What Have We Gained By Scientific And Technological Progress?

laitman_273_02Question: I saw a survey on the Internet asserting that the eight most popular websites are pornography sites; Facebook was ranked ninth, and another social network site Classmates.com tenth. So what have we gained through scientific and technological progress? Only decadence and degradation.

Answer: What can we expect if we say that we should continue to study and develop science and don’t educate people? What will science give us? Only the opportunity to invent even more terrible weapons because man’s egoistic nature doesn’t change and everything he invents only causes harm to others.

The only thing we need is to educate the generation and bring people closer to each other. That’s all!

Otherwise we will ruin everything. If we don’t begin to restrain our egoistic nature, a third world war will be inevitable. This is quite obvious.

We can see on the media and actually everywhere that people only want to manage and control each other because it is our nature.
From a Webinar “The Year in Review” 12/26/16

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