A Journey inside Yourself

79.01Question: Previously, people traveled from place to place and the journey took a week, a month, and so on. Now they can be in another place in two hours. If everything in me consists of desires, then what is this desire inside of me called a journey?

Answer: The fact is that our desires have become bigger, more egoistic, and more dynamic. Therefore, I have such desires in me when I imagine airplanes, ships, and all kinds of means of transportation including rockets. In general, this is all an expression of my new egoistic desires.

I create these models and mechanisms within myself. All this is in my desires, there is nothing else. I see the whole world inside my desire, including all artificial or natural things.

What does natural mean? Natural is something that was created without my participation.

There is physical, biological, and social nature. Physical nature, obviously, goes on by itself. Biological nature, i.e., vegetative, animate, and human nature does too.

Social nature, however, is what we do in human society, what we create ourselves and add to nature in order to exist more comfortably. We invent all kinds of toys, devices, that help us live comfortably, to see further, hear further, work less, be more lazy, fulfill ourselves with all sorts of videos, sounds, and so on.

Our ego invents all these devices for its enjoyment. But it is possible to be fulfilled without any hardware, devices, and nano-technologies. If I cannot provide myself with pure fulfillment, the light, then my ego creates egoistic pleasures, and they require huge efforts from me.

Kabbalah offers pure fulfillment. Why should we invent some huge devices in order to be fulfilled? It is possible to be filled with joy without any physical means.

Question: How exactly does the replacement of corporeal fulfillments with spiritual ones happen?

Answer: It depends on how I work. If I work in the direction “for my own sake,” then of course I have to invent all sorts of mechanisms and search for how I can fulfill myself with something else at least a little, and so on until I reach a state where I cannot be fulfilled by anything.

But if I am being fulfilled “for the sake of bestowal,” then I have a completely different kind of fulfillment and everything depends only on me.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. A Journey Inside a Person” 6/2/11

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