We Will See Right Through Each Other

423.02Comment: If you ask any person to name some recent movie, a blockbuster that offers people a good option for the future, one that is not frightening, but kind, any person will have to think. I think there has not been any movie like that for 30 – 35 years. The entire film industry and all human thinking cannot seem to create films with some kind of good future.

Answer: No, everything is aimed at scaring.

Comment: We are constantly being shown some kind of apocalypse and all sorts of dystopias. But this is people’s request. After all, Hollywood clearly feels the demands of the people. If money were paid for a good ending, the endings would have been good.

My Response: I think that today it is really difficult for a person to imagine a good end to the world or even some kind of cloudless, shining future. This is something impossible. Therefore, the best thing that is closer to us, is to create something terrible.

Question: Does a person really not want to watch some kind of fairy tale about a good ending so that he is assured that it can happen? Is it right or not to create such a thing and introduce this into the subconscious?

Answer: But you say that there are people in Hollywood who understand human needs. That is probably why they do it.

Question: This is a paradox for me. A paradox! Doesn’t a person want to go to the cinema?

Answer: People will not go for these sweet things. They do not see it around them, and they will not believe it in the movies either.

You can show movies about love or something else, but not about a good, warm, and kind future.

Question: When there was a great depression in America, in the 20 to 30s, the first musical film The Jazz Singer was released. And the father of a family took the last dollar and gave it to sit with the family and watch this movie. That is, out there is horror and darkness, people jumping out of windows, and here I have this movie playing, and I am sitting and watching.

Do you think it will not be profitable to create such a kind, warm future?

Answer: No one will do it today. Firstly, people no longer believe. Once upon a time they were more naive and believed such things could exist. They sat, cried, and dreamt. And now, after we have gone through such a bumpy path and were all thoroughly shaken up by endless wars that take place every minute in different parts of the world, I think that no movie will calm us down.

Question: Then tell me, what are you personally for? Who are you for?

Answer: I am not for Hollywood because releasing some kind of naive, sweet beauty with a good future is disgusting, cloying, and deceitful. And to release movies about serious suffering, of course it is possible, but how many films like that are possible?

Films, in principle, with a more or less good ending, are still filled with all kinds of suffering. They are successful because they drag the audience into suffering, and then they still show some of his good features. Goodness wins.

Question: What kind of movie would you create? Would you not create a movie with some kind of ending that a person would believe in? You say that we should come to good connections.

Answer: But I am not an artist. I cannot imagine how you can draw such a picture for, say, one and a half to two hours that would still leave a warm impression.

Question: It is possible such movies are created that you can leave the cinema with a warm feeling? How can you make a person believe in a good, kind ending, as you say all the time, in connection, which one way or another will happen, and in love, to which one way or another we will come?

Answer: No. I do not think a person can believe it. The only thing he can do is agree with a movie like, say, Forrest Gump. It is a big movie.

Comment: That is a great movie. In my opinion, it is a wonderful movie.

My Response: But this is about a person who is not quite normal.

Comment: Yes, he is abnormal for everyone, but he turned out to be the most normal of all, loving and able to love.

My Response: But it is still unrealistic. And if such a reality is possible, then only in such an instance. I cannot imagine how you can do something like that to attract people. Even if you attract them, they will leave the cinema and forget.

Comment: Because reality is different.

My Response: How can you make a person different with the help of cinema? I do not think there will be such masters.

Question: Still, what kind of movie would you make? One that would really work. What should it lead to?

Answer: I have not seen such a movie that would change people and lead them to some serious internal changes.

Question: But would you like them to exist?

Answer: Of course! Who would not want that?! Almost everyone wants a good future. But I do not know.

Question: Are you saying that if a movie would change a person, then you are for such a movie?

Answer: Yes.

Question: If the first condition is that the movie changes the person, the second question is: from whom to whom or from what to what?

Answer: From who he is now. Now he is just a beast that thinks only about himself and cannot think about others. Or if he can think about others, then only in what form what he does to them will bring gain to him.

If a person is actually given absolute freedom, then he will be absolutely indifferent to what is around him except to the extent of the space around him that he can look at and see that it is pleasant to his eye.

Comment: This is a man of today.

My Response: This is a man.

Question: We are talking about correction. What should this beast come to?

Answer: He should begin to understand that the most important thing is when you rejoice in others. And for this it is necessary to change the nature of man.

Question: “Rejoice in others,” what do you mean by this?

Answer: It is when it is good for others, it is good for you. But how can this be! On the contrary, you rejoice that you are better than others, that is, when they are worse than you.

Question: So, one way or another, do you always lower others so that they are lower than you?

Answer: Naturally, but you should raise them.

Question: Is this the main change? If there were such a movie and it will attune a person like this, are you in favor of such a movie?

Answer: I am for such a movie, but it would not be successful.

Question: Financially?

Answer: Not in any way. No one will admire it.

Comment: You do not want to imagine, you are returning to reality.

My Response: I cannot dream for a long time, I am not young anymore, to put it mildly.

Question: How will we come to such a movie then? We are in some movie right now. It is clear that this cinema is our world. This movie is mostly a horror movie. How will we come to another movie after all? You say that it is embedded in us to come to it and we will one way or another.

Answer: I do not know. Perhaps this is possible through the younger generation whose love will make us, the elderly, become different. One way can be for the sake of our children and grandchildren.
It can also be a general revelation of evil where we all realize how ugly we are egoistically.

Comment: But this can only be after great suffering.

My Response: I do not know. Suddenly such a revelation will come even without suffering. And we will be ashamed to look at each other.

Question: Does it somehow depend on us?

Answer: Not particularly. Imagine that wherever you are, on the subway, on the bus, somewhere on the road, among people, that everyone is looking at you and everyone understands who you are. And you look at others and also understand who they are. And you cannot run away from it.

Question: Do I have to go further on the bus with them?

Answer: Yes. In general, this is a good setup. And after that you have to work on yourself.

Question: So this movie is not bad when I see who they are; do they see who I am?

Answer: Yes. One day all people will begin to see each other correctly, transparently, through and through.

Question: I see. I am like naked to them, and they are like naked to me. I can see everything. And how will I see myself in such a situation?

Answer: The same. That is how you see yourself. You look where to hide, and there is nowhere to go.

Question: We will make such a movie, we will approach it. And if this happens, like in a glass house, in this bus in which everyone sees everything, there is nowhere to hide, and what should we do in such a situation?

Answer: There is no need to hide anywhere. It should be the opposite. Here it is necessary to work on everyone’s realization that we are all like that and that we must immediately begin to change ourselves every minute on the spot! And without being shy. Literally every minute, what is revealed in us is so that we correct it.

Question: So you are saying that the horror of this realization will unite us?

Answer: Yes. It will unite us and help us become different.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/18/23

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