Man And Artificial Intelligence

541Question: How will work with artificial intelligence and robotics end? Is artificial intelligence better than natural? Or is it all really a conspiracy against humanity?

Answer: The machine will always be just an auxiliary part next to a person. It will never be able to manage itself, invent laws, and implement them.

Man is made of different material. It has higher matter, the property of bestowal, in addition to the property of receiving, and has the possibility of rising above itself. We still do not know these well enough and do not use them.

And I know this for sure, and therefore I say that a person can have no doubt, the machine will not take possession of him. You can, of course, create a robot that will chase people and beat them with a stick, but nothing more. A machine can trick us at ATMs or anywhere else, but it won’t be smarter than a human.

Artificial intelligence is not intelligence, but just a calculating machine. In principle, they have not gone away: the same zeros and ones are counted, only faster. And a person does not just count zeros and ones, but also has emotions. We need time to realize this. Therefore the passion for artificial intelligence will gradually pass.
From KabTV’s “Meetings with Kabbalah” 1/5/22

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