Why Do Women Steal Less than Men?

511.01Question: Vladimir writes: “My friend, who works in a bank, told me about a global reform. The bank’s managers have replaced all men from the cash desk with women. He said that the bank conducted an analysis of many years of monitoring. It turned out that ten percent of male cashiers, working with money, cannot resist and start stealing. And among women, this tendency is much less than one percent.

He asks: “Why can’t men resist having a lot of other people’s money in their hands? After all, it is believed that women love money more. What is the weakness of men?”

Answer: First of all, women are more disciplined. They are more responsible. They have less craving for theft compared to men. They are more loyal. So it is natural.

Question: Why can’t men hold back?

Answer: Men are like children. I can now steal a little something somewhere, buy myself something special, some kind of toy or something else, I will do it, I cannot resist.

Question: So at that moment does the money stick to one’s hands?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And in a woman is there some inner shame to steal?

Answer: Women are very independent and sustained. A female thief is nonsense.

Question: What is at the root here? You keep saying that a woman is a greater desire to receive, egoism can be bigger. And at the same time, you are now justifying them in this way.

Answer: This depends not just on the desire to receive, it depends on independence. Women are more independent. They feel responsible for themselves and for their future. And they feel themselves in a relatively threatening world.

Question: Will she also be afraid?

Answer: Yes. Man does not have this feeling. Again, not from intelligence and not from physical strength or courage, but because he is like a child. Because men lack internal, hormonal development like women, they feel like children.

Question: What is “hormonal”? Do you mean adulthood?

Answer: Yes, adulthood. And that is why they do not have it.

Question: You mean the responsibility to give birth to a person?

Answer: Of course! They can sit on a bench and drink beer, chat with each other, and do something else of that sort. In general, it does not matter what. A woman always has some kind of responsibility for herself, for her relatives, for her mother, for her children, and so on.

Question: Can you say anything good about men?

Answer: Nothing. What can you do? That is who we are.

Question: Then what can be done with a man who has money sticking to his hands?

Answer: This is a problem. He needs to run away from this job. That is all.

Question: So this is the advice: stay away from work with money? So that he is further away from money?

Answer: Yes. This is the first call to prison.

Question: And in the upper root, what is it with the male and female parts?

Answer: The male part just needs a big correction and immediate one, and the woman needs a softer and non–urgent one.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/18/23

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