Entries in the 'Egoism' Category

Forced Relationship

546.03Question: Why is it arranged so that a person has to work to earn his living?

Answer: This was done on purpose so that we could be connected with each other and serve each other. It is said: “Go and make a living from each other.”

Everything is arranged for a forced connection between us: me to you and you to me. I give you shoes, you give me clothes. This one gives bread to me, that one wine, and I give them this and that. This is called “communication by necessity.”

We see how, as egoism grows; we are constantly developing more things to be interconnected. This is a subconscious correction of the world. Everything goes as it goes.

For us, Kabbalists, the main thing is to present people with the knowledge of why all this is spinning and what it leads to. We show them how egoism develops over the course of history and gradually leads us to devastation.

Being a gravedigger to itself, egoism shows us how unable it is to fill us or to give us a sense of the meaning of life, something eternal, perfect. But, in fact, this is exactly what we want.

We subconsciously forget ourselves in life so as not to think about the end, because it is terrible since you part with everything that you did. And you did everything just to maintain your animal body. What for? What is the point? At least an animal doesn’t ask about it.

What are you living for? For children? What are they for? Why do you give birth to them so that they suffer? You give birth for your egoism, it is nice for you. And they are the same.

It turns out that our life without an answer about its higher meaning is not only meaningless, but simply insignificant, worse than that of animals, because at least they do not ask this question. And we, in order not to ask them, fill ourselves with all sorts of toys.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is Work?” 3/6/11

Related Material:
Relationship With The Creator
Why Are We Living In This World?
Life Under Hypnosis

Egoism Leads Nowhere

115.05Question: Regarding the development of technology, will we step into the maximum that humanity can step into?

Answer: No, we won’t take another step. People will stop getting carried away with it. Look at how all kinds of space programs are being curtailed. So what if we reach the moon? Are we going to bring moonstones here from there? Why?!

There is no intelligent life anywhere else anyway. What are you looking for in the universe?! Inanimate nature? You’ll find it. You will find some fragment, like a diamond on Earth, and then what do you do with it?

That is why people turn away from these programs. The hype with space is over. We’ve circled around the earth and that’s enough.

Space flights will continue for the time being, but only as trips for the general public. As we fly back and forth on vacation on airplanes, so we will fly on spaceships. The shuttle will be set up, and we’ll be around there all the time. You’ll jump into orbit for a weekend, spin around for two days, and go back down to earth. There will be such a trend. And then, that’s it.

What else? They will develop, for example, miniature mobile phones that will stick right out of your tooth, and everything you need will be typed by voice. Such power fields will be anywhere in the world, that you will be able to create a screen on which you can work by moving your hand in the air. Power lines will pass in such a way that you can make this screen at any angle and see and hear everything on it.

And what’s next?! A man remains a man! A toy is a toy, even if it is more cool, more comfortable—and what’s the point of it?! What fulfillment will it bring?

Question: Why did they develop these toys then?

Answer: This is how our egoism develops so that we understand that all this is a useless move leading to nowhere, into emptiness.

What is the technology given for? What should I fill it with?! Why am I given the opportunity to communicate with all the people in the world?! What am I going to do with them? Watch pictures in 3D, in 5D, about some kind of alien beasts or ghouls? How much can you build up?! A person will run out of egoism. He will just turn away from it.

This is where the problem arises: how should a firm earn money? Therefore they rage. They don’t know where to turn.

There is only one way out: up, into a higher space in the next dimension. The alternative is war.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is Science?” 3/6/11

Related Material:
The Technology Of The “Wisdom Of The Crowd”: A Unified Image
Technological Progress And Moral Regression
What Have We Gained By Scientific And Technological Progress?

There Is Such a Party, Friends!

3Question: Where has pacifism gone?! Where is it?! Throughout the 20th century it went  along with the century and developed more and more.

Answer: Where was this pacifism developing? In the First World War, in the Second World War?! The arms race, all these seizures, in Indochina, and wherever else they happened! Revolutions in Cuba, I can list many such things!

Question: But pacifism tried to prevent a Third World War. There were hippie movements, the Beatles, and Angela Davis. Carnations were inserted into weapons and machine guns. Today no one will write A Farewell to Arms like Hemingway, they will not paint The Apotheosis of War.

Answer: I think we have reached a point where the world has realized that everything is over. Enough talking, what is really needed is, if not to disarm, then to thoroughly rein in all the military and politicians.

Through their games, the rattling of weapons, and the desire to show which of them is stronger, like the boys playing in the yard, they bring us to such a state that it is impossible to live with them anymore.

