Entries in the 'Egoism' Category

Stagnant Thinking

115.05Man has existed for many millennia, but his apparent spiritual transformation began when he began to comprehend his existence above the animal. This is not due to the formation of human society, which was created about 50,000 years ago, but precisely due to the fact that man began to rise above his social condition to the spiritual.

It was Adam 5,783 years ago who was the first to reveal the system of the upper world that manifested itself in him and who was first to begin to describe and teach it. From Adam, spiritual methods began to develop. And then Abraham continued it.

Question: Why then did egoistic development prevail?

Answer: If we had followed a different path of development, then we would have made our nature, technique, and technology completely different. We can’t even imagine what miracles both the Mayans and Egyptians had in the ancient world. But in fact, these were not miracles, but the correct physical use of the laws of nature.

There are huge opportunities and many variations of the use of the properties of nature; we go purely mechanistically, according to the principle of by force. We don’t know anything else. Look at what we are creating.

In addition, our ego stops us because if someone invents something, he immediately occupies it and wants only this to be used, and wants to destroy everything else. We put sticks in each other’s wheels, we don’t use anything at all.

They write that Tesla invented an electric car by connecting a small box to an electric motor in the car, and drove it at a speed of up to 100 kilometers per hour. What kind of battery was it? Imagine, we would love to have this today!

Meaning, we use everything incorrectly. And humanity had such opportunities associated with electronics, with radio, with means of communication. In fact, everything is much simpler than we think both in reception and transmission. But our brains only work in a frozen mode.

I’m talking about a completely different line of thinking, a different perception of the universe, where you begin to see that there is a different philosophy of life, a different approach to forces, to energies. And we got into the current mechanics and electronics and believe that nothing can be done differently. Why should we necessarily work only with electrons and nothing else? A computer is just a plus or minus, it is not the transfer of information in a sensory form from person to person.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Consumer Society” 6/27/11

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Counter-Egoistic Movement

A Journey inside Yourself

79.01Question: Previously, people traveled from place to place and the journey took a week, a month, and so on. Now they can be in another place in two hours. If everything in me consists of desires, then what is this desire inside of me called a journey?

Answer: The fact is that our desires have become bigger, more egoistic, and more dynamic. Therefore, I have such desires in me when I imagine airplanes, ships, and all kinds of means of transportation including rockets. In general, this is all an expression of my new egoistic desires.

I create these models and mechanisms within myself. All this is in my desires, there is nothing else. I see the whole world inside my desire, including all artificial or natural things.

What does natural mean? Natural is something that was created without my participation.

There is physical, biological, and social nature. Physical nature, obviously, goes on by itself. Biological nature, i.e., vegetative, animate, and human nature does too.

Social nature, however, is what we do in human society, what we create ourselves and add to nature in order to exist more comfortably. We invent all kinds of toys, devices, that help us live comfortably, to see further, hear further, work less, be more lazy, fulfill ourselves with all sorts of videos, sounds, and so on.

Our ego invents all these devices for its enjoyment. But it is possible to be fulfilled without any hardware, devices, and nano-technologies. If I cannot provide myself with pure fulfillment, the light, then my ego creates egoistic pleasures, and they require huge efforts from me.

Kabbalah offers pure fulfillment. Why should we invent some huge devices in order to be fulfilled? It is possible to be filled with joy without any physical means.

Question: How exactly does the replacement of corporeal fulfillments with spiritual ones happen?

Answer: It depends on how I work. If I work in the direction “for my own sake,” then of course I have to invent all sorts of mechanisms and search for how I can fulfill myself with something else at least a little, and so on until I reach a state where I cannot be fulfilled by anything.

But if I am being fulfilled “for the sake of bestowal,” then I have a completely different kind of fulfillment and everything depends only on me.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. A Journey Inside a Person” 6/2/11

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The Purpose of Evolution

600.04Question: Let’s say a simple rural guy comes to the city. Suddenly due to circumstances, he unexpectedly becomes a star. In a matter of seconds the whole nation finds out about him.

