Consequences of the Technological Revolution

959Question: Why did humanity gradually erase the edge of feeling the spiritual world and then we began to develop egotistically?

Answer: This is because egoism has surged up! The technological revolution began. A person began to develop various technologies and forgot himself in them, started playing with toys, as he is losing himself playing with iPads and everything else today, as if his whole life is in playing in pictures with music.

Nature hammers a person in a person, makes him be a child. Look at what is happening in the world! There are no adults, a person does not want to grow up, he plays all his life.

He doesn’t need a family, he doesn’t need anything, he wants to travel, work a little, and have fun. And this is so until the end of one’s life.

Women still realistically relate to life. They give birth without men and raise children. And, thank God, that our time gives them the opportunity to be financially independent. And men play with toys and remain children. This is what technology has done to us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is Science?” 3/6/11

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