Question: Does it mean that if earlier it used to be just in words, but today it is in deeds so we seem not to hear the pacifists?

Answer: Today there is no such thing because people realized that this should be much more serious. Carnations, flowers, are not enough.

Comment: This is the first time you have had such an optimistic view of the world. The world can think.

My Response: Recognition of evil.

Question: Is this the recognition of evil?

Answer: Of course.

Question: What will we get to? My question is about the future.

Answer: That it is impossible to live like this. What will happen to us in the end?

Question: Will we get to why this is happening? Why is it developing like this?

Answer: People can hear about it already today, but only hear and not make decisions to eradicate the source of this evil.

Question: Is egoism the source of evil, one way or another?

Answer: Of course, this is our egoism. There is no way to escape this fact. Therefore, there is nothing we can do.

Question: Are you saying that people will be able to hear that the source of evil is egoism, but they will not be able to do anything about it yet?

Answer: The fact is that they will not hear that the source of evil is egoism. But they will hear that these are better, those are worse, these are this way, and those are that way, and still all these clashes will lead somehow to war. But we need something completely different.

We need to tell them that there is no need to say that someone is less intelligent or more intelligent, less developed or more developed, someone descended from some cave dwellers 200,000 years ago, and someone else 2,000 years ago lived in a cave.

We do not need this. This will give nothing but anger and a new arms race.

Question: Then what should I, a person, do?

Answer: See what the future might be like. Kabbalah does not consider people, who is worse, who is better, who is in this way, who is in that way. It says it is clear who all of you are—complete egoists.

We all need to rise above our egoism, everyone above his own. Then everyone will be fine. There is no other solution!

Comment: So when you say everyone should rise above their egoism, you somehow say that I must change.

My Response: Me and everyone else. We all must help each other mutually with how to rise above our nature. We all have the same nature. It does not matter who is developed more and who is developed less.

A person will come to this. Here we need to understand that there is a method, there is such a party, and we need to listen to it. Then the world will slowly begin to change.

Comment: There is a big load on us! The whole world.

My Response: There is such a party, friends!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/3/23

Related Material:
If You Want Peace, Prepare for War
Peace Is A Balance Between Two Forces
War Is A Natural Human State

Consequences of the Technological Revolution

959Question: Why did humanity gradually erase the edge of feeling the spiritual world and then we began to develop egotistically?

Answer: This is because egoism has surged up! The technological revolution began. A person began to develop various technologies and forgot himself in them, started playing with toys, as he is losing himself playing with iPads and everything else today, as if his whole life is in playing in pictures with music.

Nature hammers a person in a person, makes him be a child. Look at what is happening in the world! There are no adults, a person does not want to grow up, he plays all his life.

He doesn’t need a family, he doesn’t need anything, he wants to travel, work a little, and have fun. And this is so until the end of one’s life.

Women still realistically relate to life. They give birth without men and raise children. And, thank God, that our time gives them the opportunity to be financially independent. And men play with toys and remain children. This is what technology has done to us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is Science?” 3/6/11

Related Material:
What Have We Gained By Scientific And Technological Progress?
Where Does The Program Of Development Lead Us? Part 1
Progress That Leads To Regression

The World Is One Big Village

115.05Question: What is history from the point of view of Kabbalah?

Answer: It is the development of egoism.

History is the development of the simplest egoism, which gradually increases from small, individual, family, like in animals, to communal, urban, state, and finally global.

Accordingly, we see the struggles of people at the same level. First, the settlements fought with each other, then small disparate states. Then they united because it was necessary to unite in the fight until they reached the current state.

Now egoism shows us that we are in a useless fight with each other, that we are connected with each other. At the same time full mutual interconnection is revealed, and therefore we raise our hands: “What to do?”

If one country closes and then another, unpredictable phenomena will begin in the world. The world does not realize that it will come to a standstill and that is it. You will not be able to turn on air conditioners or heating, there will be no international connection, nothing. The whole world will just stop.

What does the world have? If today it does not receive a couple of tankers with oil, then it will only have strategic reserves for as long as they last in each country. That is it. We are sitting on an oil needle, not to mention other needles. If there is no fuel, who will deliver food to various countries?

We have no idea how interconnected we are, how fragile it all is. Today there can be no world war because no country provides for itself. I am not talking about any frills, but about the essentials.

Today, living on the twentieth floor, you cannot live as you once did in the village, where you had your own garden, your own cellar, planted potatoes and cabbage, and you were ok; you provided yourself with everything. It is not like that any longer.

