot of energy to split a particle and see what it consists of. This shows what a strong desire to enjoy is instilled in each particle by the Creator. In the effort to split elementary particles, we are essentially studying what the Creator has put inside creation.

The simpler the material, the stronger is its desire to enjoy. The more matter develops, the more complicated this desire becomes, and therefore, it weakens and can no longer maintain itself. That is why the heaviest elements begin to emit energy, radiation, and decompose.

The most dead, primitive particle, has the greatest strength received from the Creator. Therefore, the more developed a person is, the more doubts and problems, ups and downs, he has. However, if he freezes himself at the inanimate level, he does not worry about anything and continues today just as yesterday.4
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/8/19, Writings of Baal HaSulam, Shamati, Article 115 “Still, Vegetative, Animate, and Speaking”
1 Minute 15:00 – 1:01:00
2 Minute 1:18:00
3 Minute 1:20:00
4 Minute 1:46:25

Related Material:
Turn To The Creator
How Can We Turn To The Creator Correctly?
The Reason To Turn To The Creator

The Means To Attain The Creator

laitman_933Question: Kabbalists say that the sensation of the Creator is nothing more than the sensation of our connection with each other. Does this mean the Creator is revealed not inside of me, but in the connection between me and other people?

Answer: It is just an auxiliary tool for the Creator’s revelation. The fact is that the Creator is a bestowing, fulfilling, and developing force. He acts out of himself.

In order to feel Him, we need to develop a similar, adequate force that will bestow and fulfill. There is no such force in us. We only have the force to receive.

Therefore, the most important thing for attaining the Creator is creating the power of bestowal in ourselves, in addition to the power of receiving. At the same time, we do not change anything in ourselves, we remain as we are, we only supplement ourselves with other forces.

By developing the power of bestowal, we begin to feel everything according to the law of similarity to the Creator. As according to the law of similarity we feel what exists around us in our properties of receiving, in the same way we can feel the Creator in the properties of bestowal that we develop.

It is possible to form these properties only under certain conditions of connection between us when we gather together in groups and study Kabbalah, which explains to us how we can be interconnected. It is in this connection that we begin to build a system called the property of bestowal. Only it can catch the Creator’s property, and in it, as our new organ of sensation, we begin to feel Him.
From KabTV’s “The Essence of the Science of Kabbalah, Part 4” 11/12/18

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The Source Of All The Forces Of Nature
Understand The Hidden Forces Of Nature
Helplessness Before Nature