The Purpose of Evolution

600.04Question: Let’s say a simple rural guy comes to the city. Suddenly due to circumstances, he unexpectedly becomes a star. In a matter of seconds the whole nation finds out about him.

He begins to look at people differently and behave differently so that he can be seen from a different side. What is this game of egoism? How do these transformations occur in a person?

Answer: The fact is that you are talking about some small animal interests. Go to an ordinary psychologist; he will tell you everything.

Comment: But surely this has some spiritual background.

My Response: What background?! To bring all egoists to the realization that they are insignificant and that life is worthless, that everything ends without any right interest, so that they finally ask: “What is the meaning of my life?” That is all. Evolution is going exactly to this.

Now humanity will be given a couple more “final chord” blows on the head, so that everyone will ask “What for?” and begin to listen.

Comment: But human egoism goes through certain stages of development: honor, power, fame, knowledge.

My Response: Yes, everyone develops in their own direction.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Become a Star?” 5/14/11

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