Consequence of the Growth of Egoism

595.04Question: The main discoveries in the history of humanity occurred at the time when one of the Kabbalists was appearing in the world. For example, when the Ari appeared, the Renaissance era and the discovery of lands began. During the time of Baal HaSulam there was a very strong development of science and technology.

Why exactly do Kabbalists have such an impact on progress?

Answer: It is not they who influence progress, but the general plan of nature leads to further development.

Humanity develops gradually. First, there is an accumulating process and then an ascent, again an accumulating process and an ascent, according to the four phases of the development of desire. The four phases are divided into four more, and four more, and so on. Or, you can say, five, including the root.

It turns out that the leap of egoism, which develops and then rises qualitatively, causes the appearance of Kabbalists, scientists, and all kinds of revolutions in our world: cultural, social, and others.

Kabbalists are souls who have risen to a new level of egoism, can begin to correct it, and thus attain the universe and enunciate it to others.

All of this is based on egoistic growth. Kabbalists do not decide anything here. They themselves are a consequence of the growth of egoism.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Evolution of Kabbalists” 5/15/11

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