Egoism Is the Stimulus of Progress

115.05Question: Throughout history, people on different continents, with no connection to each other, invented the same things, for example, bows and arrows, chariots, etc. Is it embedded in the information data of a person?

Answer: Of course! It is rooted in egoism. By developing to a certain level, it requires a certain filling and then invents a chariot, then requires an even more specific filling and invents gunpowder, guns, and so on. The growth of egoism causes this need in a person.

Question: So there is some layer of information that contains a record that now you need, say, to create a bow to kill an animal?

Answer: Yes, I’m starting to realize that I need to kill the animal from a distance. To do this, I need to get to it, as if I touch it with my hand, and hit it. Instead of a sharp stick, I kill it with an arrow. How can I launch an arrow? From my observations, I begin to understand how to make a bow. Previously, I already had some items, for example, a bowstring, which I use in various everyday activities.

But this is egoism. Everything is based on the ego! Otherwise, I would not understand how to invent this or that innovation. Why doesn’t a dog or cat use a bow and arrow? Because there is a difference in our egoistic development, nothing more.

Why does a person have arms, legs, eyes, and ears and exist in this form? This is how egoism shapes us. One’s personal properties form the body of each of us and all the qualities of a particular person.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Evolution of Egoism” 5/7/11

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