I remember my childhood in the small town of Vitebsk with a population of a quarter of a million people. We had a small plot and a large cellar where, like everyone else, we kept potatoes, cabbage, garlic, and onions. All this was prepared for a year so that the family would not starve.

This was the case for most of the population. Today no one has that. Imagine huge residential areas and cities with a population of over a million. What will you feed them? There will be pestilence all over the earth. We do not realize what will happen if a couple of large countries suddenly cease to function.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is History?” 3/13/11

Related Material:
The Boundaries Of The Egoistic Integration
A Bolt That Causes The Destruction Of The World
In Order To Rise And Connect

When Killing Others, You Kill Yourself

963.1Question: Do you think a killing gene is present in every person?

Answer: Every person has this inclination because every one of us is comprised of the full set of desires, from the best to the worst.

Question: So do we have absolutely all desires?

Answer: All of them.

Question: I heard that a serial killer said that every time he killed, he killed a part of himself? Do you think a person is constantly engaging in some sort of suicide if he kills others.

Answer: That is correct. It is natural because we are all in one common desire, in one common system.

Everything that exists is inside of me: still, vegetative, animate, and human. By killing someone or something, I kill a part of that inside of me. This is so true that a person must repent, so to speak, when he uses anything from this world for himself. He must justify this consumption, starting with a gulp of air and ending with lives, and so on.

It is the same as when we consume food or anything else. All of it requires some kind of correction.

Question: Are you saying that a person kills a part of himself if he kills someone in war or somewhere else?

Answer: Yes, that is correct.

Question: But even when killing an animal for food, am I also killing something inside of me?

Answer: Yes. Anything at all, when I consume it, including as I said before, a gulp of air, a gulp of water, it does not matter what, by that I consume, nevertheless. I kill that particle of the cosmos and I must somehow take responsibility for it. That is why there are blessings that we have to say and more things.

A person feels this even subconsciously. There are people who before drinking something, pour a little out of the cup, cut off a piece of bread, and put it aside, or do other things.

This all indicates that a person understands that he is taking from nature and taking practically without ever returning it. By that, he kills the Universe. And he wants to give, share, and so on. This exists in many nations, and it is subconsciously instilled in man.

Comment: So to exist I must kill around me.

My Response: If you do it as a necessity for your existence, to support life, then it is another matter. But you must understand it, nevertheless. That is why you have to say a blessing, so to speak, set apart a piece for someone, a tithe, and so on.

Question: And a blessing, is it when I say that I require this for my existence?

Answer: Yes. Even though it is not my fault, I was not the one who created myself this way, but I recognize this and share it in this way.

Question: Can you say why this was done? Globally speaking, for what?

Answer: A person must understand that he is in a world where he has no right to anything at all. And if he takes something and consumes it for himself, for his own sake, then he must pay for it, give it back, repay it, and so on.

Question: And the fact that we ruin everything, kill everything, and that we have brought the environment to the brink, will we be punished for that or not?

Answer: Yes, it is a great shame.

Question: Does all of it boomerang back to the person, in your opinion?

Answer: We will have to pay for all of it globally.

Comment: Rabbi Akiva said that the book is open and the hand writes, and you borrow, but later you will have to return all of it.

My Response: Indeed.

Question: Is this what we are talking about the same thing?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is taking normally only when it is for one’s existence?

Answer: It is only for existence, and if you take it only for existence, then you will be able to bestow it.

Comment: And that is blessed.

My Response: Relatively speaking. This is very complex because nature is closed, whole, and perfect. That is why our existence in it, in nature, requires us to be very careful and to be in complete bestowal.

Question: How do we nevertheless reach harmony with nature?

Answer: Only by attaining the feeling of unity with nature and the opportunity to bestow as much as we take. Then we will regulate how much to take and how much to give.

Question: But in principle, are we constantly moving toward this, one way or another?

Answer: I hope that one day we will get there.

Question: But why were we not given an understanding and feeling of this? We take without a second thought.

Answer: But we are moving toward this. This is development, the gradual development of nature from the still level onward.

Question: So do we have to come to a state where I cannot simply take and that is all? And even more so, to kill, steal, and so on?

Answer: Of course.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/23/23

Related Material:
Murder—Deprivation Of The Possibility For Correction
When I Kill A Human Within Myself
Evil, Hell, Love

“I Am Marrying Myself”

627.2In the News (NY Post): “To thine own self, say ‘I do.’

“Indian woman Kshama Bindu, 24, plans to marry herself in what she believes could be the country’s first ever example of sologamy. …

“’I never wanted to get married. But I did want to become a bride. So I decided to marry myself,’ she told Times of India in June 2 report. Her solo affair is slated to be ordained on June 11.