He begins to look at people differently and behave differently so that he can be seen from a different side. What is this game of egoism? How do these transformations occur in a person?

Answer: The fact is that you are talking about some small animal interests. Go to an ordinary psychologist; he will tell you everything.

Comment: But surely this has some spiritual background.

My Response: What background?! To bring all egoists to the realization that they are insignificant and that life is worthless, that everything ends without any right interest, so that they finally ask: “What is the meaning of my life?” That is all. Evolution is going exactly to this.

Now humanity will be given a couple more “final chord” blows on the head, so that everyone will ask “What for?” and begin to listen.

Comment: But human egoism goes through certain stages of development: honor, power, fame, knowledge.

My Response: Yes, everyone develops in their own direction.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Become a Star?” 5/14/11

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Alternative History of Mankind

115.07Question: You say that people have to go through several lifetimes to start thinking about its meaning. Are they gradually accumulating this knowledge or are they beginning to feel that it is necessary?

Answer: Along with the growth of egoism, people accumulate the ability to understand the world more. That is, the mind develops next to egoism, but it is an egoistic mind. At the same time, it begins to form a person: “Don’t be too nervous. We’re not that smart. We’re not that strong. There are more forces in nature, and so on.”

Question: After people left Babylon, they followed the path of the development of egoism. Could there have been another way if they had become constantly engaged in spirituality?

Answer: It is impossible. The human development program was supposed to bring us to today. Everything that was meant to happen had to come true.

Only from this moment onward does freewill appear. Everything that has happened to the Kabbalistic group called the Jews up to today was necessary for them to reach their last fourth redemption and correction. The world has evolved to a global state. Now this group must pass on to the world the methodology of global connection.

Therefore, everything had to be as it was. I cannot imagine how it could have been any different in ancient Babylon.

At every stage we need to desire complete correction. And whether it will happen or not is no longer our concern. After all, even today we face obstacles unknown to us, and we have to think about the final correction. We must strive for it in the form in which we imagine it. Everything is very simple.

Therefore, do not invent and try to reveal what will happen. We must participate in this movement in full force.

I act as if today or tomorrow we will definitely achieve global correction, and suddenly we will break through and everything will work out. Why should I think that there will be problems, suffering, and only after that will humanity start pulling its head, come to its senses, and adopt a method of correction? Maybe it will happen now. And that is why I am acting.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Alternative History of Mankind” 5/7/11

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What Is the Program of Egoism Aimed At?

537Question: My question is about the program of egoism. If a person has come to the invention of the bow, then the chariot, and so on, then in principle it is possible to predict the next stages in the development of his egoism. Now we have a lot of different technologies. Are there any other stages of development?

Answer: All these technologies will not be needed. A virtual connection will develop more, which at a certain stage will help people until they have an internal connection with each other.

From a virtual connection, they will come to a spiritual connection. They will not need anything else. They will make minimal use of this world in order for the body to exist until they completely correct themselves.

Then the feeling of the body will disappear because it is the lower egoistic animalistic part. The still, vegetative, and animate parts of nature will be included in the level of “man” and that is it.

There will be only one desire, which consists of all the others. But it will be fully directed toward bestowal, and therefore the body and this entire world will disappear from our sensations. The corporeal world is contrived by us; that is, it exists only in our thoughts.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Evolution of Egoism” 5/7/11

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Egoism Is the Stimulus of Progress

115.05Question: Throughout history, people on different continents, with no connection to each other, invented the same things, for example, bows and arrows, chariots, etc. Is it embedded in the information data of a person?

Answer: Of course! It is rooted in egoism. By developing to a certain level, it requires a certain filling and then invents a chariot, then requires an even more specific filling and invents gunpowder, guns, and so on. The growth of egoism causes this need in a person.

Question: So there is some layer of information that contains a record that now you need, say, to create a bow to kill an animal?