“And while there won’t be a groom, the solo-bration will feature many Hindu nuptial customs including pheras (rounds) around a holy fire, wedding vows, and a vermillion bridal gown. …

“Kshama believes that she’ll be setting a marital milestone with her act of self-love. ‘Maybe I am the first to set an example of self-love in our country,’ the soon-to-be self wedded spouse told TOI.

“While her solo venture may seem sacrilegious, the trailblazing bride argues that ‘self-marriage is a commitment to be there for yourself and unconditional love for one-self’ — because no one can love her better than she can.

“’It is also an act of self-acceptance,’ the sologamist added. ‘People marry someone they love. I love myself and hence this wedding.’”

Question: What is it? What is it when all maternal and feminine instincts disappear somewhere?

Answer: It happens. It is one of the pathologies of the human psyche.

Question: Can it develop as a virus?

Answer: Everything can develop. See what pathological changes are taking place in the world. This is pathology.

Question: But can we look at this pathology in-depth, based on egoism? In principle, we carry out this self-marriage all the time. We are as though, with ourselves all the time, getting married or not.

Answer: There is no doubt that egoism exists and develops from generation to generation.

The fact that we do not want to get married can be understood despite the instinct, especially in women, because it is also associated with childbirth, upbringing, and so on. But, in principle, this is all changing. Today there are a lot of not only men but also women who do not want to burden themselves with any worries. We call it bonds.

This is the growth of egoism and nothing else.

Question: Why is this happening?

Answer: For people to understand that they really need to do something about this egoism. Because it robs us of even such small joys of our life as love, children, and family.

And in a healthy environment. Look at Japan, at other countries. It is amazing, remarkable, and even incomprehensible in some ways. They stop giving birth, buy some dolls or something instead, and that is it.

Question: So does this lead to us returning to a normal natural existence?

Answer: No. It leads us to develop and understand our essence, that we need some kind of communication and some kind of love, some kind of devotion, attachment to something, to someone, but we do not have that.

Question: Which means, when egoism in us finally kills the natural healthy states, we will only then open our eyes?

Answer: I do not think we will open our eyes. I do not think it will correct us. I do not see that people, after doing any insanely negative things, turn in the other direction and come to their denial and correction.

Question: On the contrary, do they justify this act, and in fact, the opposite is happening?

Answer: It is more possible. But usually, humanity rolls on. It will get worse and worse, more egoistic, until it reaches such an accumulation of negative energy of relationships, thoughts, properties, feelings, and so on that people will already explode from within themselves like an atomic bomb and will have to just like crazy, shovel the rubble of their egoism, just to get rid of it.

It will really be like an atomic bomb, but it will start to explode from within humanity. It takes internal negative energy to tear egoism.

Question: Is this the way?

Answer: A beautiful way.

Comment: The beautiful path is not of reason, but of suffering.

My Response: Yes. I see that after this, a bright time will finally come when people will understand and realize based on the manifestation of this huge egoistic force, that the period of love has come.

Question: And will they understand what love is?

Answer: Yes, it will manifest.

Question: What will they understand then? What is love?

Answer: This is not understood, it will just be felt that they should show only such an attitude to each other.

Not that they even should. What does it mean I have to, and I show? It just manifests itself. With our suffering, we will cause this inversion, the manifestation of love instead of hate.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/16/22

Related Material:
Why Marry?!
What Distinguishes The Family Of The Future?
The Family Revolution

How Do We Break Out of Prison?

222In the News (SciTechDaily): “University of Chicago data and social scientists have developed a new algorithm that forecasts crime by learning patterns in time and geographic locations from public data on violent and property crimes. It has demonstrated success at predicting future crimes one week in advance with approximately 90% accuracy. 

“‘We created a digital twin of urban environments. If you feed it data from happened in the past, it will tell you what’s going to happen in future. It’s not magical, there are limitations, but we validated it and it works really well,’ Chattopadhyay said. ‘Now you can use this as a simulation tool to see what happens if crime goes up in one area of the city, or there is increased enforcement in another area. If you apply all these different variables, you can see how the systems evolves in response.’”

Question: What do you think about this algorithm?

Answer: It is very good!

Comment: It scans everything and says: “Here there will be a theft and here there will be murder.”

Answer: Yes, according to some data.

Question: You talk all the time about the development of egoism and how it developed historically within time. Knowing this, can we foresee the future of mankind?

Answer: I hope that egoism will not develop the same way. But if this continues, it will develop even more, exponentially, and we will not try to limit it in any way, or correct it, and so on, then, of course, there would be a world war.

Question: So you are saying that our egoism is a criminal and its actions are more or less comprehensible?

Answer: That is absolutely correct.

Question: Does it work for a complete breakdown of the system so that everything is directed at me?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And it only leads to one?

Answer: And if everyone is like you?

Comment: If someone is like me, maybe we will be afraid to get close to each other? We’ll build fences since we understand our nature.

Answer: That has happened already, and then you fail anyway.

Question: So the ending with this criminal is inevitable?

Answer: It is inevitable.

Question: So what is the task? To understand that egoism is a criminal?

Answer: Of course. Everyone is a criminal! All are egoists.

Question: In principle, if this crime gene develops in us, which is embedded in everyone, then basically there is no future?

Answer: Yes, nothing. But the future of the world is known, and it is revealed gradually. That is, we are taught.

It is like we are in a performance that shows us the development of humanity with its egoism on the one hand, and with the methodology of development of coming closer to the right state on the other hand. And at the junction, in some correlation of these two forces on the one hand, and the development of egoism, the need to unite, to connect egoists, on the other hand, that is where we will be shown how all this will happen.

Comment: In this teaching, it is amazing that it does not handcuff the criminal; it somehow works with him in a different way. It does not put him in prison.

My Response: We are already in jail, and we are all criminals.

Question: It comes from the fact that we are already in prison. And the task is not to be put in prison, but to get out of prison. The reverse problem is how to get the criminal out of prison. Right?

Answer: The task is to show the criminal that he is in prison, so that he would want to get out of it, would understand how to do it, and would free himself and everyone else.

Question: Is this what Kabbalah deals with?

Answer: Yes. Until our time, only a few could escape from this dungeon. But in our time, it is no longer like that; it should already be the way out for everyone, for the masses.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/4/22

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Man And Artificial Intelligence
Will Artificial Intelligence Replace People?

Adopting Others’ Desires

549.01 If a person lived only on his own, realized himself, and nothing more, meaning, if our egoism did not try to imitate others and invent new tasks for itself that are completely alien to it, then we would be happy and things would be simple for us. The whole problem lies in realizing others’ desires, which I adopt from them with the help of envy and the desire for fame and power, and these desires become my own.

This is our progress forward! By the fact that I want what others want (suddenly I want it too), I  develop. But these desires are given to me so that I can feel others and connect with them, satisfy their desires and enjoy it, and not adopt their desires to myself and try to fill them. In this I never enjoy and will never find fulfillment.

When we adopt others’ desires and start trying to fulfill them inside of us as “I want!” is when we start digging ourselves into the ground.

If I did the opposite, fulfilled these desires not in myself, but in others, in the form that they have, in their place, then I would be infinitely happy! I would connect to everyone. This is why the qualities of envy, jealousy, respect, honor, and all others were given to me, so I would feel the qualities of others and would fulfill those desires inside of them. Do you see how simple it all is?

But we do the opposite. This “opposite,” meaning adopting others’ qualities (envy, jealousy) inside of us, “What do others have? And what about me? Why not?” This is a real expression of egoism. It turns us around in the opposite direction from the goal of creation.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Use Other People?” 12/22/12

Related Material:
Integrating The Desires Of Others In Me
Living Through The Desires of Others
Enrich Yourself Through The Desires Of Others

The True Manifestation of Selfishness

423.01Question: How can you use your egoism so that you can take control and it does not control you?

Answer: It is said that the Creator created everything very simply, but man got confused and complicated everything for himself.

We all do this; it becomes incomprehensible to us because we constantly want to get out, to go the indirect way.

Desire-pleasure, desire-pleasure; everything is very simple, and there is nothing else in nature!

And we start twisting things, inventing how it is possible without it or outside of it, or instead of it, and so on, and in the end we steal from ourselves. By stealing from ourselves and constantly encountering problems, we, in general, create difficulties.

Nature is arranged according to the principle of simple selfishness. We are the same creatures as animals. But our selfishness is also connected with the fact that we learn from others what to enjoy. And therein lies the difficulty.

If I acted only according to my needs, it would be very easy for me. I would calmly work on how to get the maximum pleasure at the minimal cost. This is a simple self-filling formula. This is how all nature works. And in that way I wouldn’t have any problems.

But when I start to see instead the needs of others that are not mine and try to make them my own, then there is already a problem because I am not created to receive other fulfillments. Therefore I am confused.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call How to Use Other People” 12/30/12

Related Material:
How Is The Desire To Receive Different From Egoism?
Life And Pleasure, Part 2
The Difference In Egoism