Answer: Yes, I’m starting to realize that I need to kill the animal from a distance. To do this, I need to get to it, as if I touch it with my hand, and hit it. Instead of a sharp stick, I kill it with an arrow. How can I launch an arrow? From my observations, I begin to understand how to make a bow. Previously, I already had some items, for example, a bowstring, which I use in various everyday activities.

But this is egoism. Everything is based on the ego! Otherwise, I would not understand how to invent this or that innovation. Why doesn’t a dog or cat use a bow and arrow? Because there is a difference in our egoistic development, nothing more.

Why does a person have arms, legs, eyes, and ears and exist in this form? This is how egoism shapes us. One’s personal properties form the body of each of us and all the qualities of a particular person.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Evolution of Egoism” 5/7/11

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Consequence of the Growth of Egoism

595.04Question: The main discoveries in the history of humanity occurred at the time when one of the Kabbalists was appearing in the world. For example, when the Ari appeared, the Renaissance era and the discovery of lands began. During the time of Baal HaSulam there was a very strong development of science and technology.

Why exactly do Kabbalists have such an impact on progress?

Answer: It is not they who influence progress, but the general plan of nature leads to further development.

Humanity develops gradually. First, there is an accumulating process and then an ascent, again an accumulating process and an ascent, according to the four phases of the development of desire. The four phases are divided into four more, and four more, and so on. Or, you can say, five, including the root.

It turns out that the leap of egoism, which develops and then rises qualitatively, causes the appearance of Kabbalists, scientists, and all kinds of revolutions in our world: cultural, social, and others.

Kabbalists are souls who have risen to a new level of egoism, can begin to correct it, and thus attain the universe and enunciate it to others.

All of this is based on egoistic growth. Kabbalists do not decide anything here. They themselves are a consequence of the growth of egoism.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Evolution of Kabbalists” 5/15/11

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Commendable Development
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Commendable Development

560Question: If a modern person with his knowledge and understanding of new technologies were thrown into the last century, then the technology he would see there will seem not serious and would seem ridiculous to him.

Does it look like the state of a Kabbalist who knows: “Guys, you play, it is serious, but in fact it is all a kindergarten”?

Answer: Yes, we can say that it is somewhat similar. Just as we watch old movies where everything looks naive and past values are of no interest to us, so in the eyes of a Kabbalist any value of our world is relative.

We understand what is going on. We use all the benefits of civilization to record conversations that take place between us at a great distance and make them available to people in order to attract them to the truth in this way. Therefore, it is commendable that everything is developing like this.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call.Time Travel” 9/29/11

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A Life that Suits Humanity

204Question: Nowadays people’s consciousness is beginning to gradually change. How realistic is it that people will soon believe in what Kabbalah says and start to change their actions?

Answer: It depends on the need. We see that today people continue to develop all sorts of technical toys, wage wars, and pull each other off our ball, so to speak. They are still satisfied with that type of life.

They are engaged in something temporary, insignificant, and worthless that harms them and thus further distances them from their true Kabbalistic sources. And it will be harder and harder to come back to them.

One who makes the most of his selfishness toward others can seem to succeed in our world. But in fact it threatens him with a very difficult way back to his true source and very bitter sensations along the path of spiritual correction.

That is the way our world works and there is nothing you can do about it. We are trying to accomplish something by disseminating Kabbalah, but in principle, this is all in the program of the world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Change of consciousness” 4/16/11

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A Natural Process

543.02Today all sorts of previous passions of humanity seem naive to us. But I don’t see any disregard to history in this since this is a natural development. We will also seem like this to our descendants.

If we talked to ancient Greek scientists now, they would give us some arithmetic laws that children study in the first grades today. And these great scientists would tell us about their discoveries with excitement, with a tremor in their voice.

What can I say here? This is how we develop. Everything is relative. Only the attainment of the upper force is absolute because it is unchangeable, and reaching similarity to it begins to lift a person higher.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Time Travel” 9/29/11

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